Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1574 Brothers are difficult

After leaving those airs, the sword is unparalleled and slight.

"I have done it, a little guy, can you grasp the opportunity, look at your own." The sword is unmarkable.

He is not too difficult to give Chen Hu, it is not too difficult, this is already the lowest standard of swords.

If Chen Hulian's test is can't, then the ancient chaotic world, even if there is his guidance, it is also very achieved, it is better to stay in this Qingtian secret.

And if Chen Hu passed the test, and if he is willing again, the sword is not brought into the world, and it can also become a top boundary. Maybe there is a chance to break through Decore the true god.

After learning Chen Hu's things, the sword was unparalleled to this blue sky without any nostalgia, and he immediately left.

Xingchen mainland, Qingyu Pavilion.

The Lord of Qingyu Pavilion and several elders, including that Pawne, waiting for it quietly.

Not long, the sword is unparalleled from that space channel.

At the moment when I saw the sword, the young, the old, the old, the old, the elder, the old, the old, the old, the old, the old, the old.

They all understand that the sword is not completely recovered.

"Qingyu Pavilion, this time, bother." The sword didn't even look at the Qingyu Pavilion.

"Haha, the little friend is polite, I have to congratulate you, and finally restore the peak state." Qingyu Pavilion laughed.

"This is also asked to ask the home for the time being." The sword said unparalleled.

"Oh?" Qingyu Pavilion main eyebrows, although I don't know if the sword is unparalleled, I still nod agglomerate.


The sword is unparalleled in Qingyu, and it will be left soon.

On the Qianyu Pavilion, several elders of the Qingyu Pavilion mainly gathered together.

"The length of the past, you said that the sword is unparalleled not only to restore the peak, but the strength is stronger than before?" Qingyu Pavilion main chartered, "How do you know that he is stronger, can he follow you? Have you? "

"Don't do it, but I feel out." The Pluto said that he was about to say it.

"Just watching, put you in the hearts of it?"

"His voice actually lets you feel asleep, but did not cause any damage to you?"

Qingyu Pavilion main and other long faces, and there is a shock.

"Look, this sword is more scary than before, he also let us not spread this news, I am afraid I don't want to pay attention to it." Qingyu Pavilion is the old.

At the same time, they are also fortunate, there is no longer because of the sword unparalleled strength, it is not doubleful, and then the Qingyu Pavilion can be miserable.


After leaving Qingyu Pavilion, the sword is unparalleled immediately and immediately came out.

"Yuan Temple, I have already come out from the secret of the Qingtian."

After receiving the message, Yuan Temple also returned immediately. "Just sent me the master of Qingyu Pavilion, and he also said that your state has been recovered, that is, your third retrievers Take over? "

"Well, it's all." The sword said unparalleled.

"Great!" Yuan Dynasty is big.

It is to know that the two thousand years of the two thousand years in the sword are in the ferry, but the Yuan Dynasty is unparalleled for the sword.

Like the priest of the sword, there is a lot of disciples, including some law enforcement, is dissatisfied, but the main hall is hard to raise this pressure, never deprive the privilege of the sword.

And these years, he has been paying attention to the sword unparalleled, the sword is unparalleled in the secret of the secrets, and he also wants to report once to him every other week.

He is also constantly searching for some information about the third renrors.

In these years, his heart has been refurbished for the sword, until now, knowing that the sword has not doubled through the third reverse robbery, finally put down.

Following nature is ecstasy!

The third heavy retrograms have been robbed, and the rush of the sword is really unfounded.

This is also an incredible benefit for them in their stars.

Half, the Yuan Dynasty is over, and then ask: "The sword is unparalleled, since you spent the third retrieversion, then your strength should also have a huge improvement?"

"Strength?" The sword smiled without a pair.

Reversible robbery, each surreal, is a transformation of the earth.

And this third reversal robbery, his transformation is the largest, and the strength is also the most amazing.

"Yuan Temple, my strength has indeed improved a lot, but if you don't worry about it, I can't judge what is the strength of myself in the end." The sword said unparalleled.

"So?" Yuan Temple is also.

"Yuan Temple, I will return to the stars, wait after it is back, let's talk slowly with you?" The sword said unparalleled.

"No, don't worry." Yuan Dynasty shook his head.

"What's wrong?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, there is something I have to tell you." The Lord of Yuan Dynasty became solemn, "Just thirty ago, the four elephant in the glazed land took a thing, a boundaries in four elephants In the mainland, in the face of many practitioners, killing a very good core disciple of the four elephants, four elephants gorgeous, began to chase this world. "

"What is this? Is it related to me?" The sword is unparalleled to reveal the color.

"Of course, because of the bounds of being chased, it is a big genius with you in the mouth without sad cave, and the relationship is very good ... Duan Lifeng!" The main road of Yuan Dynasty.

"What?" The sword suddenly changed.

Duan Lingfeng?

Duan Lingfeng was chased?

"How is he doing now?" The sword didn't have a double, and his inner heart was anxious.

He has tens of thousands of years old, in these years, he also has a few good friends, like Yan Jun, Lingfei Bai is not shallow.

However, in his friends, I really had difficult to live with him, and there is a vision, saying that it is a brother, there is only one.

That is Duan Lingfeng!

At the beginning, he asked Lin Feng for the first time, when he was in the ancient star sea, he was working with Duan Lingfeng to kill a three-day peak.

Later, there was no harmonious hall, the two were meeting, and it was even more crisis that once again and again.

Duan Lingfeng later gave him a white fruit tree.

At that time, Ling Feng said, if there is something to find him in the future, let him leave.

The sword is unparalleled.

And now he knows that Duan Lingfeng was chased by people thirty years ago?

How can this be unhappy! !

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