Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1539 Last chance!

If there is no sadness, I immediately cut the hope of nine-centine the world.

After all, although the world on the field is more than 100,000, but it is only one hundred people to fight.

Of course, after the content of this second heavy test, these bounds will no longer hold any hope.

"let's start."

No sadness.


The horrible destruction breath suddenly broke out, under the eyes of countless roads, the destruction monarch has just slowed forward.

Obviously he is planning to go to the first.

And very quickly, he entered one of the space channels.

Everyone on the air is still waiting quietly.

As for the destruction of God, I encountered anything in the space channel, and only the no sadness knows.

After a while, the destruction of God will come out from the space channel.

After that, the boundaries on the list of the monks have entered the space channel one by one.

Although I know that I have nothing to hope, I also try my best, but I am clear that they are in the space channel, which is far more than destroying God.

In no time, the genius on the god list has been going to the space channel.

at this time……

"Duan Lingfeng, this is." The sword watched the side of Duan Lifeng next to him.

"Take out your efforts." Duan Lingfeng carses.

"Of course." The sword is unparalleled, and the thimbody shape is simultaneous.

When he jeoparded at the two space channels while stepping out, the space on the air was immediately shaken.

"It is the sword without double heel Ling Feng!"

"The two of him actually plan to go to sway, it is hard to make him two people who want to pass this test?"


"The second height of the world is the third, the strength of his two has always been controversial, and now there is a ratio?"

The ideas on the field are looking forward to.

The sword is unparalleled with Duan Lingfeng has not made these people disappointing, and the two will enter the space channel in front of them.


A shining, the sword is unparalleled in a vast dark void, and it is cold in front of him.

When I saw the sword where there was no double appearance, the ten ice-cold body shadow opened the eyes, killed the machine, and the ten figure killed at the same time.

"Ten people?"

The sword has no double eyes, the power of the soul is suddenly condensed on his body watch.

The sword is unparalleled, and the 18th phantom broke out simultaneously.

" " " " "

The sword is unparalleled, and the lightning is shining with the ten bidding cold body.

With the hand, he also found the strength of this ten figure, continuous improvement.

"This second re-test, it is almost like the supreme building of my star, and the difference is that the supreme building has a certain constraint to the power of the soul. My battle is unable to play, and this heavy test, my strength It can be completely broke out. "The sword is unhappy smile, relying on his own body law and swords, with the strength of the soul with the ten ice-cold body shadow.

time flies……

On the air, countless gods are waiting quietly.

However, how long, I saw one of the space channels, and a vivid stream was out.

"Is Duan Lingfeng!"

"Duan Lingfeng has already come out, but the sword is unparalleled, but still stay in the space channel?"

The neops of the fields becomes quirky.

Duan Lingfeng brow is also slightly.

However, after Duan Lingfeng was sent out of the space channel, only two breaths, the sword is unparalleled from the space channel.

"The sword is unparalleled, you won." Duan Lifeng looked at the sword.

"I just stay more breathing than you, and I can persist for a long time, that is also the sake of my body, in this second heavy test, facing the tenth battle My body law has a lot of advantages. "The sword said unparalleled.

He is talking about the facts, in the siege, the body law is indeed very important.

He is the first, this is the longer that he can insist on the tenth battle of the battle, but if the power is strong, the sword is unparalleled, does not feel that he is stronger than Duan Lingfeng.

"Maybe." Duan Lingfeng faintly, but did not say much.

Soon, all the strong people with certain strengths have went to the space channel.

The last result is no suspense.

In the second heavy test, it is the longstive destruction of the monarch, and the sword is unparalleled than the second, and there will be more than eight breathing.

Naturally, he also got this white fruit tree corresponding to the second heeled test.

"Next, it is the third re-test. It is also the final test. The white fruit tree is only the last one." Without sadness, the sound is spread, but it is the court Many hearts are a sudden.

The third test, this is their last chance!

If this opportunity is missed, then they have no sad hall, and they also go to the head.

"The last chance, must grasp!"

"There is only the last white fruit tree, you must get!"

There are many contests on the field to flash out unprecedented light.

Even many of the large energy people from the hall outside the cave, the strength of the power of the parties, is also nervous at this moment.

Some people can get white fruits, but they have no more precious three Chinese white fruit trees in the miracles, they have never been obtained.

"The ideas of the people, this third test can be quite unique, can you be ready?" Without the sadness of the people overlooking the gods below.

The many of the gods below, one by one, and the eyes flashed, and all of them have been prepared for one.

"Since you are ready, then the thirdweight test ... you will start."

No sadness, smiling, seeing a rich white ray from the edge of this passage of the third floor space, this white ray is beautiful, as if it contains endless magic, and the time will cover this air. Inside.

Nature of the gods on the ground, naturally be wrapped in this white light.

"This, what is this?"

"This white light is a method of array?"

"It is a mailing, and it is still a very wonderful array."

Many horizons muttered, but soon they found that their surrounding scenes became changing, and their eyes were simply tired, they could not be closed, it would like to be completely fell asleep. General, but their consciousness is awake.

~~~ Tiandi changes.

When everyone re-opened the eyes, they found that they had already appeared within a dark corridor.


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