Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1567 is weak!

"Where is the old thing, pick me up!"

A burst of bursting, Her He is the leader of the hockey thief, he waved a huge hammer, jumped from immediately, and the fierce sword was unparalleled.

The leader of this horse thief can be a no-bound, and the powerless warrior.

The sword is unparalleled, but only the sword will be in front of him, the result ...


A heavy impact sounded, the sword in the sword didn't fly out, and he only felt that his body bones seem to be shocked. There is also a big mouth in the mouth, and his body is also After the continuous retreat, the back is retired and the foot is still stabilized, he is tired to follow a tiredness, his body shape is not from the autonomous face.

In an instant, he saw that there was a horse thief had broken into the bamboo house in which Chen Hu is their own.

"Do not!"

The sword is unparalleled in the madness, roaring, roaring, rising unprecedented unprecedented.

But why, his body can't hold it.

His consciousness slowly slept.


I don't know how long it took, the unparalleled conscious of the sword slowly woke up.

When he woke up, he felt the pain came from the body, and he kept everything around him.

Boy, the whole Chenjiazhuang is already in order to be a bloody.

The sword is unparalleled to stand up, the naked eye is, but it is a corpse sea, a large number of autopsies, and lying at the place, these bodies are Chenjiazhuang people.

Chenjiazhuang, got there.

The whole Zhuangzi is slaughtered.

"How can this be?" The sword was unparalleled with hands, and the old face was twisted.

How messing, how simple people are.

Yesterday, it was still quiet and peaceful, and a blink of an eye was for a bloody sea.

And all of this, there are still in front of the sword, he can't stop it at all.


The sword is unparalleled. This is still the first time I feel this.

From him to this day, there have been countless sills, countless hardships, but he has never been like this.

No strength, he is an ordinary person!

He can only look at this Zhuangzi by the hive thief.

The sword is unparalleled. At this moment, it is a huge waves, and his body is crazy.

I suddenly moved his look, "Tiger."

The sword is unparalleled, immediately toward Chen Hu's home, the bamboo house walked.

Entering the bamboo house and seeing the scene in the bamboo house, the sword is unparalleled.

I saw the bamboo house, Chen Hu, Chen Qiu, and Chen Hu's mother, also poured in the blood park.

Among them, Chen Hu's mother is still holding Chen Hu, Chen Qiu.

The sword is unparalleled to slow down, and the shaking of the inner heart is to release the hand of Chen Tiger.

"Well?" The sword didn't have a double eye, he could feel the nose of Chen Hu, there is still a breathing.

"There is also saved!"

The sword is unparalleled to take a Dan medicine from the Qiankun ring.

Although he is the strength, he is still there, that kind of treasure can be done, but he can save this Chenhu if you have a breath.

With the body of Dan medicine, Chen Hu's state immediately recovered, just a moment, he opened his eyes.

However, when he opened his eyes, he saw the scene in front of him, Chen Hui lost.

follow closely……

"Mother! Xiaoqiu !!"

"no no!!"

Chen Hu is desperate, and the eyes are immediately poured out of tears.

The sword is unparalleled to look at this, and it will take a deep breath, solemnly: "Tiger, I ask you, don't want to revenge?"

"Revenation?" Chen Hu Yi, but his hands were a fierce. "Though, of course, I want to revenge, I have to kill the group of hijie, one does not stay!"

"If you want to revenge, then dry tears, start today, you have been with me." The sword said.

"Okay." Chen Ti wants to nod, and both hands will dry immediately.

"Walk, I want to burn your mother with your sister."

The sword is used together, and the Mother of Chen Hui, and Chen Qiu's body brought the back of the mountain, which is the first time Chen Hu's first time I saw the sword unparalleled.

"You are waiting for me for a moment now."

The sword was unparalleled, and then he returned to Lujiazhuang.

Standing in the blood park in Lujiazhuang, the sword is unparalleled, and the cold looks at the void. "I know that Qingyu Pavilion should have a strong person near this, although I don't know if you are God or true God, but ..."

The sword has no double call, "" This Qiankun ring, there is a million chaotic crystal, I hope that you can do this to help me, I will be buried. "

The sword is unparalleled to put this Qiankun on a stone, followed by leaving it.

Shortly after the sword is unparalleled.


A storm is surprising, and there will be next to the Qiankun Ring, and this Qiankun will ring.

This person is naturally the old age of Qingyu Pavilion.

The Plutter is always in the dark. His mission is just to let the sword are not to die in this cycle. As for what the sword is unparalleled in this secret, he is too lazy to pay, like this Chen Jiazhuang This is not careless.

A group of people, a group of ants, it is not worthy of his shot, and he will not take the battle between these mortals.

Although the sword is unparalleled, he is also seriously injured, but as long as he is dead, he will not shoot.

Until now, just just buried this Zhuangzi, the sword has given a total of 10 million mixed chaotic crystals, he is here.

He immediately buried this Lujiazhuang in accordance with the demand of the sword.

The hills, the woods.

The sword is unparalleled with Chen Hu, and it has also used several hours, and Chen Hu's mother has Chen Qiu'an buried.

"Tiger, from today, you follow me, I teach you to practice the gun!" The sword watched Chen Hu.

Chen Hu is exciting, but the next moment is immediately ignorant, respectfully give the sword unparalleled head, "said the disciple to see the master."

"Master?" The sword didn't shake his head. "I didn't say that I would like to collect you, but if you want to call it, you call."

"Come with me."

The sword is unparalleled with eight-year-old Chen Hu, walking in the forest in the countryside.

From this day, the sword is unparalleled, and this Chen Hu is committed.

Although he lost its strength, there was no experience and experience in this secret. Don't say that Chen Hu, it is just a born child, even if this world is standing at the top. Wancha Chaos World Dao Zun, Tianzun's military, the sword is more than enough.

Time passed, a ten years.


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