Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1538, the strength is respect (the start!)

The Zidong king, the beginning is far ahead of everyone, but it has been in succession, but every step is troubled. When the one hundred years of time, the Zidong Wang is only cracking Five hundred forty step five steps.

This grade, although the top of the world is also top, but the ranking of him in the spirit of the world is extremely unsatisfactory.

After all, in the many bounds, the number of steps is more than him, and there are fifty-seven people!

Such a score makes the Zidong Wang now can't wait to find a place to drill.

Inside the hall.

"Lei Dynasty, congratulations."

"You have a good disciple in your star."

"This time, your star has not only received a nine white white, now I have got a white fruit tree, huh, huh, the benefits can be made to your star."

The true God of all parties, including some of the major energy people, who are both upright.

These eyes are still quite complicated.

Envy, there is jealous, even faintly greed.

It was seen by this road, even if it was a similar color, he couldn't help but change. He did not respond to these people, but he couldn't respond, but immediately passed this news to the main hall.

"Yuan, quickly notify the palace master, please go immediately, come to me." Lei Dynasty voice took a very urgent.

"Be Palace Lord personally cleaved?" Yuan Demotor frowned, "The sword is unparalleled in the no sorrowful hole, but the powerful people are not for these white fruits. Don't you face him? "

"If only a few Buffalies are naturally unnecessary, it is not necessary to ask the palace master to come to personally, but the key is that the sword is unparalleled and got a white fruit tree. It is a white fruit tree, and the value is hundreds of times of whitefritish fruit. Such precious treasures, I don't think that the big energy can still bear, if the husband is not in person, I estimate that as long as the sword has come out from the Dongfu, these big energy people will directly and rob. "Lei Dynasty Low deposit.

"Bai Yan fruit tree?" Yuan Demotor first is a big shock, it is ecstatic, "the sword is unparalleled, got the white fruit tree?"

"Yes, this is no sorrowful hole, there are three Chinese white fruit trees, the first place is in his hand." Lei chartered.

"Too good, I will go to the palace master immediately." The main voice of the Yuan Dynasty with endless surprises.

Soon, the Yuan Dynasty came to the most mysterious cave in the endless star.

"Palace Lord." The main station of Yuan Dynasty was outside the cave.

"What?" The ancient and thick voice came in the Dongfu.

"Things are like this ..." The Yuan Dynasty was later said.

"Baiyan fruit tree? I got the little guy in my star," I came from Dongfu from the Dongfu, and the door of the cave is open, and the old man is slow. come out.

"I didn't expect that my star has this kind of opportunity?" This silver-white hair is murdered, "a white fruit tree, it is also worthy of the old man to run."

The voice falls, this silver-white hair is moving, but it has disappeared in this world.

When I saw this scene, I immediately gave the Lei Dynasty news, "Lei Dynasty, the palace owner has personally moved, but even if it is a palace mainland to rush to the necquey, also It takes a few days, you tell the sword unparalleled, when the Palace owner has arrived in the no sad hall, don't come out. "

"Well." Lei Yang nodded, and the bottom is excited, but it is calm.

As for those who are jealous of greed, he is too lazy.

He is very clear, as long as the Palace is in person, these people don't dare to Chair Pool.

Inner cave.

"The first test, the end!"

The , You, very good, the final three machines will have you. "

"Thank you." The sword is unparalleled without a sadness.

"Next, start the second weight test." No sadness, the big hand, immediately fade in the air, with a few space channels.

"The second heavy test is within these space channels, as for the content of the test, it is more simple than the first test, you will encounter your opponent after entering the space channel, you have to do it is in the opponent Hand insisting on more time, longer, better, better. "

"In fact, it is said that the second heavy test is to test your own strength. Whoever has the strongest strength, you can get the second white fruit tree."

When I heard no sadness, the expression of many people on the empty space became an old man, and I didn't help but look at one person.

This person is to destroy God!

And the destruction of the crowded gods and laughed.


Strength as a test test?

You can know that this destruction of God is the first world recognized by the ancient chaotic world.

His strength is unlaborative.

This second heavy test has not yet started, but everyone has understood the final result.

"This heavy test is no longer better!"

"Expectedly rely on strength, who can be resistant to destroy God? Even if it is in Duan Lingfeng and swords, they can't compare with destruction of God."

Many of the world are embarrassed.

If the sword is unparalleled and Duan Lifeng, if it is connected to it, it is indeed suppressed to destroy God, but one is definitely not to destroy God's opponent.

At this point, both of them also have their own understanding.

"It seems that this second heavy test, we have no hope." The sword is unparalleled.

"I have no hope, but I really want to pass this heavy test, with you more than one." Duan Lifeng is the sword.

"Oh?" The sword was unbeded, but immediately understood the idea of ​​Duan Lingfeng.

"In this case, that's more than one." The sword was unparalleled.

This second re-test, he has no hope with Duan Lifeng, no one can go with the destruction of God.

But not for Buganian fruit, single for the two people, they will do their best to go.

There is no sadness in the void, "In order to save time, there is no need to participate in this test. In the vast chaotic world, it is not circulating a world of God, but all those who have the battle of God list. You can try to come to you, others are free. "

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