Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1533 Dongfu Third Floor

No sad hall, an unmanned hill, then the young man who went weak, destroying the gods, sitting there a few days, his skills have been restored, but the hurt of consciousness is still It takes a while to recover.

At this moment, he is staring at the latest boundaries.

"Duan Lingfeng second, sword unparalleled third?"

"These two guys ..."

The destruction of the gods burst into a horrific man.

Since his belt, he has never been proud of the gods, and he has been forcing him.

When the Zidong Wang was also associated with the top 20 of the three kings, but he directly gave the three people directly, only the Zi Dong Wang was lucky to escape. .

Just starting from that battle, Zidong King has no more than any more than a contest.

But now, the appearance of swords and unparalleled Lingfeng, but he felt a slice of pressure.

"I hope that you can touch you in the third floor of the cave ..."

Destroy God's mouth is slightly tightened, but immediately closes his eyes.


In the dense jungle, the purple east king hides the deepest place in the jungle.

No way, this Zidong Wang Xin is arrogant, there are many people who are sin, and they are close to the eyes in front of the buddy.

In the past, his state was not afraid, but after the sword was unparalleled, he was unparalleled by the sword, and the power is reduced to now, and he has not completely recovered. He naturally cares carefully.

Zi Dong Wang also got the latest boundaries.

"Duan Lingfeng Second, sword is unparalleled third, I actually ranked fourth?"

"Mix !!!"

Zi Dongwang is low.

Although he had already guessed this result after he had a war with the sword, he couldn't help but anger, or even resentment!

He resentment, Ling Feng, more resentful and unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, Duan Lifeng, you are waiting for me, I will never have been flexing behind you!"

"One day in the morning and evening, I will regain the rankings I am in the spirit of the world!"

Zi Dongwang was holding hands and quickly returned to his injuries.


At the beginning, Zidong Wang has no double collision with the sword. After the sword is not double-wrong, he took the lead in escaped, and the heart of the heart fled.

However, the two are scattered.

Now, this heart is also a place where there is no sorrowful hall, looks at this latest boundaries.

For this latest list, the heart is acceptable.

"Before Vientiane Tower, the sword is unparalleled in the world. I am still not convinced, but now I seem to be big, his strength is eligible to be in this third position, and in front of me People, it is indeed a strong than me. "The owner has no dissatisfaction.

He is different from Zidong Wang.

Zi Dongwang is completely unwilling to succumb to people.

But he did not think so, as long as the party strength is enough, he will convince each other.

I just questioned the strength of the sword and the unparalleled power, I would not shoot the sword.

But now, his unparalleled thoughts have no more than any contest.

He is very clear, the sword is unparalleled, not what he can have.


This latest commander list is circulating in the non-harmonious hall, although there is a small wind and waves, many of the gods can be accepted on the list.

Especially three of the top three.

Destroy God, Duan Lifeng, swords are unparalleled, the strength of these three strong people, has been proved with their own combat power, unquestionable.

However, the sword is unparalleled with Duan Ling Feng himself does not care about this.

Like him, he doesn't care about this meaning, and they care about there is absolute strength.

Therefore, those energy people include a lot of true gods, and many of the strengths of the two people, who is the second, who is the third, there is some controversy, but they want to be too lazy to think about this .

Whether it is the second or third, they don't care.

The time is slowly passed.

The status of swords and double heroes Lingfeng gradually recovered the peak.

Finally, a month of time is here.

~ ~~~ In the various corners of the second floor space of this cave, there have been some space channels.

This space channel leads to the third floor of this no sad hall.


"Go to the third floor!"

"This is the most expensive treasure with the saddes, and the chance is in the third floor, hurry in!"

Many of the people who have already hoped that they have been ready to go immediately, along the space channel, stepped into the third floor space of the Cave.

The sword is unparalleled, Ling Feng naturally does not hesitate, and it has also entered the third floor space.


The third floor space is an empty space.

The area is not large, and there are only about 10 thousand miles, but it can be flashing at the moment, and the dense Ma Ma will appear on this empty land simultaneously.

No sorrowful cave is open to the present, the boundary of entering the Dongfu has exceed 100,000, even after the first floor of the Dongfu, the madness of the second floor, false, but the rest of the world is still 100,000 out.

At this moment, this 100,000-year-old gather is simultaneously gathered above this empty land.

"this is……"

"What is going on? I actually gathered all our people here?"

"How can this white fruit tree?"

Numerous contests exposed the color of doubts.

And in the crowd, some people are also very conspirable.

For example, the destruction of God.

He quietly stood in the air of the movie. At the beginning, he also had a lot of trends around him, but as he fell, the surrounding the world included a strong life, immediately scared to flee a distance.

In addition, there are two swords that stand together in parallel and Duan Lingfeng.

"It is the sword without double heel Ling Feng!"

"Is them two?"

"Hurry and retreat!"

The world around them has also retired from the distance.

"I am not the big devil who will kill. As for this fear?" The sword won't see the scene around and shook his head smile.

"They are not afraid, it is awesome." The voice of the King was in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and his eyes are coming, and he also saw the destruction of the destruction of the distance. There is Zidong Wang, the heart of the heart, these stations are the same as the top of the world. I have encountered, no one is standing around them.

This is the fear of the weak.

At this time, in this air, the uppermost void, ~~~ The faint shadow is again condensed.

"Haha, the little guys, the phantom you came to my last floor of this cave."

"This layer is different from the previous two layers, there will be no killing here. No one must shoot in this third floor space. Otherwise ... he not only can't get the final opportunity, but he still have to die, no matter who is it!"


PS: Today's four is more.

Disturbed, there will be one day!

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