Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1532 Second and Third!

The sword is unparalleled with Duan Lingfeng, and the battle with the destruction of God, even if the top strong people in the main hall are also covered, I am afraid to miss every detail.

When this war is completely over, everyone in this temple also screamed.

"Destroy God, actually defeated?"

"Haha, this sword is unparalleled and there is the white robe knife, it is powerful!"

"We have made wrong, I think that the white robe is just the level of the dark road to pass the first floor of the Taoist Palace. It can actually be dark, killing can pass the first floor of the Taoist Palace, and the two perfect Combined, in terms of the sense of the heavens, it is not bad to destroy God, if it is not destroying God's disciple, I got the true biography of the one, and I am afraid that I don't want to remember this white robe. "

"The sword is unparalleled, his consciousness attacks, the body law is the first, body body ability, the ability to smother, and in the countless bounds, this kind of combination can be combined. Destroy God's threat is more big! "

"He two people teamed up, and the destruction of the little defeat is not awkward."

Many of the big energy people have disclosed them.

As for the strengths of those parties, they have seen a little envious.

"Lei Dynasty, this little guy in your star, is enough!"

"Zi Dongwang and heart will be able to be defeated by him, and even he is still suppressed with the white robe knife, and it can even be said to be defeated to destroy God, this can resist ... Hey!"

"See how long you can't use it, you will have a peerless strong, and even a long time, he still has a chance to settle up the ranks of energy, this potential is not general."

I heard this voice around, even if I was a heart, I was a smile on my face.

Once he replied to these true Gods, he immediately gave this news to the main hall, and many high-rise power of the star.

Within the battlefield, just in the battlefield that has just been killed with the destruction of the world, the sword is sitting there, and each restores its state.

They know that there are countless contests around them, but they are too lazy to pay attention to it, nor is it.

Even destroying the gods, Zidong king, the heart of this is all defeated, in which there is no sorrowful hall, there will be no more people can threaten them.

Just then, a thin man was voided from the distance, came to the void of the sword unparalleled and Duan Lingfeng.

"Vientiane Tower Black, I have seen two adults."

This thin and weak man respects, the distance from the sword is slightly smashed from the distance from the distance of the hundred miles.

"Vientiane Tower? Is there something?" The sword didn't look up, glanced at the thin man.

"I am Wantong's high-rise strong life, I want to ask about this big name." The thin man carefully saw Duan Lingfeng.

"Oh?" The sword has no double look, "ask his name? It is not to the world."

"Yes." The thin man smiled. "The two adults should also know that the boundaries are published after the belief of our Vientiane, before defeating the demon girl, I naturally rank him. Third in the world, but all I have never known his true name, so I can only replace it with a white robe, but I can't always go, so I will ask me to ask. "

"I understand." The sword is unparalleled, see Duan Ling Feng, see the segment Ling Feng, an indifferent look, immediately smile, "Go back and tell you the high level of Vientiane Tower, saying that he is Tang Zhifeng."

The thin and weak men's eyes are bright, "Thank you."

Subsequently, the thin man was sent to the high level of Vientiane Building.

A chat, the past.

Outside the cave, that is magnificent.

"All." Sitting in the main hall of the main hall opened, the whole hall was quietly quiet.

"I have already sorted out the latest commandments, and you will look at it first."

Qi, the deputy landlord, played, and suddenly the latest commanders appeared in front of everyone.

In fact, the world of Vientiane Tower will be updated every other time, but because this time has no sad hall, killing is too crazy, the ranking of the world is too big, so as long as there is a gap Time, Vientiane floors will organize the latest list and then publish.

The huge list is suspended on the main hall, and the ranking will also fall into the sight of many strong people.

The first place in the world is still the destruction of God.

This is unlawful, after all, the sword is unparalleled with Duan Lingfeng will destroy God's suppression, one-on-one, one of them is not the opponent of the destruction of God.

The second, Duan Lifeng (White Robe).

Third, the sword is unparalleled.

The fourth, Zi Dongwang.

The fifth, demon girls in the world.

The sixth and heart of the world.

The seventh and silkworms of the world.

The eighth and shadow of the world.

The king of the world, the ninth, the seven kings.

The tenth and ice feathers of the world.

The eleventh, the god of the world, the devil.


Before compared to, this new world list also has a lot of changes, especially in front of the world.

It was originally raised in the second Zidong, and now it is straight to the fourth.

Duan Lingfeng is unparalleled with swords to occupy the second and third positions, respectively.

As for the silkworm ... is the second floor of this cave to open these days, and suddenly the rise of the rise, he once told the shadow of the city, occupied the top, naturally the front of the shadow.

The ice feather magic is also on the front of the seven kings.

In addition, there is nothing in other changes.

The strong in the hall, there is no controversy for this new boundary list.

If the only dispute is the only controversy, the sword is ranked unparalleled.

"This sword is unparalleled, the strength of the two people should be between Jozhong, even if it is strong, I feel that the sword is unparalleled, and after all, his soul attack is hard to resist. , The Ling Feng did not necessarily resist it, and the body is very strange, there is almost no weakness in the whole body. If it is a life and death, laughing to the final must be him. "

"I also have the same feeling, but everything is hard to say, if the two do not really fight, it is really unable to share it."

"Haha, they are both friends, and they are not interested in this rankings. Do you say that they will win?"

Many of the big energy, I really laughed, but this controversy didn't have a result. In the end, this new life list is still published.

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