Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1525, true God!

The mountainside is within the cave houses that are temporarily opened.

The sword is unique to one person sitting there, and he is in the ancient well without waves, you can know the sea, the fire of his soul is burning crazy.

The soul, consciously different from the realm of practitioners.

A cultivator can just be bound, but his consciousness can reach the true God.

At the moment, the sword is unparalleled. His soul intensity has been shocked in the dynasty.

His soul intensity, in the early stage of his prison, he has reached the limits of the world, and later, after thousands of years, he had already reached a breakthrough point, but it has been lacking a breakthrough. Time, and a few days ago, the sword was unparalleled with the heart, the battle of the shadow of God ...

The most stronger tricks of the heart, the nine major annihilation roles, brought the soul of his soul to an unprecedented impact.

This shock made his soul fire reached the edge of the collapse, but this kind of life and death line, his breakthrough time came.

After that battle, he immediately started to turn off in this temporary hole.

A few days ago, it has now arrived at his most critical moment.

"Losing, here!"

The sword is unparalleled.


It is quite horizontal impact, and the bottleneck has been defeated. The fire in the sword is unparalleled in the sea immediately starts crazy skyrocket.

"Break through!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the strength of the soul in the sea has begun to rise sharply.

Soon, the transformation is over.

"Soul intensity, true god level!" The sword is unparalleled.

Don't look at the improvement of the intensity of soul, you can know that the sword is unparalleled.

Previously, his soul attack was launched, and the strength of consciousness did not reach the true God, almost no one can resist it.

Now, his soul intensity reaches the true God, then re-emerges the soul attack ...

"Try it."

The sword is unparalleled, and the power of the soul is now.


As if the roaring from Jiufang Hell sounded, I saw a whole body and dark, the volume was huge, and the magical dragon slammed.

This magic dragon is in the sky, when single-shaped brushed void, it is easy to make the void broken.

"This power ..." The sword is not a double flashing, "Haha, the heart can use awareness to form a headless warrior, and the headless warrior has the strength of God, but now I use the soul. The magic dragon, the power is also comparable to the true God! "

"And consciousness attack, I have the 18th Monohoes and Tianyuan Secrets, especially Tianyuan Secrets, I am full, the soul is never weak than the nine major annihilation of the heart, even more stronger a bit."

The sword is unparalleled.

The heart is the strongest attack in the world's recognized context.

But now, the sword is unparalleled but confident, his soul attack, will never be weak in the heart, and even more heart.

And his soul attack, the gods of the five-beast-controlled spirit, can also combine the soul strength with its own power.

The power of the real gods, with his own power, the strength of the sword is absolutely increased than before.

"Now I am again the world's gods, I will never look at the wolf, and even the two people can break this one by one!" The sword is unparalleled.


Next to the stone table, the sword is unparalleled with Duan Lifeng sitting there, drinking wine.

"Duan Lingfeng, this black war armor, how is the power?" The sword asked without a pair.

"Not bad, there is such a war armor, my strength has also improved a lot before, especially the explosion of the power." Duan Lingfeng said.

Duan Lingfeng's black armor is also a true god-level chaotic Qibao, and the sword is not a martial arts reincarnation. It also contains secret surgery, which can make it improvised.

"There is no such thing before, you can already press the Zidong king, and now ... I am curious, now you, is there a destruction of the destruction of the gods in the name of the monarch." Sword Unparalleled.

"I don't know." Duan Ling Feng shook his head. "I only heard the first and second, there is a big gap, but I have never encountered the destruction of God, if I don't personally put it, I can't judge it. "

"This is also." The sword is unparalleled, just raised the wine glass.

"Well?" The sword suddenly wrinkled, he had already induced three people in the coverage of his own soul.

"Duan Lingfeng, our old friends are coming." The sword is unparalleled.

"Older friend? Zidong king?" Duan Lingfeng glanced at the sword.

Now, he is not interested in the purple king.

"It is him, but this time he also brought us a big surprise." The sword is unparalleled, but the power of the soul has been locked.

That is a young man with pale, it is weak, and it is weak.

But this is the young man, but there is no big pressure to the sword.


The sword is unparalleled and Duan Lingfeng also immediately slaps from the Dongfu, appearing above the empty.

And in front of them, the three people were connected.

These three shadows, there is a Zidong King, a sword, familiar, heart.

There is also a young man who is weak ... Destroy God!

"You I just said that this destruction of God, I didn't expect this destruction of God. Jun Lema appeared in front of us." The sword was unbolded and indifferent, and he saw the Lingfeng. "You have a chance to fight with him."

"Well." Duan Lingfeng nodded slightly, but it was a long-awaited effort.

His reasoning to come here, there is no grief, just to fight with strong people.

And starting, he defeated the third demon girl in the world, and he was pressed with Zi Dongwang.

Now, he got the true god-level chaotic pirate, the strength improved again, now he, the most eager is the first person with this recognized boundary, destroy God's war!

Duan Lingfeng battle.

And the sword is unparalleled, the same is true.

"My soul intensity has just achieved breakthroughs, the strength is big, I want to find someone to verify my own strength, this destruction of God's three people come, it is really a very clever." The sword is unparalleled to extend the tongue, squat, The lips, the eyes are also cold.

On the court, the sword was pulled!


PS: Today, four, and announce the next few days of updates.

In order to meet the next full channel, May 1st to 4th, all four more normal updates, on May 5th broke out, the broke out is temporarily unable to determine, but at least twenty chapters!

No. 6, No. 6, No. 8 will have a small outbreak, and then restore the update, the state is good, will last, the lowest is also four more money!

In the new month, I ask for a variety of tickets.

On May 5th, the twenty chapter broke out!

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