Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1577, a sword!

"Don't you leave?"

The sword has no double eyelids, and the blood peak sword behind him has slowed down the sheath.

"How, want to do it? I thought I would be afraid of you?" Zi Dong Wang is still dismissed.

"Since you don't want to go, then leave it forever."

There is no double voice in the sword, in the moment of the voice.


The 18th phantom also burst.

Every 18th phantom is like a ghost, it is easy to cross the void to come to the front of Zidong.

Eighteen phantom swords while swing.

Obviously is only a very ordinary sword, there is no abrupt scholastic sword, but this sword is too fast.

The smile on the face of Zidong said, he died, staring at this cold sword light in front of him, this Sword is constantly enlarged in his eyes, he is exhausted to go to the power, at least Also have to block the palm before this sword.

It can be actually too slow, his palm is only lifted, but the sword is yet shocking from his neck.


A huge head flew directly.

Zi Dong Wang's eyes closed his eyes. His consciousness did not completely dissipate it in the first time, and he watched his head and his body. It was not a way.

"How can it be?"

"How could this be?"

Zidong Wang mouth is still murmond, but it is completely bleak.

The sword is unparalleled, and the Zidong king of the lost life is annihilated into a powder, and then his scorpion has seen the void of the big ax.


This is a very angvical void's true style.

The sword is unparalleled. This empty look is very eye-catching.

"I dare not dare." This empty shook his head.

Just joke, though the Zi Dong Wang is just a world, but in the spiritual list, it is necessary to force the top four. The strength is more powerful than the general void. It has been infinitely close to the empty empty temple peak. It is not much weaker than him, but the result is still Sword is unparalleled.

He dared to follow the sword unparalleled?


The sword is unparalleled, and the shape of his body disappears in front of this void.

Seeing the sword is unparalleled, this bearing the big ax is really easy to tone, but when he re-heads up, his eyes have become incomparably.

"It's too incredible!"

"This is the third of the Zidong King, the top of the world, and the sword is not only a world, but the result ..."

Deep sucking tone, very fast, one news spread out from the mouth of this void real God.

"The third Zidong king is ranked in the border list, in burning the magic domain, was killed by the sword, and still ... a sword kill!"

A simple news, once spread, can be in short than half an hour, in this burning of the magic domain, in the four elephant mainland, throughout the top ten cultivation holy land, set off a huge waves.

Ten major cultivation holy land, East Holy Land, one of the mountains in the mountains.

A thin and pale, and a pale, it seems to stand up with a young man who is sick.

"Zi Dong Wang, actually being killed by swords without double one sword?"

"Just a sword?"

"How can it be?"

The first destruction of the gods of the gods, starting from the first position of the boarding world, this is the first time he first exposed such a shock.

Task, even if he is him, it is instantly showing all the strength.

But the sword is unparalleled.

Moreover, according to the true God who saw that scene, the sword was very easy, and it seems that it did not use it all.

"The sword is unparalleled, he won't know why sudden strength, becoming a wasteman, and even heard that he has returned to the mortal mortal mortal, I heard this news, I was quite regret, regret, this is a top genius Now it seems ... This sword is definitely because of cultivating a unique secret, this is temporarily lost, and now the secret surgery is helpless, his strength is not only recovering, but also has gained a big increase! "

"A sword killed Zidong Wang, his strength, may have exceeded me!"

Destroying God can only say that it is perhaps beyond him.

After all, he didn't fight with the sword. It may be that the virtual emotion of the sword is unparalleled.

But no matter how it said, he is clear, that makes him feel very amazing, in the no grief of the governor, the front of him, even the peerless genius, is really coming back!


The star of the star, the main hall of the Yuan Dynasty is located.

"Haha ~~~"

At this moment, the main hall is a laughter, and this laugh is echoating in the entire cave.

"This sword is unparalleled. He just entered the burning of the world, and didn't really meet the Ling Feng. It turned out to have such a big movement."

"The sword killed the Zi Dong Wang, ... and he certainly did not do it."

The Yuan Dynasty is clear that the sword has passed through the third reverse robbery. The strength must have great improvement than before, and you can affirm his current strength. Absolutely the first destruction of the gods of the contest is strong, but the strong is strong He is now unable to judge.

But only a sword killed Zidong Wang, which is definitely not a full force of swords.

"Hey, I have a lot of law enforcement in my star, and I have always thought that I biased the sword. I thought I was too kind. I didn't know the sword. I don't know, the sword is unparalleled is that my star is worth a full resource. genius."

"These years, they still have to talk about this, now I have to see what they can say."

A faint smile, then I immediately inform the story of the law enforcement of the star.

For a time, the star has also vibrated.

In the branches of the monstrium, the sword is still alone, and the direction of the rush towards Ling Feng is brushing, and his face is extremely cold.

"That Zi Dongwang, when I didn't have a sad hole, I was very uncomfortable to him, but it was unfortunate that the strength is not enough, but the top can only defeat him, but it is difficult to kill him, but it can be different from time to day. Now I don't have any accidents, even the destruction of God can kill, the district is a Zidong king, still arrogant, really looking for death! "

The sword is unparalleled.

In the no harmonious hall, each other is in order to compete for whitefritish fruit, Zi Dong Wang to kill him to find him trouble, he will not be too revenge, nor is it deliberately revenge.

But today Zidong king still doesn't know how to find him, it is really stupid.


PS: I said it before, today 8, according to the previous, eight smaller explosions, ask for support.

In addition, the story updated in the next two days will be very cool, our sword is unparalleled, you have to kill all!

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