Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1551 Blood Song

"Fu Jun, they, what are they going?" White Robe is asked.

"It is a strong, and there is a strong person secretly shot, helped us."

The seven wing of God is a void around the surroundings, but it does not find where the force is displayed.

"No matter who is shot, my husband and wife are grateful!"

The seven wing of the gods were voided around, followed by the hand of his wife immediately left.

And this city is completely awkward.

A blood dealer, died in this city, this is a big event.

And the most important thing is that this care is still not known to kill, how to kill.

Many practitioners in the city began to find the mystery of the shot, but they couldn't find it.

At this moment, it is opposite the voids of the gods of the seven-wing, near the window of the window, sitting there.

"The sword is unparalleled, the main hall of your star is not ignorant, so that you don't want to shoot it easily, how can you still don't help it?" A fire red hair, the fire, the fire, even the beard is also The fire red, the wine glasses, smiled and looked at the sword.

"I have been investigated, although this city cultivation is quite a lot, but the strongest is only an ordinary three heavens God, and some people will see it is my hand." The sword is unilateral.

"There is so, but I have to be careful." Yan Jun said, , "However, this blood demon is really overbearing, in this city, when so many practitioners , Unscrupulous to grab other people's wife, no wonder the cultivator of this bloody world said that the people of the blood demon are the devil, and now it is true. "

The sword is unparalleled.

He has seen the name of the name, and it is not a prestigious forces, and the truth that I really came to this bloody world, this blood is more than the evil poison than him, like this. The wife, this is just a little thing, the people in the blood demon should be killed.

There are also some weak forces or amen, as long as there is a trace of blood, the blood demon is directly destroyed, or destroy the other party, in short Here, the blood de deal is the day.

"Such a force, there is so many years in this world, and there is no strong force to shoot it." Yan Jun mysterious.

"If it is in the top ten cultivation holy land, the blood magic teaches this way, I have been destroyed, I don't know how many times, but here is just a goddess, the blood de deal is already a top forces, As long as you don't make a stupid to provoke the true God of Jiugong, it is hard to be covert. "The sword is unparalleled, but the heart is full of worry.

After all, that is like snow, it is likely to be in the blood demon.

"The sword is unparalleled, what is going to do next?" Yan Jun looked over.

"Let's go to the old nest near the blood, I will first confirm that the people I have to find is there." The sword has no double.

Soon, the sword is unparalleled with Yan Jun.

The old nest of the blood demon is in the junction of the blood, when the sword is unparalleled.

"Well?" The sword was unparalleled, but immediately took out an enormous.

This is a unique golden tolerance, which was in the green world. After him with the cold as frost, Tang Huang handed him to him.

At that time, the awareness of the frost was about to fall into sleep. Tanghuang deliberately left a mark within her consciousness, the imprint unless it was cold as the frost awareness, personally went to remove, otherwise, it was cold as a snow. Body, and the strength is improved to a very high level, you can't remove it.

And this golden maker can induce the existence of the mark.

Now when the sword is unparalleled, this golden contributes have been induced when there is a domain where the borders in this blood.

"Sure enough, it is really!"

The sword is unparalleled with hands, and the inner excitement is no longer.

Although he got a news from Vientiane Tower, he couldn't be determined whether it is a Vientiane Tower or he couldn't determine. The people in the old nest are cold.

But now, the sword is unparalleled but can affirm it.

"Frost, I finally found you!"

"Wait, how long does it take for it, I will make you consciously wake up, let you re-master your body."

The sword has no eyes in the eyes.

Of course, before this, he has to figure out the real strength of this blood.


Blood deth, as a big hegemony in the nine palace god, has a lot of strong people.

Among them, standing on the highest level, naturally the few true gods, and the real God, it is some of the long-standing people standing in the three days.

In these elders, there is a blood year old.

The top of this blood is originally from the nine palaces of the northern national normally domain, and he is weak when he is a strong enemy, fleeing to the world, and then forced it, he came to the Blood Devil, and The identity joined the blood de deal, with the resources of the blood demon, his strength festival improved, and finally became the old age of the blood.

One became the elder, his days were comfortable, in this bloody world is completely rampant, the many weak strength in the blood magic world is in the face of him, the battle is struggling, fearless, fear of provoking him, he is Everywhere is a charm and hank.

Once there is no eye, he doesn't need to personally do his hand, just order, the next day, the person, the one of his own, including his relatives, will completely extinct.

It can be said that he can decide the fate of many people in this bloody world.

This blood is old and also enjoying this power you have.

However, in today, this blood is old, but the old days have come to the head.

"Who are you?" The old blood is full of frightening, watching these two people who suddenly appear in front of him.

One of these two is carrying a long sword, and the other is like a fire, but one person has given him the three-day peaks to bring unprecedented pressure.

This pressure, even when he faces the true gods in the blood of the Blood Devils, it is much larger.

"Ask you something, you'd better answer." The sword was unbolded and indifferent, staring at this toppet.

"I, I try to." The old blood is old to encourage the throat.

"I know that you are an old age, and there is a very high status in the blood demon, then you should know a lot of things in the blood de deal, I ask you, your blood There are several people in the demon, and what is the strength level? "

The sword is unparalleled, the low voice sounds in the ears of the blood.

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