Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1543, the sword is unparalleled and no sadness

In the air of Dongfu, the many people are also quirky look at the sword unparalleled and Duan Lingfeng.

The two passed the third repeat of test at the same time, but the corresponding white fruit tree corresponding to the test, how to divide?

"I have no hanging, and the white fruit trees are not used by me, so I will give it to you." Duan Lingfeng directly.

"How can this?" The sword was unparalleled.

Bai Yan fruit trees can not be used by Duan Lingfeng itself, but he can handle Baiyan fruit tree to the powerful people, and he believes that many of the powerful people are willing to exchange with him with high cost.

"Nothing is not, if you really feel the loss, then you owe me a big man, in the future, if I encounter trouble, I will help you, you don't pay attention to it." Duan Lingfeng.

"Of course." The sword nodded, "If you are in the future, if you encounter trouble, as long as you don't violate your heart, I will do my best to do my best, and even desperate help you."

"There is this enough." Duan Lingfeng nodded slightly, obviously not interested in the white fruit tree.

In this regard, the sword is unparalleled.

In fact, even if there is no such white fruit tree, he is in the future of Lingfeng, and if he is Duan Lingfeng to find him help, he will never be resigned.

"The trials have been over. In addition to getting two people from the machine, others can leave." There is no sadness in the uppermost hand, and there is a space channel in the surrounding void, these space channels Be outside the cave.

The air is more than 100,000 gods, although most of them are unlikely, but there is nothing to stay for this cave, all will be left.

"The sword is unparalleled, this is my messy. If something can be used in the future, I will use this inquiry. If I have something to find you, I will use this to find you." Duan Lingfeng handed a token to the sword Unparalleled.

After the sword is unparalleled, I nodded slightly, smiled: "I will have a period."

Duan Lingfeng is moving, and the passage is also left through the space.

Soon, everyone left, only the sword is unparalleled and destroyed.

Both them get that final opportunity.

"The sword is unparalleled, admire, three white fruit trees, you got two people." Destroy God stared at the sword.

"You can't get a white fruit tree?" The sword is unparalleled.

Destroy God also reveals a smile.

Indeed, he also got a tree, it is enough to let him go to the back.

At this time, the horses the most fascinating .

"The transplant of Baiyan fruit trees is quite troubles, three white fruit trees must come, you will come with me first." None of the gods gave you a look.


Destroy God immediately followed the never of the special space to transplant the white crude fruit tree, and the sword is unparalleled, it is waiting there.

Not long, the two came out from the special space. When I came out, I also took a surprise in the destruction of God, it was obviously that the transplant was successful.

"Okay, you can leave." No sadness is cold.

Destroy God nodded and passed the space channel.

The great cave is only two people left.

These two people are swords unparalleled, and they have no sadness.

At this moment, two people stood in the face, and the virtual shadow without sadness was gradually gained, and it was a middle-aged man with a few sorrows in the eyebrows.

His deep is like a flashy, staring at the sword and unparalleled, and the half-ring will slowly open.

"Kid, your sword is unparalleled?"

Among the previous trials, he also knows the name of the sword in the discussion of other context.

"You should know, I deliberately let the destruction of God first, let you stay alone because?" No sadness is indifferent.

"Know." The sword is unparalleled, "because I am like you, it is reversal!"

"Oh, I know it." I have a sadness of the gods, "I was born in this cave, I have attracted many horizons, but I didn't expect that in these bounds, there is still your reverse, and if I didn't see it If you are wrong, you should still stay at the second heavenly god level, just have a special treasure on you, cover your breath. "

The sword is unparalleled with the star, the founder of the star, the treasure is fascinating, and even the strength of the soul, the ordinary power, and even the general energy is hard to see.

However, it is also a reversal of no sadness, but in his own cave, you can see the softener of the sword.

"It's just the second heaven and the strength, the strength is strong to this step, even in the god list of the contest, but it is much stronger than the original." None of the gods.

He also grows from weak and step.

He also experienced the stage of the world, and when he was in the second heaven, the top strength was barely with the battle before the quarter, but it couldn't be strong. After all, the law is too limited. Big, but the sword is unparalleled, but the top three is obvious than he is excellent.

"No sadness, since you know my identity, you should also know the purpose of this cave, not just for white fruit and white fruit trees." Sword is unparalleled.

"Do you want to get a rebellion from me this level?" Nothing to look at the sword unparalleled.

"Yes, this is my best purpose." The sword did not have a double Zheng.

At the beginning, he will come to this without sadness, standing for the star, and the white fruit tree is still the next.

The most important thing is his own.

He needs the retroactive practice of the true God.

Only with practice, he can break through the true God and become the retroactory of the true God.

And there is no practice, he can only stop in the world of bounds in a lifetime.

"I really know, but I can give you, but I have a condition." No sadness.

"What are the conditions?" The sword was unparalleled immediately.

"I want you to help me kill a person, an enemy." None of my heart is cold.

"Enemy?" The sword didn't have a double look. "Who is your enemy, how is strength?"

"He is a magical owner, is a big energy that ruled many of the gods." No sadness, Shen Sheng: "I am with him, there is life and death, I have wanted to kill him in the world. Death, but why he is better than me, and there is still a background, I have to die, I can't find the opportunity! "

"Dao Song?" The sword is unparalleled, "no sadness, this magic owner said that it is not possible to kill the peak period, do you want me to kill?"

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