Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1565, the fairy


A dazzling shun is in the end of the establishment, this light is too dazzling, it is definitely the brightest light seen by this boy.

After the light flashes, a white-haired old man slowly appeared in the sight of this boy.

"This, is it the goddess of the mother?" The teenager opened his eyes.

Next moment, this teenager immediately ran to the white hair old.

"Mr. Old, are you a fairy?" The young woman looked up at the white hair old, and the look is looking forward to the look.

"God fairy?" The sword was unpaired to see this little guy in front of him, see the old eyes of the latter, and the heart is also a happy.

If it is a peak, his strength is in this youth secret, saying that he is God, never.

But now, he is just an ordinary person.

"I am not a god, I am just a way to pass the way." The sword is unparalleled.

"You are lie, I have never seen so bright light, and you are from the rays, it is definitely a god." This boy is insisting.

"Haha, if you really think so, then I just." The sword is unparalleled smile, looks down, "Little guy, what is your name?"

"My name is Chen Hu, it is Chenjiazhuang, people in Zhuangzi call me the tiger." Juvenile Road.

"Chen Jiazhuang?" The sword didn't have a double look.

"Our Zhuangzi is under the mountain, the old fairy, or I will bring you in the past?" The teenager Chen Hu is connected.

"Well, go see." The sword laughed.

When the leader of Chen Hu is, the sword is unparalleled to walk towards Zhuangzi under the mountain.

Very ordinary, very simple, a Zhuangzi, the sword is unparalleled to the Zhuangzi's bamboo house.

In the bamboo house, there is also a middle-aged woman, as well as a small girl who has a scorpion.

"Mother, I met an old fairy today, I brought him." Chen Hu is excited to run to the middle aged woman.

The middle-aged woman touched Chen Hu's head, and immediately fought in the sword. He smiled: "Sorry, the old husband, this little guy does not understand, I don't know if you are?"

"I am a traveler, name, call me clean." The sword is unhappy smile.

No dust ... I have walked a world, not left a dust, a trace, this is the sword unparalleled.

"Mr. Condo, you walk alone in this mountain? If you are not afraid to meet the horse thief?" Chen Hu's wife.

"Horse thief?" The sword was unbeded.

"Hey, our mountain is very big, Zhuangzi such as our Chenjiazhuang has hundreds of horses, of course, there are still many horses in this mountain, these horses are robbed, whoever doesn't give money, will be To their poisonous hand, the tiger him is dead in the hands of those hoveries. "Chen Hu's wife.

"Is this?" The sword has no double nod.

"Don't say this first, this sun has been going down, I am afraid that I have never eaten, just I have prepared meals, my old husband is extraordinary." Chen Hu's mother smiled and invited.

"Eating?" Sword is no longer two-sided.

The cultivator, with the heaven and earth aura for food, and you will eat some strange fruits or some special cuisine, one full.

As for eating in order to fill the stomach, the sword has not been there since she has been cultivating.

"So, then the old man blew." The sword has been smiled and accepted.

Rough tea is light.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is delicious.

It is also a night after a meal, and the moon is empty.

The sword is unparalleled in the mountainside of the mountain, overlooking the lights below the light, and there is a quiet and peaceful Zhuangzi.

"The mortal, is indeed weak, and even the antity is not too small."

"However, the practitioners have the benefits of cultivators, but they also have the benefits of mortals, at least like this quiet and peaceful day, there are not a few people in the cultivator."

With a smile, the sword was unparalleled.


In the morning, Tian Meng Meng, this quiet Zhuangzi has already lively, and the large number of men in Zhuangzi appeared on the campus of the most central area, and took out their own weapons and drills, and most of them were drilled. The gun, but most of these guns are wooden long guns, metal manufacturing, only have a few people.

The sword has come to a longer, looking at many exercises in front of you, this shot is just the simplest spurs, long pick, sweep.

Although ordinary, as constant exercises can play a small power.

It is a pity that the people in Chenjiazhuang are just ordinary people. It is the power of ordinary people, and the strongest is not 100 pounds, but there is no one.

"Ha!" "Hey!"

Chen Hu, only eight years old, also took a small wooden gun than others, and also contacted those adults, he was very angry, he was young, but the gun method drill came out, but also tiger tiger.

For a long time, everyone collectively drifted, and then the individual was practiced at will.

"Tiger, come over." The sword is unparalleled.

Chen Hu was immediately ran over the long gun, "Mr. Old Mr., what happened?"

After one night, Chen Hu also knew that the sword is unparalleled is not an old fairy, but it is still very respectful for the sword.

"You like to use a gun?" The sword watched Chen Huao.

"Yes, not only I like, most people in Zhuangzi have like to use guns, like me, he is also a gun, and the gun method is very high." Chen Hu said.

"How high?" Sword is unparalleled.

"Anyway, there are a few people in our Zhuangzi to be more than him." Chen Hu is proud of the color, but it is a movement with the look, "Mr. God, do you know the gun method?"

"Well ..." The sword is unparalleled, nod, "I understand some."

The sword is unparalleled. Although he specializes in the sword, but it is also aware of other weapons, but it is not very proficient.

It can be his realm, even if it is a silk understanding, in this youth secret, it is estimated that it is a master level.

"Mr. Old, do you really understand gun law?" Chen Hu Yixi, and his voice also attracted attention around many people.

I saw someone in many Zhuangzi came over.

"Dust-free old, do you know guns?"

"You are a military person?"

These people in Zhuangzi also know that the sword is a traveler, the name is clean.

Seeing these people around the surroundings, the swords have no double smile, "I am not a warrior, but in the gun method, it is indeed a little bit."

"Too good, my husband, can you help me see, I will create these shots I."

A man with a tiger's back bear was surprised, and then immediately showed the three guns that he created in front of the sword.

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