The three-star gun method has been shown, and the moment of Heph, which makes others surrounded.

The sword is a smile: "You are still very bad, there are a lot of places that need to improve, I will give you a few more ..."

The sword has no double payment and talks.

Although his strength has disappeared, his eyes, some understandings of the weapons are still there.

One of his fingers, also made the man of the tiger's back bear Mouton, there is a great harvest.

"Delicious old husband, let's take a look at the guns I show."

People in Zhuangzi are seeking swords without blessing.

No way, their Zhuangzi is in the depths of the mountains, and there is no chance to have the powerful people. I occasionally I can encounter a two-way military person, but who will pay for them?

Now I am very difficult to see the sword is unparalleled. I see the sword is unparalleled to the gun method. It is so high to seek guidance, and ask questions.

The sword is also happy to give pointers, and even he is deliberately teach these people in Zhuangzi.

Then he didn't enter the flow of guns that he got in the age of the ancient world, but he could have won the treasure.

The next time, the people in Zhuangzi will practice this shot every morning. If you encounter you don't know how to ask, you will have no double inquiry to the sword.

Therefore, the sword is unparalleled to get the respect of the people in Zhuangzi.

A sword, the sword is unparalleled in this Zhuangzi.

On the campus of Zhuang, the sword is unparalleled to sit in a corner. It is Chen Hu's sister. It is only four-year-old little girl who is tissue.

The campus is a fight against each person who is in Chenjiazhuang.

This is more than the age.

Among them, Chen Hu was the first in children of the eight-year-old age.

"My brother has to be the first, he is too powerful." The little girl saw Chen Hu won the first, and immediately happy.

"Your brother is not a powerful, but it is hard enough to work hard." The sword is unparalleled.

"My brother will definitely become a martial author in the future, and I have to become like him." The little girl's milk milk.

The sword has no double smile.

It can be taken here ... !

The ground suddenly vibrated.

"Horseshoe?" The sword was unblorated.

"Not good, it is a horse thief, it is a horse thief!"

As a shout, the whole Zhuangzi turned into a moment.

"Fast, fast."

A large number of adult men in Zhuangzi have come up with their iron or wooden long guns and came towards the campus.

But I haven't waited all people to concentrate on the campus, !

A great sound, the gate of Zhuangzi was actually opened by life, and then a hundred people rushed into Zhuangzi.

"Haha, Chenjiazhuang, let's take the year." The magnificent laughter hurts the whole Zhuangzi.

"New Year? Adults, this year's annual money is not over?" A long in Zhuangzi.

"Hey, that is what you give the fire, our Baisha hasn't given it yet, hurry out, and you have to pay twice as a fire!" A knife for the horses. Low drink.

"What?" The elders were shocked, "I have to pay twice? How can I make it from Chen Jiazhuang?"

"I can't afford it? Hey, then we can't blame, the brothers, hands, men's all kills, those beautiful women will catch it back." The leader of the horsesaw is angry.

Time, many hivelings are just like the wind, directly launched.

This makes Chenjiazhuang's people are extremely angry.


"Fighting them!"

"Kill them, let them know that I Chen Jiazhuang's Han, not so good!"

People in Chenjiazhuang have taken out the weapons and move their hands with these horses.

They were born in the depths of this mountain, and they were surrounded by many hives. They took a gun method every day, enhanced their strength, which was to cope with these hockers.

Now when they arrived.

However, the people of Chenjiazhuang, the weapons used are very rough, mostly wooden long guns, but those who have no thieves can sit and sit in the horse, and it is also the iron weapon, there are war knives, big ax, long guns, etc. And there are several martial arts.

Although the number of people is not as good as Chenjiazhuang, this is a battle, but it is one side.

The large number of people in Chenjiazhuang is directly killed by those hover.


On the campus, the shape is still unparalleled. Chen Hu, seeing this scene, the eyes immediately scarned, picking up the thumb of the hand, just want to murdery with those hocners, but he just moved, immediately The sword is unparalleled.

"Tiger, your head is not fever, fast, with your sister and your mother go to the house to hide, here, not your own children can interceach the woman." The sword is unparalleled.

"Old Mr. ..." Chen Hu also wants to say anything.

"Go!" The sword did not drink low.

Chen Hu took his teeth, and immediately pulled him that Chen Qiusheng running in her house.

And the sword is unparalleled, then stand in the campus, look at the killing in front of the hand, and the hand is a long sword.

This sword is just a normal long sword.

Now, he, there is no power, it is not possible to urge the blood peak.

Even, he is in his hands and there are many treasures. If some contained the power of power attacks, those gratuits are as long as the power, enough to easily annihilate in front of the horse thief.

However, those gods also need to have a reminder, he can't use it.

The only thing that can be used is, this is ordinary, and the top is just sharp swords.

The sword is not double step, and it has also been rushed into the battlefield.

The body is jumped, and the long sword is abrupt, but it is already the throat of a hocrap.

Then there was a pick, but the eyes of another hockey thief were stabbed. At this time, the sword did not land.

At that moment, his body is a burst, and it fell directly.

"Betting!" The sword is unbold.

He is now an elderly, and the physical strength is far less than that of ordinary adults. It has an empty sword.

Like now, just just one hand, he feels that his physical strength is not supported. If he can feel slightly, it can be the same as an ordinary adult man, even if there is no sword, the source, the auxiliary, with simple and most simplest Direct swordsmanship, he has to grasp all the group of horses in front of him.

Canni ...

call out! call out! call out!

The sword is unparalleled, and the people are going to take a circle in the crowd. This circle swims. He is still killing four hives, and one person is stabbed by him, and another person is cleared by him. A arm.

But at this moment, he is also panting.

"Where is the old thing, pick me up!"

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