Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1576 The sword is unparalleled.

"It turned out that even the stars did not know that there was a ban, no wonder so many strong people used it for so long."

The sword has no double smile, and the spin gives Duan Lingfeng Communications, "You are waiting, I will come over and join you."

"Well." Duan Lingfeng nodded.

The sword is unparalleled to enter the Burning Magic Domain, and the direction of the very fast speed is in the direction of Duan Lingfeng.

On the way, he also encountered some strong people who search for Duan Lingfeng in the Burden of Magic.

These strong people, also have a world, and there are many real gods.

They also saw the sword and unparalleled.

"The person is not a sword?"

"It's really him!"

"How can it, don't you say that he is the strength, it has become a waste? Can you still have his strength to recover?"

These strong people are quite wrong.

As early as many years ago, the sword did not have a double place to pass the top ten cultivation holy land. Most of the strong people in the top ten cultivation holy land did not see him, at least saw the mirror picture of him, or his portrait, so You can recognize the sword.

Soon, the news of the sword was not doubled to the Burning Tianda domain spread, and the strong people who were in the Burning Tianda domain were shaking.

After all, everyone knows that the sword is unparalleled and Duan Lifeng is a friend.

And those who saw the sword have a strong parallel, all said that the sword is unparalleled, and there is also a power fluctuation on the body. It is likely that the strength has been resumed.

So, then he came to this burning magic domain, and it must be touched to the segment Ling Feng.

The four elephant also immediately got news, and I asked the star of the star of the star.

The reply of the main hall is very simple. "The sword is unparalleled with Duan Ling Feng is a life and death, and it must help him a friend, and I can't stop it, I can't stop it."

"In this case, then this matter will be invited to intervene. As for the sword, there is no parallel, my four elephant will try to ensure that his life is worry-free, of course, if he takes the initiative to kill me four elephants, then I The four elephants will not hesitate to kill them. "One of the presses of the four elephant.

"No problem." The Lord of Yuan Dynasty promised very fast, but it didn't think about it.


Burning the magic domain, all over the endless volcano, and its territory is extremely vast.

The sword with the long sword is unparalleled, and although I have encountered some four-like strong, the strong people of the four elephants are not difficult.

There are some people who follow the swords and unparalleled, I want to find Duan Lingfeng through the sword. Unfortunately, the sword is not too fast, the general world gods and even the empty God, can't keep up with his speed.

Soon, the sword has passed through a long territory, and the place where Ling Feng is located is not far.

It is at this time ...


The sword is unparalleled and suddenly looking up and finds the most ended at the line. There are two movies to gallop.

One of them, he also met.

"Haha, sword is unparalleled, let's meet again!"

It took a few strange laughs from the front party, and the two figures were also falling in front of the sword.

These two people, one of them is a middle-aged man wearing red dragonflies. This middle-aged man carries a big ax, which is obviously a true God, and the strength is not weak.

As for another person, it is a cold purple man, and it is the Zidong Wang who has killed and sword without a double. The strange laugh is that he is emitted.

Zi Dongwang, the original Shenzhu ranked second, second only to destroy God.

However, after the unscrupulous hall, it ranked fourth, after the sword is unparalleled and Duan Lingfeng.

However, because the prior to the sword is unparalleled, his ranking has disappeared on the spiritual list, so this purple east king returns to the third position.

Zidong King stood in the void, staring at the sword, unparalleled, feeling the breath of the sword, there is also the power fluctuating, "I have a bright cold," I look like your strength seems really recovering? "

Zi Dong Wang Xin is arrogant and is reluctant to quit, and when the unparalleled strength of the sword, the Zidong King, the Zi Dong, is a gloating.

He also surprised it to re-on the position of the third of the world.

And this time, Duan Lifeng has encountered a life and death crisis. He immediately ran over, which is not only for the reward of more than 100 billion mixed chaotic crystals, but he wants to look at the Lingfeng in the past.

He is full of resentment to sword unparalleled and Duan Lifeng.

I can't die in two.

"Zi Dongwang, I still have something, I have no effort to talk nonsense with you, let the sword are unparalleled to the Zidong King in front of the past, and the eyes are cold.

"Hey, you want to go, that is, I will not stop you." Zi Dong Wang smiled.

The sword is not hesitant, and the figure is moving, and the Zi Dong Wang will continue to play in front of the front.

That Zi Dong Wang did not block, but after the sword was unparalleled from him ...

"This sword is unparalleled to know the location of the Lingfeng, walk, we have followed it, follow him, you can find Duan Lingfeng." Zi Dongwang looked at the emotion of the big ax.

The interpretation of the two times will follow the sword.

The strength of these two people is not very general, and it seems quite good at speeds, completely following the speed of the sword.

Two people who followed the followers, the sword was unbeded.

"Zi Dongwang, I have no effort to entangle, roll!" The sword didn't double a burst.

"Haha, sword is unparalleled, I didn't stop you, you can go, as for me, I don't follow you, that is my business, do you manage?" Zi Dong Wang smiled.

The sword has stopped immediately, turned around, and looked at Zi Dongwang.

The shape of the purple East King was immediately toned, and there was no double with the sword. There were more than thousands of miles away from Yaoyao.

"Zi Dong Wang, I finally asked you, you still don't go." The sword is unparalleled.

"I don't leave, how can you still?" Zi Dongwang is a ridicule.

Don't say that the strength of the sword is unparalleled, there is no peak, even if there is ... The sword in the peak period is unparalleled, and the strength is indeed stronger than him, but it is not much.

And there is also a strong sense of empty space around him, and the two can be tied to the sword, but there is no double pressing of the sword.

In this case, what is he afraid?

Zi Dong Wang Xin is thinking so.

However, he doesn't know, he thinks, the sword is unparalleled in the peak state, and it is still more than 20,000 years ago, the scene when there is no harmonious.

But now, it is more than 20,000 years, the sword is unparalleled, has passed the third re-richest!


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