Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1552, the three major stages of true god

"These two people are rushing to my smell!"

The top of the blood is very angry, but there is no first time to answer the sword unparalleled problem.

He is very clear, what is the means of blood de deal, some concealment in the blood de deal, if he said, let the blood devil, and his end will definitely be very miserable.

"Why, don't you want to say?" Yan Jun glanced at the top of this blood, "It looks like a bitterness."

"The top is old." The sword was unparalleled.

The prime priest of the blood, and the spermous sword, but immediately attracted by the rude blood in the sword.

This blood is like a bloody sun, and it is dazzling.

Eighteen Monkey Hell, directly coming.

"no no!!!"

When the blood is old, it is madly screaming, and he can't pull itself in the illusion.

With the intensity of the sword unparalleled now, we fully show the 18th Shuo Hell. The fascinating of the fantasy is even more huge.

Although the top of this blood is a three-day peak, it is impossible to withstand the terrorism of Eighteen Sacred Hell.

"Ah! Ah !!!"

The old blood of the blood became a scarlet, and he is also twisted, and it is extreme.

The whole world has been caught in his crazy scream, so before you work, Yan Jun is already in the surrounding void, which makes this miserable screaming, and it will not be able to communicate.

Half-rang, the top of the grandfall of the blood, and the illusion was dissipated.

The old man is like an unprecedented, but his face is still a sharp frightener on the ground.

"The top is old, just a fantasy, do you want to experience it again?" The sword didn't double this blood, the old, the cold: "Don't worry too, our time, like just like a fantasy, you are Willing, I can come to ten times a hundred times. "

Ten times?

Once single, this blood is old.

"No, no, I said, I said." The top of the blood shook his head and shouted.

See this, the sword is unparalleled with Yan Jun.

"The sword is unparalleled, you will get the means of people, it is really powerful." Yan Jun couldn't help but praise.

On the strength, Yan Jun may be better than the sword, but if it is more than the treatment of the torture, the sword is unparalleled, the soul attacking the soul attack, can be comparable to the rickets.

Now, he, fully interpret the 18th cultivation of hell, don't say that this blood is old, even if it is generally true God.

"Let's talk, have a total of true gods in the blood demon." The sword did not double inquire.

"A total of four, three of whom are the true God of the first stage, and one is the leader of my blood demon, he has reached the second phase of the real God." The tops of the blood did not dare to hide.

"Second stage?" The sword has no double eyes.

"Eternal God?" The Yanjun color next to it has also become more downs.

In the World of Outdoor Chaotic World, Zhen God is divided into three stages.

The first stage is the true God, this is the most common kind, and some of the 10th cultivation of the holy land is mostly in this first level, like the sword where there is no double, the seven Vetero master, like the Trinity The true gods in the sword prison, including Yan Jun, blood emperor, no heart, etc., all in this first stage.

It's just that Yan Jun is in the true god of void, it is already standing at the top.

The second stage of God is the world.

This is a lot of true gods, the number is much less than the true God of the first stage, even if it is in the top ten cultivation holy land, if an eternal real God can easily open a force, like a star, like a star Inside those law enforcement, most of them are eternal.

As for the third stage of true God, it is called the chaotic true God.

This is the true god standing on the top. This level of true God is very rare, even if it is such a great force like a star, there is not much chaotic.

Of course, in the chaotic real god, standing in the top of the top, they ranked the true God list, and the power is more strong.

Like the Lei Dynasty, it is a chaotic true God in the real god list.

"The three stages of true God, every stage of strength has a huge gap, the emotion of the blood of the demon, can add more than the other three voids, it is too much." Yan Jun said.

"In addition to these four people, there are other strong people in the blood de deal. I said that it is hidden, it is not easy to show in the next day." The sword will continue to ask.

"This is really don't know." The top of the blood shook his head, miserse: "Adults, I am a long old age, but the blood de deal is more than 20, We can only be a high-level, the soul of the soul, but not what we know, is not hidden in the blood deth, I don't know. "

The sword has no double eyes, and it has never doubtful to this top of this blood.

"I have a portrait here, let's take a look, I don't know, or you have seen this person in the blood de deal." The sword has a cold portrait of the frost.

The blood is old, I saw a portrait. I immediately flavored a stunning color immediately, but I followed him, "Adults, I have never seen this person."

"You are sure?" The sword was unparalleled.

"I can be sure, after all, like this beautiful woman, if I see, I will definitely be impressive, but I have no impression, this woman should not be in my blood, even if it is true, it is estimated to be Some people in the teaching are as a female servant, this is a beautiful maid, who is willing to share it with others ... "The top of the blood yet did not finish.


The sword is unparalleled is a slap in the face of the blood, and the top of this blood is immediately spurting. The whole person is awkward.

"Maid?" The sword was unparalleled.

He is very clear, in this world, there may be independent generations, you can control a congenital sin to control, but in this district, there is no one to resist it.

And according to the news he got from the Vientiane Building, the status of the snow in the blood de demon is not unusual.

"You'd better think about it, if you talk again, your life can be." The sword is unparalleled.

"Yes Yes."

The blood is old and lively, and half his eyes suddenly shines. "For adults, there is indeed a mysterious figure in the blood de deal. Maybe people you are looking for."

"Mysterious people?" The sword didn't have a double heart, "said."

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