Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1554 Hard

"This blood is demon, I have been hitting the hand, although there are four real gods, but in addition to the second phase, the other three are just the first stage of the true God, Taking our lineup, it is too easy to crush this blood. "The bald old old old man with a hunchback is due to the demon.

"So, but still can't fall." The sword has no double-ring takes a few people in front of the eyes. "This way, when you do it, you will have a good god, because of the god of the god, Yan Jun big brother, the three direct tear of the Devils The big battle broke into the blood of the magic, the bigger the movement of the trouble, the bigger the charm of the trouble, and I and Long Qingzhen gods were in chaotic, when they were pulled into chaos, and they went to the ancient magic peak. Quickly retreat immediately. "

"Yes." Longqing really nodded.

"Everything is said by you." Yuxiang's true God is also very giving the sword unparalleled 'genius' face.

Only in Yan Jun frowned, "Sword is unparalleled, do you want to go to the ancient magic peak?"

He remembers the Lord of Yuan Dynasty, let the sword have no double easily.

"The cold respected owner is very strong, if you don't personally go, I can't rest assured." The sword is unparalleled.

"In this case, that's fine, but you have to be careful." Yan Jun said.

"Well." The sword has no double heart.

Soon, five people came before the blood dealer.

"Three, there is a hand to do your hand first." The sword said unparalleled.

"Bag is on us."

Immediately, the gods were directly forwarded by the gods and Yan Jun.

The sword is unparalleled with the dragon, it is hidden behind.

Soon ... Boom! ! !

The horrible roar came from the front party, and I saw the scorpion of the blood, the blood of the blood of the blood, and the blood of the monsters have been tearned for a huge mouth.

The blood deth is in the old nest, and it is instant.


A burst of drinking sounded in the world, and there was an angry voice accompanying.

"Haha ~~~ Blood magicism, 3 million years ago, you destroyed my surnamed family, today, my Yan Jun came back to revenge!"

Hua Hong also faintly brought a bit of crazy laughter like thundering, rumbled in the world, the sword has no double one, knowing this is the voice of Yan Jun.

As for the Yan Jun, what is three million years ago, I destroyed the surname of him, and that, I was free to find an excuse.

Blood demon is destroyed in this blood devil, the number of ethnic groups, it is estimated that they don't know if there is any group of surnames, naturally only when Yan Jun is purely revenge.


The blood magic teacher is inner, the hundreds of shadows are really gods, because of the god of the god, Yan Junnan strong horizontal breath is spread.

Especially the gods of the gods and the big god, this can be two eternal realism, the three strong people are forcibly come in, and the many strong people who have made the blood demon feel like the end of the day.

The big array immediately broke out, many of the real gods unscrupulous shots, and those bounds did not even intervene.

The blood demon is naturally a chicken flying dog jump, and it is incomparable.

At this moment, I have been waiting for the sword near the old nest of the blood, my eyesight.

"Long Qing is really god, we will do it." The sword has no double.

"Well, I deliberately converge, the few real gods of the Blood Devils are now being forced to have a busy foot, and they are afraid that they have no effort, and they should not find me." Long Qingzhen said.

"Well, let's go."

The sword is unparalleled with the dragon and the true God immediately, and the mouth has also entered the blood dealer along the mouth along the blood demon.

Subsequently, the sword did not have the road map of the top of the top before the top of the top of the top.

Wherever I encountered a lot of blood demon practitioners, now the treasures of the blood of the gods are in the hug and fleeing the wolf, they are too lazy to see the sword unparalleled and Longqing Zhen 2 People look at it, and even if they see it, they will only treat them into people in the blood demon.

As for the gods of the blood demonism, there is no time to pay attention to these.

The sword is unparalleled with Dragon Qing Qingzhen has not been hindered by the slightest.

"The ancient magic peak is that."

The sword is unparalleled to look at the oldest ​​ ..

The giant peak is an ancient magic peak, and it is also where the cold land is located.

The sword is unparalleled with Longqing, the god is close to the ancient magic peak at an amazing speed.

It is within the black temple on the ancient magic peak.

"Cold, this is the seven-star Yinlian you have been searching. I have a lot of effort, I finally got it." A young man wearing a purple luxurious robes, a cold young man with a fascinating Smile, sitting in front of the lord, in his hand, is the seven-star yinurt.

Seeing the seven-star Yinlian, the cold, the main gaze, slight smile, "Thank you Mu Hong Hall."

"He is also polite with me?" This cold man Mu Hongshen looked at the cold, the eyes were a fanaticism, said: "Cold, this time I just have no things, I want to be in this blood demon Focuse with you, don't you know if you can? "

"The Muhong Temple said, with your identity, this world is going, if you want to stay in this blood demon, do you still dare to drive away, you can't come? The blood demon is not this courage "Cold Zon smiled.

"Haha, then you have promised." When the Mu Hong Temple exposed. "

Others, Boom!

The dramatic roar is passed from the distance, and several people in the black temple are also alarmed.

"What is going on?" Mu Hong Hall below the color.

"It's a blood deien, there are three true Gods, it seems to be to revenge, now I have been with the blood devil." He said in a fat blood in the body after this Mu Hong Hao. .

"Is this?" Mu Hong Hall.

The blood de deeper is doing things for them. There are too many enemies in the next day. When the enemy does not have strength, it can only be neutral, but it will come back to revenge, which is normal.

"His Royal Highness, the blood magic teacher came over, and the enemy strength is strong, they can't resist it, I want to ask you to help you." Obesity middle-aged road. "

"Hey, I just arrived here, I didn't have time to take care of him, tell him, let him find a way to solve, and have to solve it as soon as possible, if you want to bore to me and cold, I want his dog life." The sound of the Muhong Temple is cold.

"I will tell him now." Obesity is ready to communicate.

"It's not right." The old woman who stood behind the defending the main body did not open a hoarse voice.

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