Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1534, Triple Test, Three Mechanism!

The voice of no sadness is echoating in the third floor of the entire Dongfu, so that the 10,000-year-old god on the empty earth is shaking.

Some people are secretly tone.

These people won white fruit in the first floor of the Dongfu and the second floor space, now there are many people who have gone, if they can fight for the competition, then they are facing a big group of gods. Siege.

Fortunately, this third floor space is forbidden to kill.

On the void, the sound of no sadness will continue to ring.

"This third layer of cave, no battle, no killing, only trial."

"In these three tests, the best people can get a kind of opportunity, and this chair, natural is that white fruit tree."

Many of the gods on the empty ground suddenly turned out.


"Trial of three tests?"

"I don't know what this test is?"

The many people discuss it, but the shadow city will stand up, and I asked: "Without sadness, you said that the last chance is based on the comprehensive performance of me, etc.?"

"No, no ..." No sadness shook his head, "You misunderstood, I mean, three tests, every heavy test is best, you can get a machine, that is, three tests, three We naturally have three white fruit trees naturally. "

"What?" The many contests on the empty space stunned.

"Three white fruit trees?" The sword was unparalleled and fierce.

In the village of the Dongfu.


"Fake, this is no sadness, he is lying!"

"Three white fruit trees, what is he joking?"

Many strong people in the hall, including the top more than 20 of the energy, and stunned.

Three white fruit trees?

Task, the vast chaotic world from Yuanu to now, only two white fruit trees.

The first tree is in ancient times, it was destroyed very early.

The second place fell in that crazy, in the hands of this no sadness.

At the beginning, for the saplings of this white fruit tree, many major people participated in it, and even the powerful people were falling.

But now that there is no sadness, but he has three white fruit trees?

"Fast, ask if he really has three white fruit trees, if there is, ask his other two how is it?" The red-haired old red-haired old man with a unicorn in the head is another news.

On the air of the third floor.

"No sadness, do you really have three white fruit trees?" The shadow dominates the gods.

"Of course, otherwise ... doing a white fruit tree, in such a short period of time, how to give this more white fruit, you must know that Baiyan in the first floor of the Dongfu Fruit added, but there are nearly 80 pieces. "No sadness laughed," as for the other two white fruit trees, I can't explain too much, I can only say it is a high-end man. Take it for me. "

"High people are cultivated?" The air is amazed.

And within the temple.

"This has no sadness, the white fruit tree, which is just a tree seedlings, and it is not too long. In this time, even if the white fruit tree seedlings grow up, you can not give birth to it. Multi-white inflammation, so his words should be true. "There is a red-haired old man with a unicorn in your forehead.

"It is really credible!"

"It seems that there is a high man to cultivate two white fruit trees for him, I don't know who this high person will be? Is it one of the few places?"

"No, those who have the strength, but to cultivate new white fruit trees, I am afraid that there is no ability."

"No matter who is the high person, in short, now there is a great opportunity to defeat in front of us, before thinking that there is only a white fruit tree, we want to get a little slight, but now there is three trees, we get the chance. Most. "

"Well, you will see the performance of these little guys."

Although these big energy do you have endless desire to the white fruit trees, they can only be pinned in the contestants in the Dongfu.

Can only compete for the white fruit trees for them.

Inner cave.

"I know, everything happened in this cave, there must be a lot of big people in the outside world, in this case, then I will tell these energy, the opportunity is in front of it, so that you can get it, you can see you These little guys, are not enough to fight enough. "None of the heart, the eyes of the gods, and the mouth also smiled.

"Okay, I have said that I have said it, next ... Triple test, this first heavy begins."

The voice came, and he saw the .


Hao Viwi can gather the top void in the air, and gradually has formed a huge chessboard.

On the chessboard, there is only a black child, and there is no white word, and there is a thousand blacks.

Seeing the appearance of this huge chessboard, many of the world's gods showed the color of the stunned.

"This, what is this?"

"Chess Bureau?"

"This test, isn't it let us play chess?"

"No, it's not that simple, the chess pieces on this board, every feeling gives me very much."

The air is also awkward.

However, the sword in the center of the air is unparalleled. See the giant chessboard that appears above the void, but the eyes are not all stunned.

"This is this Luo Xingshi?"

"Yes, it is Luo Xingtian!"

The sword is unblocked.

For the Luo Xingshi, he is unfamiliar.

At the beginning, I just stepped on the chaotic world. At that, the top three heavenly gods at the top of the Dawei domain, and took out a Lu Xingshi.

However, the Lord of Dagu is just a small Lord Star Bureau, there is only one hundred chess pieces on the chessboard, only one hundred steps.

Even so, the sword is unparalleled at the time because of cracking this small Luo Xingshi, especially in the understanding of swordsmanship, it is more sharp.

And at that time, the sword was unparalleled from the Kings, which is extraordinary.

He is created by a large energy, not only there is a small Luo Xingshi, but also a big Luo Star.

Complete Daro Star, there are 10,000 pieces, foot 10,000 steps.

Now, this huge chessboard that appears on this empty side is not a complete Daru Star, after all, there is only one thousand chess pieces.

However, for many contexts, the Luo Xing Bureau of this thousand chess pieces is very deep.

"Is this the first test, is it to crack the Luo Xingshi?"

The sword is unparalleled with a darkness.


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