Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1536, Purple Cast

In the third floor space of Dongfu, Zidong King cracks the speed of Luo Xing Bureau.

"The 500 step!"

Zi Dong Wang's eyes were blunt, on the chessboard in front of him, the thousands of blacks have disappeared half.

At this time, Zidong Wang was sweeping around everyone, especially those who were ranked in the world.

He found that the first destruction of the world is now the 450th step.

The sword is unparalleled with Duan Lingfeng, and the fourth hundred and forty-seven steps are cracked.

Other people are roughly almost.

"Haha, until now, it is less than 450 steps, too slow, too slow!"

"Destroy God, Duan Lifeng also has swords and swords, your three are not ranking more than me? But now, the three people are alive!"

"Step fast, step by step!"

"I have now cracking the fifth-hundred steps, according to this speed, within a hundred years, crack the sixth hundred steps, and even the seventh hundred steps, and these people will only be, the more far!" "

"The first test of the white fruit tree is mine, no one is better than I am!"

Zidong Wang is proud, and the heart is also arrogant.

Soon he continued to crack.

He didn't know, in his people around him, some behind his top genius, looked at his gaze, but tared with a trace.

The outside world is in the hall.

"Na Zi Dong Wang, has already cracked the fifth hundred steps, only twelve years, huh, huh, this speed is fast enough!"

Among the big energy, there is a red-haired old man with a unicorn in the forehead.

And those of the surroundings, most of them have a taunt.

"This purple east, I was quite appreciated by him before, although he lost to Duan Ling Feng and swords, but still a very good genius, but now, he is a idiot! I thought to crack this Luo Xingshi, as long as I couldn't find it quickly? "

A glamorous woman is open, which is also a big energy.

"Hey, he is very fast now, far more than others, but he doesn't have any accumulation, this is like a cultivator that is purely swallowed with Dan medicine to improve his strength realm, although start The speed is indeed very fast, but it is completely disconnected to put your potential. I dare to conclude that this Zi Dongwang finally can't crack the 550th floor! "

When I heard this cool woman, many of the many of the big energy around and smiled.

Obviously they also agree with the former.

"In fact, this can not be all blame him. After all, this Zidong Wang is a unique strong. He has no strong to give him pointers, nor I have told him some skills to crack the Luoxing Bureau. Naturally, I have been cracking. "Tianjian Mountain owner laughed.

"Hey, the top ten genius in the top ten in the world, Duan Lifeng, the seven kings are also unsolicited, but why they have already known that they are gradually cracked, but they are constantly accumulating Not? Not because of his heart is arrogant, there are too many enemies, clearly know that he went wrong, but there is no one to open a reminder of him. "

"Moreover, even if no one reminds, he should look at it, destroy God, Duan Lifeng, sword is not as good as him, but why do you have three cracks? If he doesn't want to think carefully miss you?"

"Stupid, he is a full idiot." The cold woman snorted.

Indeed, Zi Dong Wang is a good character, there can be some friends, then others seeing him to go wrong, and should open remind him.

Just like Duan Lingfeng, he didn't know the Luo Xing Bureau. You can remind him that the sword is unparalleled.

As a result, it is really poor.

Many genius in the scene read him joke, who is willing to open a reminder?

I was coming to black.

Moreover, Zidong Wang himself is also self-righteous. He saw that the sword was unparalleled and others were behind him, and he really thought that the sword was not passionate.

It is a joke at all.

In the Dongfu, the many people are still trying to solve the Luo Xingshi.

Zi Dongwang speed is still still paused.

A shake, I have been over thirty years.


Zi Dong Wang spit his tone and slowly opened his eyes, and on the front of the chessboard, the 527 black sizes have disappeared.

"This fifty-one step, it is quite subtle, actually trapped me for three years." Zi Dongwang frowned.

He is long-awaited to other people, but in this step, it is somewhat unsatisfactory in this step.

At this time, his eyes swept around and wanted to see how others crack.

At this point, his eyes are not stronting.

"Destroy God, Duan Lifeng, sword is unparalleled, including the heart, there are already the fifth hundred steps, the destruction of the gods and the seven kings have already crackdown on the 5th hundred-year-one step, just just only Is it ten steps? "

"How could their speed suddenly become fast?"

"Look, I have to speed up, I have to crack the sixth hundred steps as soon as possible, I will take them away!"

Zidong Wang suddenly increased.

I immediately started cracking from the 522nd step.

He didn't know, it was not a sword, and the speed of destruction of God was shocked, but his own speed slowed down.

In the 521st step, he plasted that there was a long time for three years, but the sword did not double them?

Until now, they did not encounter any bottlenecks in the end.

Time is still lapse.

In the fifty years, Zidong King also stayed on the 540th step, but it was still the destruction of the destruction of the destruction of the 19th step, but also chased him, and reached the fifth One hundred forty steps.

"Catch up?"

"No, no, how can I catch you!"

"Crack, hurry."

Zi Dongwang was immediately anxious.

No matter how he is anxious, this step is still unable to crack.

After a few months, the destruction of the gods and the seven kings will make this step, stepped on the 541st step.

The Zidong King, who has been leading, finally surpassed.

And in destroying God, the seven-story king exceeds him, Duan Lingfeng, sword is unparalleled, heart, shadowing world, the gods of the Ice Feather Mon, and the top ten genius in the world of the gods, and they have also surpassed him.

After another, even the top ten, the thirtieth of the world is also overdown on him.

This makes Zidong king completely.

"How can I, how can this?"


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