Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1537, the final winner

I have been in the past eight decades.

On the empty space of many of the gods, destroy God's monarch sitting in the center of the crowd, and at this moment, the six hundred blacks gradually dissipated.

"The six hundred steps!"

"It is worth destroying God, so many bounds, he is the first to crack the sixth hundred steps."

"I am also a strong spirit of the world, but now I will crack to the fifty-ten steps now, this gap is really big!"

There are many people in the empty space.

There are many people who have long lost their confidence in the gods, giving up this heavy test, and they have no cracks of chess, but are paying attention to others' performance.

Of course, pay attention to pay attention, but no one dares to disturb the other party.

After all, the no sadness said long, in this third floor, who dared to shoot, or blended to the other party to accept the test, and kill innocent.

In the village of the Dongfu.

Many strong people are also laughing at random.

"Destroy God has cracked the sixth hundred steps, he is the first, do not know that there will be a few people to achieve this step."

"There are still 20 years, there should be a few."

The fifth step by the Luo Xingshi is a great, and the sixth hundred steps are also a great.

But now I have a big one over six hundred steps, and I only have to destroy God, but there are several people behind him.

After seven months, Duan Lingfeng followed the pace of destruction of God, and also cracked the sixth hundred steps.

After another three years, the sword was unparalleled.

The first weight was taken for 90 years, and the last decade was left for the last ten years.

At this moment, there are three people in the middle of the gods.

These three people are destroyed God, Duan Lingfeng and swords are unparalleled. They are now on the six hundred and three strokes, and it seems to be sleepy on that step.

"This Lu Xingshi, the more difficult it is, the more difficult it is, a commandment can crack 500 steps in one hundred years, and it is already the top genius, and the cracks of six hundred steps, it is definitely a monster level The existence, such a monster is rare, but this time, there have been three times at the same time? "

"These three people are the true days of proud, the first Bai Yan fruit tree will definitely fall into one of them in one of them, just don't know who?"

"It should be to destroy God, and he is the strongest, and he is more than Duan Ling Feng, and the sword must first break the sixth step."

"not necessarily."

"No matter what to say, you can see it immediately. If you don't accidentally, they can first crack this six hundred and three steps, and who should get the white fruit tree."


Many of the big energy people are there, but at this time, the sword of the central center is unparalleled, but in front of him, the six hundred and three blacks have dissipated.

"It's sword!"

"He will crack the six hundred and three steps!"

"Is it him?"

Many of the big energy of the hall showed a surprised color.

They feel that swords are unparalleled, destroy God, and Duan Lingfeng are all possible.

But at maybe, they think that destruction of God should be the biggest, followed by Duan Lingfeng, and finally the sword is unparalleled.

Who once thought that they thought the smallest sword was unparalleled. It was more than the destruction of God, Duan Lingfeng first step, cracked the sixth step?

"This little child, if I have not guess, he should be able to start the power after cracking the sixth hundred steps!" The forehead has a unicorn red-haired old man.

"It is very likely." Tian Jian Master also nodded, "in the eyes," no matter whether it is destroying God or Duan Lingfeng, they have begun to force when they are in the fifty-10 steps, no longer step by step, so The sword is unparalleled than them, and the six hundred steps will be broken. However, the sword is unparalleled. "

"The overall situation has been fixed!"

"This first test, the best is the sword is unparalleled!"

"The first Chinese fruit tree is his!"

Other big energy people around also nodded.

The next ten years is just like these energy, the sword is unparalleled, and after the destruction of the destruction of God and Duan Lingfeng, it will be step by step by step.

When destroying God and Duan Lingfeng cracked the six hundred and three steps, he would crack the six hundred and four steps.

When the destruction of God and Duan Lingfeng were still in the six hundred and four steps, he had cracked the sixth and 5th step.

Finally, a hundred years of deadlines.

In the end, the sword is unparalleled, and the Six hundred and seven steps are broken, and the destruction of God is cracking from Six hundred and four steps.

Mingming swords are unparalleled than them to solve the sixth hundred steps in the evening. The last result is better than these two people.

So, in this way, it is not a strong understanding of swords, but he is much better than them, but his understanding of this Luoxing Bureau, far more than destroying God, Duan Lifeng is high.

He is finally concentrated to study the Xiaolixing Bureau, and the destruction of the gods and Zhifeng is the first time, the sword is unparalleled, and there is a lot of cheap.

If he is also the first time to contact Luo Xingshi, he may also have the destruction of God, Duan Lifeng is almost, the top is slightly stronger, it is very good, it is already very good, after all, destroying God and Zhiti Ling Feng That kind of rare super genius for a million years.


The time limit, the huge chessboard suspended on the void, including the many people in front of the world, and the chessboards have also dissipated.

Many of the people sitting on the dish of the air stopped, and a hot eyes were qi brush brushing, the sword was seen.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

"The first white fruit tree is his!"

"In one hundred years, the Luo Xingtian has been cracked by 607 steps, and it is incredible."

These ideas are secretly praised, but they are helpless.

This test is fair competition, and the sword is unparalleled is purely on his own strength, the first Chinese fruit tree naturally pays him.

"I have already exhausted, but the number of steps is still not as good as him?" Destroy God also looked at the sword and unparalleled, and immediately secretly shook his head.

On the court, in addition to the sword, there is still one person.

This person is Zi Dong Wang!

However, the Zidong King at this moment, in the eyes of many contest, it is a complete joke.


PS: Today's four is more.

The 5th is coming, and I will start immediately. After a few hours, I started to break out at 12 in the morning. When I first burst around twelve o'clock in the morning, the remaining is all updated during the day, in short There are 20 in the 5th!

Finally, ask everything!

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