Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1553 Cold Zon (Chapter 16!)

"This person came to my blood de deal more than two hundred years ago, and she also took a servant, which has been living in the ancient magic peak of my blood."

The top of the blood, said: "Since she is coming, we have no one else to close the ancient magic peaks, and more than two hundred years, we have never seen this person, only know that there is such a person. Naturally, I have never seen her. "

"But you can be sure, she is a young woman, our teacher also called her for the cold."

"Cold Zunner?" The sword is unparalleled, "it must be her."

"The place of the ancient magic peak is given to me." The sword is unparalleled.

"Yes." The top of the blood did not hesitate to agree.

And the sword is unparalleled after you want something you want ...

"Look at the copy of you, I can let you die." The sword didn't have this bloody.

"What?" The top of the blood is very shocked. I just want to say anything, and a soul is moving directly to the top of this blood.

The latter did not come and showed this time, it was already in order to have a cold body.

Yan Jun waved a big flame, and burned the body of the blood into the ashes.

"The sword is unparalleled, that is the people you are looking for?" Yan Jun asked.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point, "But she is now in the blood demon, I want her to come out, there is no possibility, no way, can only attack!"

"Forcing it in?" Yan Jun's brow wrinkled, "the blood demon has four true gods, including an eternal spirit, it can be not yet."

"I know, this blood is more than the pulse of my star, but it is too far away." The sword didn't have a double eyed, and immediately he sent a Yuan Dynasty.

"The sword is unparalleled, I have given you three real gods, I will reach the blood magic world for a long time, when they will contact you, these three real gods plus your sigh, absolutely easily Criminalization. "Yuan Dynasty is very self-confident.

"There is still a good time." The sword has no double, and then he is waiting quietly to the old nest near the true blood.


Blood deth, old nest, ancient magic peaks.

In this ancient peak peak, there is a fine black temple, within this temple, a white woman sits there.

This white woman is covered with a layer of veil, can't see the specific look, but just the part of the face, it is enough to make countless practitioners ripple, the most important thing is the temperament of her body, the stock The ultimate cooling.

This is cool, enough to make people feel dreaming.

She is the cold land of the top of the blood.

At this moment, after this cold lord, I also respectfully standing on a black robe, and the black robe was completely shrouded under the black robe.

"Aqi, ask the blood demon, see what the things are doing." Cold Zon asked indifferently.

"Don't worry, the master, the blood magic master has been sent to me, and there will be more than ten years. Let's have a matter of business." Under the black robe of the black robe, it came to the hoarse Low sound, listening to this sound should be an old woman.

"Do you want ten years? The speed is really slow enough, I see his position of this blood demon, it is not to be serious." The cold land is still indifferent, and it seems that it has reached the blood demon master of the eternal life in her eyes. Just look similar to the ants.

"As long as the owner you tell, many people are willing to replace him in charge of this blood." The old woman under the black robe smiled, "Right, the Mu Hong Hall should be in these days?"

"Muhong Hall? Oh, he is really awkward, come to me," The cold smile is cold. "

"This Mu Hong Hall knows that the owner you need Qi Xing Yinlian, and the power of his father's seventh palace is even almost destroyed, and finally got a plant. This time he is deliberate for you. "Black robe old woman.

"Oh, look like that the seventh palace master really treats him as baby bumps, but it is because of this, Mu Hong can live now, otherwise, you will not know how much it is killed. The time, since he wants to give me, then he is coming. "

Cold Zunner smiled, but it was flashing a cold.


After several days, the blood of the gods is near, the Yuan Temple invited the three real gods that helped him one arm.

Above the vibrant void, three shapes are row.

The three people are headed by a burly man wearing the bronze armor, and the other two are a red robe woman, and a bald old old man with some hunchbacks.

The sword is unparalleled in these three people feels incomparable pressure.

"Good guy, the two eternal God, there is one, it is a chaotic true God!" Yan Jun revealed the shock.

The three stages of true God, he only the top of the first stage, but the three people can be in front of them, but the two is in the second phase, and the last bit is the true God in the third stage.

These lineups are placed in the top ten cultivation holy land, but it is also enough to cover some medium-sized forces that are weak.

"You are swords and no pairs?"

The three people have also seen the eyes of the sword. Although the sword is unparalleled is only the world, but it is the super-enchanting of the world. It is the disciple of the Star, a star, facing such The arrogance of the sky, these three real gods did not have too big shelves.

"I am Longqing, you can call me Dragon Qingzhen, as for these two are the top of the gods and the god of the gods." The three people wearing the burly men in the bronze armor, and the strongest in the three people. The chaotic real god opening introduces.

"The sword is unparalleled, I have seen three." The sword is unparalleled to three people.

"The purpose of this trip, the main hall is already said with us, but how to act, you said," Long Qing's true God.

The three real gods got the main benefit of the Yuan Dynasty, come to help the sword without the power, they will listen from the sword unparalleled inside for a short time.

"Since the three already know the eye, then I don't have to say more, but I still emphasize that the person I want is to be angry. If there is no way, I can hurt her, but I can't shoot her, I would rather put it. She left, and she can't let her die! "The sword is unparalleled.

Long Qing's true God has seen each other, and he nodded.

They also see that the people who have no doubles to be born with him should be extraordinary.

"In addition, I have already given the exact news. I have to be a cold, and now I am in the ancient magic peak of the Blood Devil, and I haven't left for more than two hundred years, so we have no choice, I can only force it. Break in! "


PS: The sixteenth is over!

There are four more, and updated at 8:00 pm.

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