Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1545 Chapter Palace

Refinets, array, including many areas, are very amazing?

And, very mysterious?

This is a mystery of his Master.

His masters are the same, and they are immortal.

And in terms of refilms, array, etc., there are incredible accomplishments.

This is actually amazing similarly to the high person who said in the neitious god.

"Is it really a teacher?" The sword was not frown.

However, he cannot be determined.

Or just coincidence.

But it is also possible.

If the high person in the sorrowful god is really the words of his master, the mysterious feelings of the mysterious one can be more and more stronger.

"Whether it is not a teacher, I can't explore." The sword didn't swite and shook his head, no more thought.

"You want something I have already given you, remember our agreement, if you have strength, you will kill the magic of the devil for me!" No sadness.

The sword has no double eyes, deeply looked at the nausea, slightly squatting, and immediately enter the space channel to the outside world.

As the sword is unparalleled, there is only one person who has no sadness in this Mo Dado.

No sadness is there, but the eyes slowly lifted and looked at the sky.

"Haha ~~~"

With the mad smile, suddenly sounded from the mouth of no sadness, vibrating the world.

"The old guy, you have to do things, I have done it, I have no borus ... no longer owe you!"

"Haha !!!"

The mad smile echoed in the entire cave, and this Mo Dalong House began to crazy shots in this laughter, and the whole of the Cave is directly collapsed.

The no sadness in the Dongfu, and was completely submerged by the collapsed cave, and the body was slowly disappeared.


Within no harm, the temple is still suspended over the island.

Within the main hall, many strong people are still gathering there.

But at this moment, most of these strong things are solidified in the thunder.

"Two Baiyan fruit trees, they were got by the kids of the stars!"

"This star does not know where to come from!"

Many strong people, including some of the big energy stare, even if it is the bottom of the thunder.

It is at this time ...! There is more shadows in the hall.

This is a silver-white hair old, the old man is old, and the breath is very ordinary, it is like an ordinary elderly.

It can be such a ' ', when he appears, but this is quietly quiet.

Those of the eyes of the big people are also gathering in this elderly.

And before those who have some hair majors, it is big.


The Lei Dynasty immediately appeared in front of this silver-white hair old, respectfully.

"It is the founder of the star!"

"Star Old Mob?"

"This old guy, actually arrived personally?"

Many of the big energy workers frowned.

However, they also know that the sword is unparalleled in the no grief of two white fruit trees, so the big things, naturally, the star of the star has also surprised.

He personally came, it should be.

"Get up." Silver white hair old, that is, the Lord of Xingchen Palace looked at the Lei Chao, and asked: "My little guy in my star?"

"He is still in the madroad, should be coming out." Lei Chao.

"Well." The Lord of Xingchen Palace nodded slightly, and then his eyes were in front of the main hall.

"Haha, starry, I haven't seen you for a long time."

The cool laugh is from the most central place in the main hall with a unicorn red-haired old man. This red-haired old man has a lot of energy, standing up.

However, in addition to this red-haired old man, other energy people are obviously awesome when they face the Lord of Stars.

Dachers, like the world, the same strength, strength is also a weakness.

Although there are more than 20 times, it is more than 20, but it can be compared with the Lord of Stars, but also the red-haired old man, other energy people, like Tianjian Mountain owner, Qi Deputy landlord It is mainly weak than Xingchen Palace.

"Restoration, you are here?" Xingchen Palace Lord looked at the red hairdress.

"I just had a holy place in Red Dragon. After I knew that there was no grief, I came to see it." This red-haired old man laughs, "Stars, come and sit."

The fire appeared in his side immediately, and he was placed in parallel with him.

The Star Palace is also welcome, and the figure has appeared before that case, then sat down.

"Star, this little guy in this time, the little guy in the stars can be touched by you, so many treasures only fight for three Chinese white fruit trees, and he got two people, and it is really awkward. I have envied. "The fire sighs.

"This little guy is really good, but because he got two white fruit trees, it would be inevitable to be stared at someone else, so the old man came personally, pick him back." Xingchen Palace is indifferent .

This is an out, and the faces of many major energy around are slightly changed.

Before, some people in these major people did really want to sword unparalleled ideas. After all, two white fruit trees, this temptation is too big.

But now, Xingchen Palace Lord has arrived, and the thoughts of these people will be canceled immediately.

They have no courage to grab things from the hands of the Star Palace, and they don't have that.

"Haha, don't say it, everyone is clear." The fire is smiling, "Yes, the little guy in your star will come out from the Dongfu."

"Well." The main point of the Xingchen Palace nodded, then the idea once again, and there was a heavy invisible ban on his weighing.

This invisible ban only just hinders someone to hear a means of talking to them.

"Stars, what do you want to tell me? Also deliberately block the surrounding time and space?" The firestabilistic Varith Hero Lord came over.

"The old man does have something to help you." The main opening of the Star Palace.

"What?" The fire queried.

"Waiting for the little guy in the star, no matter what you see from the little guy, please don't say it." The main road of Star Palace.

"Oh?" The fire is a brow, "Is it difficult to have any secrets?"

"You said that you can't agree." The main road of the Star Palace.

"Haha, listen to you, I am very curious about the little guy, I am relieved, since you speak in person, I will naturally not refuse, I will not say anything, I will not say." Sacrifice.

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