Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1523 is content


This time, if it is not just that Duan Lingfeng, the sword is not big.

Perhaps he can find a way to keep his life in the hands of Zidong Wang, heart, the shadow of the gods, but the white fruit is definitely to give up.

"Duan Lingfeng, do you have a little interest in the white inflammation?" The sword didn't look at Duan Lingfeng.

"It is not interested." Duan Lingfeng nodded.

"In this case, I don't give you white fruit. I have a war armor here. I gave it to you from the murderer in the murder." The sword is unparalleled to take a black armor. This black armor is a true god-chaos, which is a treasure of the murderer.

Seeing the black warfare, Duan Lingfeng brow wrinkled, "The sword is unparalleled, you should know that I will help you, not for white fruit, nor for this war armor."

"I know." The sword has no pair smile, "But I still have something to help, the stronger your strength, the greater the help, this war armor should be able to enhance some of the combat power."

The sword is unparalleled. Duan Lingfeng used the god soldier to the body of the body, only the chaos of the top of the boundaries, even so still can still press the Zi Dongwang.

If you have a true God of God, Duan Lingfeng's strength will definitely improve much than before.

"Do you want me to join hands with you?" Duan Lingfeng looked over.

"Yes." The sword is not concealed. "I am a nine white white fruit, but a absolute fragrance, many of the people in this cave want to kill me, but alone, if it is When I met the situation, there is no way to cope, but if I can join hands with you, it is different. "

Duan Lingfeng, the third ranked third, and after a war with Zidong, he has confirmed the strength of his belongings.

In the entire cave, it is estimated that only the strongest destruction God can win him, and the sword is unparalleled to join hands with Duan Lifeng. It should be able to walk in this cave.

"In addition, I have just played with my heart, I have a lot of gains, and I haven't intended to go to the swing, I will fight for those whitefritis, but I want to find a place to sustain for a period of time. In the process of this sustained process, you naturally need your strength to take the law. "The sword has no bonus to emphasize the word 'strong".

"It turned out." Duan Lingfeng nodded slightly, and immediately gave the black armor. "This war armor, I received it."

See this, the sword has no smile on the faceless face.


The second floor of the Dongfu, the largest movement, and the eight white pegs were born.

This news is like a hurricane, and the moment is circulated throughout the cave.

At the same time, there are also swords and unparalleled, white robe knives (Duan Lingfeng), Zidong King, heart, and shadow of the five strong people in the shadow.

These five strong people can be the top ten of the world, including Zi Dongwang with white robe knife, and ranked second and third.

And the final ending ...

Zi Dongwang and white robe knife positive confrontation, and the Zi Dongwang was in an absolute lower air.

The heart will join hands with the flow of the shadow, and it will be a sword. The result is that the two people will decrease, and they will not have a sword.

This news came out and immediately attracted countless bounds to ä.

In the cave, the grand temple outside the Yuefu, many of the actors of all parties, and the first time, they also passed the news, and they also got adequate.

"This sword is unparalleled, it is really good, I thought he was stared at the Zidong king, the heart is at the same time, even if it is not dead, it must also give abandon many Chinese white fruits, who once thought in the key At the time, he could also encounter the white robe knife, and this white robe said to him? "

"The sword is unparalleled is the disciple of the star, but it is a friend with the White Robe. Is it a whitewarter?"

"No, white robe knife is not a star, this can be determined, maybe he is strong when he is outside."

"No matter what to say, this sword is unparalleled with the White Robe. If you want to get white fruit from his hands, you can really be difficult."

Many strong people present in the field understand.

One is the fifth, the other is the top three, and even now it is recognized as the second. These two strong people teamed up, and there are not a few people in the cave to provoke.

"Lei Dynasty, look like your star, this time is it destined to take the big luck?"

"Yes, swords unparalleled with white robe knife, this cave is estimated that no one will hit his nine white pegs."

Those who really laughed it.

"My star is not asking for the Universiade, but the pie is on the head, and she can't go back." Lei smiled, but the bottom is easy, and then directly communicate, "Sword is unparalleled, you What is the current situation? "

"Ottel, with the heart, Zidong king's collision did not cause any loss." The sword is unparalleled and immediately returned.

"What is your friend, whose robbery?" Lei continued to ask.

"He is with me." The sword has no double.

"That's good." Lei Chao said: "The sword is unparalleled, you listen, you have already got nine white white fruits, this is enough, it is enough, don't be extravagant, after all, you now It is the fragrance in the eyes, so the next time, you don't have to go everywhere, no need to compete for other white inflammation, find a place to safely, until this competition is completely over. "

"The best, I have been staying around you, I can give him a few white fruits when necessary."

"Haha, Lei dynasty adults, you can rest assured, my friend has promised to join hands with me, and he didn't have a little interest in the white fruit, so I will kill the true God of God. Let him give him. "The sword was unparalleled.

"It is best." Lei nodded, and then interrupted the message.

There is no sadness of the second floor space, a cave house in the mountainous waist, the deepest place, the sword is sitting there, and the tailor will slowly recover.

"In fact, even if the Lei Dynasty, even if he didn't say, I didn't plan to participate in the next whiteflamade." The sword was unparalleled.

The second floor of this cave opened to the present, and the Baiyan fruit that is born has already had 37, but there are thirteen never born.

So this competition is still continuing, but the sword is unparalleled but does not plan to participate.

He has already got the nine white white, and it is already aware.

The next time, he continued to compete for the white fruit, he had already spent it in this mountainous, and Duan Lingfeng also refined to the true God of War. .

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