Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1524 Unwilling Zidong King

There is no sorrowful hole in the second floor space.

Zi Dong Wang, the main position is standing together, as for the shadow of the god, he and Zidong king, the heart is not all the way, after the sword has no double, you will leave.

"Zi Dong Wang, you think you will lose to the white robe knife?" Heart frown.

"It's just a slight place, I want to really defeat me, he still doesn't matter!" Zi Dong Wang low.

The heart of the heart, I have not said much, but my heart is laughing.

No matter what Zidong Wang is willing to admit, he is not as good as the white robe, this is already a fact, if it is a new boundary list, the ranking of White Front will inevitably be in front of Zidong King.

"Hey, this thing will not be so simple." Zi Dongwang snorted.

"What do you want to do?" He looked over.

"Isn't that the white robe knife is not very strong? I can't help him, but I have a good time. When I greeted him, I have already left the mark on him, he don't want to escape it!" Zi Dong Wangmue Zhong Li Mang is flashing, the next body shape is a voided.

Although the heart is puzzled, it still follows.

The competition of Bai Yan fruit is still continuing.

From time to time, there will be Bai Yan fruit, but it is usually two or three together, but there is no previous one, one-time eightened.

However, in this way, the killing is still very crazy, and a large number of falls.

Wink, I have passed a few days.

The fifty white pegs of the second floor of this cave have been born, and they have their own owners.

Hey ~~~ The empty shadow that has no sadness is once again appeared.

"The white fruit of the second floor of the Dongfu is over, I will still give you a month, after a month, the third floor is open!"

"The third layer is the last layer, there is no whitefritis, but there is a white fruit tree!"

After the finishes, the inexhaustible shadow disappeared again.

The Dongfu outside the hall is in the hall, and it is awkward.

"Sure enough, there is still a third layer!"

"This madman ... He put the white fruit tree, left in the last layer?"

"Baiyan fruit tree, that is the most precious thing of this cave, whose white fruit is just a fruit of Bai Yan fruit trees."

Many strong people, including those that are very excited.

Whitefang fruit is just a lot of big people. Whoever can be crazy for the big energy.

Many years ago, many of the big energy sorted a crazy battle with bloody and bloody, but finally fell into this no sadness.

And now this mature white fruit tree is more precious.

One month ...

Many of the people in the Dongfu have begun to prepare.

Diffuse killing breath, feel the coldness of the ice, a thin body, is still pale, as if the young man in the disease is slowly thrown forward.

Obviously, it is a weak wind, but he went all the way, there were countless contests, but only as long as you saw him, it would be scared without hesitation.

No one dares to appear within his thousands of miles, let alone in front of him, fight with him.

This young man has come since the end of the mouth, but he has barely passed, but he still got three white fruit.

at this time……

"Well?" This pale young man lifted his head.

In front of him, there are two figure to gather, so soon, they fall in front of him.

The two of this, it is Zi Dongwang with the heart, but the Zidong king that is always arrogant, but it is a kind of humble look. Look at this young man's gaze and a fear.

"Destroy, I haven't seen it for a long time." Zi Dongwang opened.

"Destroy God." The heart also shouted.

Destroy God!

This face is pale, it looks at the young man who is weak, it is the first destruction of the world.

He is the first person in the whole dramatic chaotic world, uncompromised, and the world.

"Zi Dong Wang, the heart, two, is there something?" Destroy God's two people.

"There is something." Zi Dong Wang said: "I know that you have no sad hall this time, it is the power behind you, and the big energy will give some promises. The premise is that you have to get enough Whitefang, now, your hand's white fruit, only three, should not reach the demand of the energy? "

"It is true." Destroy God nodded, "But as long as I can get the white fruit tree in the third floor space."

"Bai Yan fruit tree?" Zidong king laughed, "Bai Yan fruit trees only one, but there are so many people who want to compete, destroy, although the strength is, it is the first, but because of this, Other commandments will have many scruples for you. It is possible that many of the world will join hands to force you out, so you can finally get the chance of Burgla trees, it is not big. "

"Don't go around the bend, directly say your purpose." Destroy God's eyes cold.

"Then I said, I want you to join hands with me, go to the sword unparalleled and white robe knife, you just need to kill the white robe, if you don't die, let him not get angry Just, as for the sword, there is no parallelism, I will give me the heart of the heart, wait for the sword and unparalleled, there is a foot nine white white fruit in his hand. "Zi Dong Wang said.

"You have lost it to the white robe, so I want to borrow my hand, remove him?" Destroy God swept the Zi Dongwang.

Zidong Wang was witnessed, but did not deny it.

He did that Lingfeng did already have a heart.

He is very arrogant, in the face of destroying God, he has no way, so he has to succumb.

But in addition to destroying God, he is absolutely unwilling to have another trend than him.

"Nine white white fruits, I want five." Destroy God directly.

"Five?" Zidong king faces slightly, but still nod, "can."

"You know that the sword is unparalleled with the white robe knife, where is it now?" Destroy God.

"Of course, I can get there in our speed." Zi Dong Wang said.

"In this case, then you will directly." Destroy God's indifference.

Soon, from the strongest lineup of the destruction of God, Zi Dong Wang, the main three people, and went to the direction of swords and unparalleled, Duan Lingfeng.

And the sword is unparalleled with Duan Lingfeng.

Duan Lingfeng is to know that Zidong Wang has left a mark on him, and he also begins to remove it, but it takes a little time.

As for the sword, he is now in the most critical period.


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