Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1531, defeat the god!

boom! boom!

The sword is unparalleled with Duan Lifeng, and it is again.

The two stood in the wilderness of countless bounds, and jointly destroyed God!

Duan Lingfeng has already played himself to kill the kill, the feelings of the Dark Road.

He has the strength of the first floor of the Taoine Taoine, and His sense of killing, Dark Road.

The knife method he created is more powerful, with numerous secrets, at this moment, the strong power is enough to make the unusual true God.

And the sword is unparalleled ... His attack power, the body's ability, speed is standing in the top of the world, and his body is very unparalleled.

The most important thing is his soul attack!

His soul attack is too big to destroy God's threat.

After all, the soul attack is not able to avoid it, and can only go to defense hard, go to the ground.

Another soul attack once again, the pressure of destruction of God is getting bigger and bigger.

It is traumatic, every shock, and destruction of the gods, everything like the sword.

Four times, his awareness has been seriously injured.

Next ... The fifth impact, the sixth impact until the destruction of the seventh day of the symptoms, his face is unparalleled.

"Haha, he can't support it, Duan Lifeng, plus hard, today we will slammarize this destruction God!" The sword was not smiled.

"No problem." Duan Lingfeng killed the sky.

But at this time, the destruction of the goddess, but it has fallen to the distance.

Standing in the void, destroying the gods, the nerves, staring at the sword, unparalleled and Duan Lingfeng.

"The sword is unparalleled, the white robe knife, today I destroyed, come to the Japanese, I have the opportunity in the future, I will fight with you again!"

A whisper, I want to turn directly to the gods.

The sword is unparalleled with Duan Lingfeng and stands together, watching the mirror of the destruction of God, and finally disappears in their sight.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled with Duan Lingfeng finally tone.

"This destroys God, it is finally retired." The sword is unparalleled, but the whole person seems to be a matter of virtual.

"He was scared by you." Duan Lifeng is watching the sword.

"Haha ~~" The sword is unparalleled and smiled. "If I don't scare him, he is estimated to continue to kill us, when the wolf is fled, it is we two."

The sword is unparalleled. Just the battle, he and Duan Lifeng were confined to the destruction of God.

But this is suppressed, but it is not easy.

After all, Tianyuan Secrets can be a soul attack secret, which is very huge for the power of the soul.

Although the soul intensity of the sword has reached greatly improved, when he has worked with Zidong Wang, he has consumed a lot of souls, and then fights to destroy God's king. The power of the unparalleled soul is already expensive.

He couldn't show the eighth day of heavenly secret.

Once there is no sympathy, they can't suppress destruction of God.

In addition, not only the sword is unparalleled, the soul of the sword is not removed, and the power of Duan Lingfeng is probably being exhausted.

In other words, two of him can't continue to smoke, so the sword is unparalleled to say that it will be to destroy God's king at that time.

He is purely just in the equipment, scare the destruction of God.

"The destruction of the gods is also huge, and his consciousness should be in the edge of the collapse, no way, you don't scare him, it is estimated that he does not dare to continue to fight." Duan Lingfeng said.

"Maybe it." The sword is unparalleled, "no matter what to say, this destruction God is really terrible."

"Indeed." Duan Lingfeng also looked back.

He and the sword were unparalleled with two people, and the result was just barely suppressed this destruction God.

Even the destruction of God is hard to continue with them, the victory is not yet.

What strength is this?

"It is the strongest recognized by the world, even if the heart is proud of the Zidong King, I can't afford any super monsters who are constructed, this strength ..." The sword is unmarkable, but the heart However, there is a thought, "Perhaps, only when I have passed the third retrievers, I really become a three heaven, I can defeat him on my front."

At the sword unparalleled and Duan Lingfeng marvels when it is the terrorist force of the gods.

The void in the battlefield, I have already had countless gods to gather, and many people have already appeared there, and they are far away from this surprises.

When this peak collision is really end, everyone is shocked.

"Destroy God, Zi Dong Wang, the lineup of the three strong people, actually ... lost?"

"Zi Dong Wang, the heart is the main one, and the sword is unparalleled and killed. Zi Dong Wang is seriously injured?"

"The sword is unparalleled with white robe knife, and it actually pressed the destruction of God."

"Invincible destruction God, actually defeated?"

"Scorpio !!!"

In the village of the Dongfu.

Many of the big energy, including the true Gods, including all parties, gathered, and at the center of the main hall, there is a huge mirror screen.

This mirror screen is to see the extremely recorded record of the peak collision and then passed.

This picture is the first of the sword unparalleled in the picture with Zidong King, the heart of the heart.

"Good guy, this sword is unparalleled, dare to kill with Zidong Wang? And I still spend a feature?"

"His neighborhood is weak, it is not weak in Zi Dong Wang?"

In the picture, the sword is unparalleled with Zidong Wang. After the strongest recruitment, the sword is unparalleled to show the soul attack, so that Zi Dong Wang screamed, then the sword is unparalleled, the sword will be seriously injured in Zi Dong Wang, so Zi Dong Wang crazy escape.

"This is this awareness attack?"

"This sword is unparalleled, even the Zidong king can't resist it? Isn't it more stronger than the heart?"

"Consciousness is more powerful than the heart, the body method is more scary, and the mind is not easy. It is not easy to easily Zi Dong Wang, and his body skills, I feel that he is also unsuspend in the world. The eighth fighter, you can say that there is no weakness in the whole body, the only thing is estimated to be angry! "

"It's strange, this sword is so strong, why is this weak?"

In fact, the sword is unparalleled with a nephew, and it is very good to have a number of people.

But with the ancient chaotic world stations in the top of the pyramid, the top ten in the world is compared to the big disadvantage.

The fierce battle in the picture is still in continuing. After the Zidong king and the heart were killed by the sword, the next is the sword unparalleled and Duan Lifeng.

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