Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1517 Crazy

This movement is really too big.

More than the twelfthly born of the twelfthly death, there is a lot of attractive bounds.

And in these boundaries, the sword is unparalleled is one of the most recent people from the end of the birthplace. He is less than 100,000 from the birthplace!

Such a short distance, broke out with the speed of the sword, and a short momentation has already arrived.

After arriving, even if the sword is unparalleled, it is shocked by the scene in front.

I only saw a vast wasteland. The ground below was blown down, but in the upper space, there was a white ray with a full eight bright white rays. The white rays were parked in the white fruit. .

Full eight white white fruit!

"Scorpio?" The sword is unparalleled.

It was only two times before, it was only two, and three white pegs were born together.

But now, it is eight!

Crazy, crazy!

All the first time arrived at the origin and saw the world of eight white fruits.

Even if it is a sword, there is no double, and the eyes are also full of fanatics.


The sword is unparalleled, and the speed is in an instant to achieve the ultimate, and the 18th phantom simultaneously blooms.

In the nearby void, it is rushed to the eight white pegraces, and there are seven people. This seven gods have a glimpse, which is doing their best to nine white pegs, but because the speed is slow. Relationship, the first time appeared in the eight white fruit around only four people.

There is a sword where these four people have a sword.


The sword is unparalleled, and the lightning will be incorporated by the two white fruits from his nearest, and then he is in front of the third Chinese, and it is ready to put this third white fruit. Give it away.

"its mine."

A whispering, a cold youth wearing a purple, it has twitched to the extreme, he waved, and he took this white fruit, and he had just received another whitefritish fruit. , Equal to the simultaneous collection of two.

See this, the sword has no double-finish, and the cold scorpion glanced at the cold youth, the power of the soul.


The cold young man immediately called, in this miserable scream, his consciousness has been completely annihilated.

"A ordinary world, I dare to grab my things, really find dead!"

The sword is unparalleled, and I will take the cold youth's Qiankun, and I will show the light in my eyes.

This cold youth has just received two Qiankun Rings, plus two of him charged, this suddenly waited for the sword and won four white fruits.

And this competition is obviously just started.

"Grab again."

The sword is unparalleled in an instant, and the longevity of the surrounding, his soul has long noticed that the old woman of this black robe also took a white fruit.

The 18th phantom bursts, and the sword is unparalleled in front of this black robe old woman.

"The sword is unparalleled? Not good!" The old woman of the black robe was shocked.

"Death!" The sword is unparalleled, and the blood peak sword is like a spirit snake. With a slight space, the old woman is not asked to resist, the sword is shocked in the latter body. Above.

"Hey!" The old woman in the black robe spurted a big blood, and the breath was also wilting.

"Didn't die?" The sword didn't have a little bit of light, but it was not unexpected.

The strength of this louvel is a lot of bounds, this black robe old woman looks Pu Tong, and there is no name, but its strength should be close to the spiritual list.

"The sword is unparalleled, the white fruit is given to you, this competition, the old lady does not participate." The old woman in the black robe strongly pressed the horizon and angry, throwing a white light, the white light is white.

The sword is unparalleled and returned to keep the white light.

"Fifth!" The sword is unparalleled.

At this time, a fierce battle next to attracted the attention of swords, especially a fat boy in the fierce battle.

"The sixth white fruit, just in this boy!" The sword was unparalleled, and he was ready to grab the sixth white fruit again.

Caustic ...!

Silent, then the child is bleak, and the body will start falling down.

"Consciousness attack?" The sword did not have a double eyeliner. This consciousness attack is not what he is displayed.


A strange black figure appeared next to the body of the chubby teenager, and immediately returned the fat to the child.

And the four bounds that were killed with the fat boy, seeing this scene's consciousness and shocking toward the black figure.

As a result, it is still a quiet, and the eyes of the four contests are also bleak.

"Good consciousness attack." The sword has no double-sided colors.


A broken wind sounded, and a large number of trends came over.

Just a competition, saying slowly, but actually done in the electric light stone, in this short instant, eight whitefrites have fallen into the hand, two of them won respectively A whitening fruit and left.

The remaining six, it is on the black figure that suddenly appears in the sword.

"It is the fifth sword in the world, and the other ... is the heart!"

"The sword is unparalleled with the heart, ranked fifth with the sixth strong people, it is here."

These arrivals, seeing the two people in the void, and naturally did not dare to shoot.

"Heart?" The sword was unparalleled, staring at the young man in the face of the black robe, handsome, like a demon.

The heart, in the world's chaotic world is very huge.

Before the birth of the neighborhood, many of the gods, the gods, Zi Dong, the demon, the demon, and in the eyes of many horizons, in fact, this heart is better than destroying God, Zi Dong Wang Sileble is terrible.

After all, it is recognized as the destruction of the first destruction of the world. He is strong, and the one in the world is no one, but if it encounters a large number of deaths, it is like a hundred chance to shoot together. The destruction of the destruction is estimated to have a wolf.

But the heart is different.

The heart is a strong man who is good at consciousness, and his consciousness is very terrible.

And good at consciousness, the least worrying is the number of strong people.

Like this cave, the second floor space is opened to the present, Bai Yan fruit is 12 times, and there are two hearts of the hearts. He will win white fruit in the face of countless contests, and the light is standing There, I have never fled, and I have a hundred contexts around him. I can only look at it, no one dares to shot the heart.

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