Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1516 Daddy

The first three white inflammates, the sword is too far away, and it is not coming to catch up.

But the fourth time ... sword is not double down.

It is still three Baiyaniano. When the sword is unparalleled, when there is a crazy battle, there is a crazy battle.

In the foot of the world, there are three white fruits. There are two white fruits that have been taken away, and one remaining. At this moment, the king sword is also known. It is Tie Cang and the god of Tie Cang, this Tie Cang dynasty is in the spirit of the world, and it is a top power, even if it is in general, you can fight on a front.

But now, this Tie Cang is killing from nearly 100 gods, if it is not because his body has strong ability, it is early to kill.

The sword is unparalleled immediately, and the 18th phantom will come out, under the influence of the power of time and space, it is easy to pass through the crowd.

"Tie Cang dynasty god, put Bai Yan fruit to me, otherwise, death!" The sword is unparalleled, and the low drunk is transmitted into the ear of Tie Cang.

"You are ... sword is unparalleled?" Tie Cang Jin got recognized that the sword was unparalleled.

He is very clear, even if the sword is unparalleled, he can only give up this white fruit in the face of the hierarchy of the world.

Now the sword is unparalleled, he will do a smooth person.

The sword is unparalleled, and the white inflammation is directly taken directly.

"Fourth!" The sword has a smile.

"It's sword!"

"Bai Yan fruit is in the sword!"

"Kill, kill him!"

The surrounding lots of the gods immediately transferred the target, and they were madly killed in the sword.


The sword is unparalleled, as a ghost, in the crowd, the people who have passed, his blood peak sword is also swaying, directly killing the four bounds in front of the world, then it has been crossing from the crowd And go.

"how come?"

"I rushed out of our surroundings as simple as it?"

"This method is too terrible!"

Those ideas are incredible.

Like the Tie Cang Dynasty God in their murderer, but there is no room for struggle, but the sword is unparalleled in an instant.

"Sword is unparalleled!" Suddenly looked down.

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are now together, "Ice Feather Magic?"

Ice Feather Magic, on the latest king list, ranked eighth.

"You have got three white fruit in the first floor of the Dongfu, and now I still want to get the fourth? You are too greedy!"

The ice feathers were shocked, and his figure was chased up, far more than other trends.

"Oh, if you are me, it is sure as a greedy."

The sword is unparalleled, but it is not anxious to leave, but the fierce turned to the flying feathers.

The body shape is brighter, and the sword is unparalleled, and it is perfectly showed.

Just after a moment, after a moment ...

"Haha ~~~ , I will not be accompanied."

The sword is still echoed near the vicinity, but its body has disappeared in the sight of everyone.

The ice feather magic is indifferent, standing in the void, watching the sword is unparalleled, but the eyebrows are slightly frowned, "this sword is unparalleled, the strength should be quite right, but his body is too surprised."

The ice feathers recalled the scene where the sword was unparalleled with him, the most important thing is the speed of the sword unparalleled in that instant, and the body law.

"So strange and terrible body law, it is indeed known as the first life of the world, and it is indeed eligible to come in the fifth!"

The Ice Feeling said, and then left directly.

And very soon, many of the people in the second floor space in this cave have learned the news. I know that the sword is not double has reached the fourth whitefritish fruit, and they also learned that the sword is unparalleled with ice feathers. Although I didn't have a winning issue, the Ice Feeling was awarded the fifth of the fifth of the sword without double owners.

Crazy competition is still going on.

From time to time, there will be Baiyanian fruit.

Every birthplace will have huge movements, attracting many people.

Time passed, blinking is the tenth day of everyone entered the second floor space of the cave.

Cold wind, slow scraping, cold bones.

This piece has become more Sensone in a bloody space.

It can be hidden in the air.

The sword is unparalleled with bloody feathers, and the long sword is slowly in front of the void.

"Ten days, Baiyan fruit was born twelve times, each time it was born, or three together, now the white fruit that is born in this second floor space, all added there is twenty Nine, that is, there are twenty-one Baiyan fruit will be born successively. "The sword is unmainted.

Twelve death, twelve competitions.

But in this twelfth competition, he got a white fruit in the fourth competition. As for other competition, he did not catch up.

By now, the white fruit in his hand is still four.

"In this cave, I want to get white fruit, don't rely on strength, the luck also account for great factors, no wonder a lot of strength is not too strong, still chooses to enter this cave." The sword is unparalleled. " .

at this time……


Strong breath is disconnected.

This breath is shocked, and there is an instant to form an amazing diffusion.

And in just a short instant, it will spread the long!

Task, before 12 deaths of Bai Yan fruit, each birth is not small, but the largest shape is only covered by thousands of miles, but now this is quiet, but it is covered It is expensive and spread across.

"This is quiet ..."

The sword is unparalleled, looking at the source of the moving and quiet, it is flashing in an unprecedented feng.

"There, distance from me, very close, there are only 100,000 miles away!"

The sword is unparalleled, but the thunder is not hesitant to rush to the source of the moving.

His speed has also been completely played.

At this moment, it is alarmed that is far more than one person, and it has been alarming all the boundaries in the range of hundreds of millions.

"This is very moving, too big!"

"It's so moving and harmony, and the banned white fruit is definitely!"

"Go, hurry over!"

"Quick, you must catch it!"

"The death, the distance is too far."

Countless contexts like the wasps coming from all corners, and goes to the world.

The second floor of the cave is open to the present, which is the biggest competition, which is about to be staged!

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