Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1573, the dragon is booming!

"How is it possible?" The Plumber was completely ridiculous.

He is the true god of life.

But now, a single watch is coming, it will make him in the heart, and the face is white?

What strength is this?

Even if the sword is not doubleful to the peak strength, will it be so terrible?

"Does he not only restored strength, but also achieved a big breakthrough, become true God?"

"But his breath is not just a world?"

Plock is full of incredibility.

The sword has the treasure of the starry palace, but the top of the treasure can only make the sword without a double camouflage world, but it can't disguise into real God.

In other words, he has now broken through the three heavens, and the breath it is also the same as the three heavens.

At the same time, at the same time, a distracted voice came over.

"Although there is not much intersection with you, but in this Qingtian's mission, you also take yourself in your darkness. Here is 100 million mixed chaotic crystals, it is given you, and then you will have to follow me. "

The sword is unparalleled, as if the magic, when the ears of the Plutan, the eyes of the Plutum have become floating, and the whole person is like being drunk, but sleepy.

When this sound disappears for a long time, he is in vain, and once again, he looks down in the ground, but it finds that there is no trace of swords, and some are just a Qiankun ring.

"The terrible sense of consciousness, just let me consciously sleep, but it is not completely coma, and I have not brought me harm. This energy is resistant ... It seems that this sword is unparalleled. The strength is indeed a major breakthrough. However, he has already been ranked third before the world. How much is it now? "The Plth is amazed, secretly shook his head.

After picking the sword unparalleled Qiankun, he returned to Qingyu.

He knows that the sword is unparalleled, no need him to secretly stare, even if he wants to stare, he can do that.


Above the vibrant, the sword is unparalleled to put on the bloody robes that the bloody feather returning, and the blood peak sword is also carrying.

On the way to flush, he couldn't help but stretch a lazy waist.

"It's really fun!" The sword was unparalleled, and the inner heart was obviously happy.

"The sword is unparalleled, now you are comfortable, before the last two thousand years,, even a general person is not as good, it is really a desperate death."

"Oh, the cultivator has a quick and fast, and ordinary people also have the benefits of ordinary people." The sword is unparalleled. "

In this two, thousands of years, thrown into the top three thousand years, the remaining eight thousand years, he also taking ordinary people, and the eight thousand years have a very much touching.

"No matter what, you have already touched the last heavy trivial robbery, the biggest difficulty has already stepped over, the next road will be more relaxed, I can rest assured that there is a lot." Dai Wang smiled, "In addition, You hurry, think about it breakthrough in the real god, a breakthrough, the power of your ancient god will also reach six stars, I will also grow up with you. "

"Five-star ancient god, and six-star ancient gods are a huge threshold. Once they spent, the strength will change the earth-shaking change, including me after you become six-star god, can also have a big change, I have a lot of combat ability It can be displayed, and it is not necessary to stay in your body. "

"Haha, rest assured, the three heavens have been reached, and true God will definitely be too far." The sword was unparalleled and smiled.

And very fast, the sword is no longer returned to the Naguang Dynasty.

This god dynasty, is where he has just stepped to come to this Qingtian secret.

Inside the King Dynasty, there is one person, it is Chen Hu.

The sword is unparalleled in the Qingtian's secret life for so many years. It has also had some intersection with many people, but in these people, the only one is unparalleled, that is, Chen Hu.

God Dynasty Dynasty, Xuri Palace.

Even after the 10,000 years of years, the Rising Seesides still exist, and more strong than before.

In addition, now the palace of the sun, is Chen Hu!

In this year, the strength of Chen Hu's strength is flying, but now he is not only recognized by the Shenguang Dynasty, and even in the entire cycle, it is also enough to stand in the top.

"This little guy, it has become mature before, it has a lot of stability, and there is still a master." The sword is unparalleled in the sky, overlooking everything, his soul Broadcasting, I have already seen everything in the Sunset Palace in the eyes.

Naturally, I also saw that in the hall, I was teaching Chen Hu, who was squatting two elders.

"Tiger." The sword is unparalleled.

The sound passed through the void, passed through the many temples, directly transferred to the ear of the top of the Tiger.

Chen Hu, who is being reprimanded, the two elders.


How long has it been, no one calls him.

It has been more than 18,000 years. Since the master of the Master, after leaving the sun, no one is called him.

And now ... familiar sound, familiar title.

"Master, Master!"

"Is you?"

Chen Hu is directly standing, the voice is also excited,

This is in the temple.

They are unknown, do not know what happened to this palace side?

As for the master mentioned in his mouth?

Some qualifications are very old, I think of a person, a high person who has been in the Kuang Dynasty.

But that high person has left very long ago, but now, is it back?

"Master." Chen Hu is still excited, and it is ignored that these elders should look at him.

"Tiger, you listen."

The sword is unparalleled to Chen Hu's ear. "You are the first person I have seen by this world, and the only one in this world has been with me, you and I am Although there is no teacher name, you are also a half disciple, and today I have to leave, before leaving, I will tell you, if there is time, go back to you, back to you Mother and your sister's cemetery, I left some opportunity, and a heavy test! "

"If you have a heavy test in the future, I will really accept your disciples for the pro, and take you to my vast world, and if you can't pass, then you will explain that you have done it. treasure."

After that, the sword is unparalleled, the sound is completely disappeared.

Chen Hu is there, followed by his eyes, but suddenly concentrated.

Its both hands are not hosted.

"Master, you can rest assured, I will definitely take the test, you will be recognized!"


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