Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1546 Trading

Many strong people in the main hall are still waiting.

However, because of the relationship between the Lord of the Star Palace, no one dares to sword unparalleled ideas.

Not long, the sword is unparalleled from the cave.

On the island, the entrance of the no sad hole, with a light flashing, the sword is unparalleled.

And he just stepped out of the cave, and immediately found that the entrance to the cave behind him was suddenly trembled, and then it was completely collapsed.

No harmony, also smoking.

See this, the sword is unparalleled can only secretly shook his head.

"The sword is unparalleled."

The Lei Dynasty came directly, "seeing the temple above you, come over."

The sword is unparalleled, and even if the temple is flourishing, it will soon appear on the sky.

In the main hall, the sword is unparalleled, and it immediately detected a thick breath in the main hall.

These breaths, every strong terrible.

In particular, those people sitting on the top of the main hall, a little breath, which is free to suffocate him.

"This, these people ..." The sword is unparalleled around the surroundings, but the heart is shocked.

He is very clear that these people present will take out one, and should be enough to kill him easily.

And these people are now playing with him, which makes the sword unparalleled incense.

"The sword is unparalleled, fast, come to see the palace master." The voice of Lei Dynasty came.

"The Palace Lord?" The sword has no double, and immediately saw the old people of the hall of the most central silver hair in the main hall.

"See the palace." The sword is unparalleled immediately, and the bottom of the heart is relaxed. "It turned out that the palace owner arrived, then I didn't need to worry about what."

"Let's get up." Xingchen Palace Lord waved, and the sword did not stand up.

And the red-haired old man next to the Lord of the Star Palace, and it is shining to the sword where the sword is unparalleled.

"This breath ... two heavens God?" The fire is inner, but just instantly he understood.

"Haha, star, I finally knew the secret on this kid, haha ​​~~~"

The laughter of the fire is, but because of the relationship between the void ban, the surrounding people, including those, do not know what he is saying.

This fire is quiet, but the treasure of the Star Palace is sitting, the treasure of Star Palace personally refines, can hide others, including numerous energy, but I can't hide him.

He has already seen the bottom of the sword.

He saw that the sword is unparalleled just a two-day god, just because a treasure is covered, it will be treated as a three heavens.

And a two-day heaven, the strength is strong, and it has been entered in the top three in the world.

The unusual cultivator can't do it at all, and it can be done. There is only one kind of person.


Reversal with no sadness!

This fire can be determined that the sword is unparalleled is definitely a reverse.

"Remote, remember you just promised me?" Xingchen Palace looked at the heart of the fire.

"Of course, I remember." The fire is grinned, "four white fruits, I will keep this little guy in your star, keep secret, will not be reversed by anyone in the future, how?"

"Four?" The main eyes of Xingchen Palace, "You will take the fire will be robbed."

"Haha, only four white fruits, this sword is unparalleled in the cave, and the two white fruit trees, there are two white fruit trees, isn't it wondering in the future? How much is the white fruit? There are four districts, what is it? "Fire smiled.

He is a certain amount of love with the Star Palace owner, but there is no such thing as that he takes the bamboo bar of the main owner.

Moreover, four whitefrites have a harvest of swords and unparalleled in that no grief, it is indeed nothing.

"Four white fruits, the old man agreed." Xingchen Palace is directly agreed.

"Refreshing." The fire smile is even more.

The surrounding people, but only see the fire and the Star Palace, it seems to reach a certain agreement, but they don't know what this agreed.

"The sword is unparalleled, put the white fruit trees, give it to me." The star of the starry palace is unparalphed.

The sword is unparalleled, and it will immediately take the two special rings that will be got from the no-hole house.

Seeing these two rings, many strong people around, including those that of the big people flashed, but eventually, it was still born.

"This ring is really strange, and I don't know how the no sad is." The Star Herong is simple in the ring, and then she collected.

"Your white fruit you got in the cave, also gave the old man four." Star Palace owner.

The sword is unparalleled to come up with four whitefrites.

The Lord, the Lord of the Star, is handed over to the fire in the four white fruits.

"The sword is unparalleled, you still have other things, or you will return to the stars with the old man." Xingchen Palace looked over.

"The palace master, please wait a moment." The sword was unparalleled, but then he came to a large energy in front of the surrounding people.

This big energy is naturally the owner of Tianjian Mountain.

"Sky Sword, you have given the Lei Dynasty to bring me a sentence, I don't know if it is still not counting now?" The sword asked in respect.

"The calculation, of course, the count." Tianjian Mountain owner revealed, "When the white fruit of this cave, I said that as long as you can take out two white fruit, I was prison in the sword. You, you want to go out, you can. "

"This is two whitefrites, I want to ask the Sky Sword, you will give the Yanjun of the Sky Jianjie, and he is free." The sword didn't have two white fruits.

"Haha, no problem, after I go back, I will put it out immediately, and I will never have slightly delays." Tianjian Mountain owner was very good.

"Then there is a labor generation to let him come out, let him pass me." The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is also easy.

Yan Jun, is the founder of the hematology, and his secret surgery of his cultivation is from the hands of Yan Jun.

Before he was detained in the prison in Tianjian, Yan Jun also gave him a lot of care, the sword was naturally grateful, I want to save the Chinese.

Now he is finally letting Tianjian Mountain owner put it out, this is also solved this thorn in his heart.

"Two whitefrites, in exchange for the freedom of the first stage, the sky, your buyers, is it a good time?" Xingchen Palace is the owner of Tianjian Mountain.

Tianjian Mountain owner smiled.

However, the Lord, the Lord, did not entangle with him, soon with swords unparalleled, Lei Dynasty left.


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