"Urgent? I am not letting you go to kill now, but let you wait for your own strength to improve, you have the ability, do it again." No sad god glanced.

I heard the words, the sword was unparalleled, and I was solemnly said: "None of my predecessors, I can promise you, as long as my strength is enough, I will find a way to kill the magic of the country for you, but if I have a strength, I can't reach it. The same level, I can't blame me. "

"Rest assured, if you can't reach the same strength, or finally fall, it naturally can't blame your head, and you are now the same, it is too far away, others don't say, The light is true God. Can you become a true god, all unknown, after all, you still have the last reversal and robbery. "No sadness and sigh.

"The last reversal robbery, that is the most difficult, hard to rob, your strength is good, but it is afraid of the possibility that the heavy robbery is still not big."

When you hear this, the sword is unparalleled.

"None sad predecessors, you are the rebellion of the real gods, once you have passed the triple rebellors, can you tell me, then the last reversal of robbery, what is it?" The sword was unparalleled.

Reversible robbery, reversal of the biggest disaster.

After the sword is unparalleled, I have passed the two retrograms before, and every time they are dangerous.

The third reverse robbery is also the most difficult one, and the sword has a shocking.

"The third retroactive robbery is what I can't break. Once I can't break the rebellion, I will become completely different." No sadness said: "But I can tell you, I am crossing the third retrieving Everything you have encountered, even if I am shocked now, it is because of the reincarnation, causing my heart to change, and many people in the world seem to be a madman. "

The sword is not frown.

The third reverse robbery, it will make the nauseafulness so frightened, and there is a big change in the heart of the nostalgia?

"What a terrible disaster is that is it?" The sword is unparalleled.

No sadness, I didn't explain too much, but I reached out and took out a gray stone bead.

"Well?" The sword didn't have a double look, and his eyes immediately locked it on the gray stone bead.

This gray stone beads, he can be unfamiliar at all. The naturalization of the Tianchenkan before he has contained in this gray stone bead.

The mysterious gray stone beads, swords are unparalleled to now I don't know how this stone bead is used to refine.

"The retroactive door of the real god, is the sixth step of the reversal, just in this stone-bead." No sadness smiled, put the gray stone bead to the sword.

The sword is unparalleled to pick up the gray stone bead. The power of the soul is swept away, and nowadays.

"The sixth step in the sky!" The sword was also in the bib of the sword.

"I only have this six-step practice method. I used this method to practice the ultimate God. However, because I have never been able to get the seven steps, it is equivalent to the first level of the big energy. I have been trapped there, I can't get a breakthrough in death. "No sadness, sigh.

"Even the neighboring the predecessors can't get the refurbishment method of the seventh step? Is this the first step in the seventh step still never appeared?" The sword was unparalleled.

"That is not, I know who is on the seventh step, but that person ... too super, too old, don't say me, a lot of strength is more powerful than I am strong, I am not qualified. He, I am native is not qualified, there is no chance to connect, how do I let him give me the way? "No sadness.

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled secret.

"The sword is unparalleled, if you can reach the place in the past, you can find a strong energy than a strong powerful, usually, the strength is more powerful, know who has reversal Seven steps of the way. "No sadness.

"Understand." The sword is unparalleled.

At this time, there is no sadness of the palm of the palm, and the two paint mysterious rings are now in his hand.

"No sorrow, this is?" The sword was unparalleled to watch the two rings.

"Among the two rings, each has a white fruit tree, I have given it a destruction of God, but I just left, I deliberately, I have more money." No sadness.

"White fruit tree, in these two rings, how is it possible?" The sword is unparalleled is a shock.

He looked out, these two black rings should be the Qiankun ring.

Although the inquiry space can be used to store a variety of treasures, but the treasure is treasure, but is the 'death', but the white fruit tree is a true spirit.

It has vital.

In the world of chaotic world, it has its own life, like human cultivators, murder beasts, who have their own lives, who can revenue them in Qiankun?

Even if it is the genius of the treasure, but after picking it, it can be put into the Qiankun.

But now these two Qiankun ...

"Why, do you think it is incredible?"

No sadness, I laughed, "I started to get these rings, but I also surprised, but this kind of Qiankun is indeed, but also from a high person to personally, and many big can For the Buffalian fruit tree seedlings, it is crazy for a short time, but it is very cumbersome to transplant it to other local steps while ensuring the vitality of Baiyan fruit trees. "

"But I am different."

"I used this ring to give the entire ground of the white fruit tree seedlings, and those that can have only done."

"No wonder, no sad predecessors, you can win this white fruit tree seedlings in front of many majority." The sword was unparalleled, and immediately asked: "You just said that these rings are high people. It is made, this high person, is it helping you plant another two white fruit trees? "

"Yes, it is him. In fact, it is not only refining this ring and cultivated white fruit trees, even the ban on this cave, is also his arrangement, that is, because there is this banned existence, the outside They can't come. "No sadness smiled.

"Continuous ban is also the high-person placement? This high person, who is it?" The sword asked.

"I don't know if he is specific, and I don't know his specific strength. I only know that he is a refiner, array, including many areas, very well, even a lot of drill press, array Some big energy people can't compare with him. He is definitely my most mysterious person. "No sadness.

You can hear this, but the sword is unparalleled.

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