Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1579 Reduces the range

The sword has no doubles through the third reunion, and he immediately came to this burning of the magic domain.

On the way, he may not have any closure and hidden.

You must know that he has a strength, there are many means to reach the three heaven and the city can be greatly improved.

Like a sword ...

His swords have early reach the limit of the two heaven, which has a higher procition understanding and sentiment, especially in the unbearable hole, the Swordsysque, who has accumulated the Swordsysides accumulated in the Qianxing Administration, order He has long been able to create more stronger learning, but it has never been able to create.

Nowadays, the realm has achieved breakthroughs, and the swords can naturally skyrocket, and it is necessary to have several levels of collasts than before.

It's just that he has never drilled and created.

Until now, in this referendum, in the time of the outside world, he could have a good heart, improve his sword.

"let's start."

The sword is unparalleled, and the first sustained after the third heavy reversal has been started.

The time is slowly passed.

A sway, the past fifteen years.

In the fifteen years, the four imagins in the Bunming Domo domain, there are still many of the many strong people who come by billion chaotic crystal, still do not give up the search of Duan Lingfeng.

And after these years, the search range has become less and smaller.

until today.


A middle-aged man wearing a blue tai armor passed through the volcanic group.

This middle-aged man is a true God of the four elephants. At this moment, he will flourish, while you are chatting with the other void of the four elephants.

"That Ling Feng, can be hidden, I am so strong that I have found a full ten years in this burning day, I haven't found him yet." Middle-aged man said.

"Haha, don't worry, since you can determine that Ling Feng also hide this in this burnt domain, then you will find him one day later, once you find him, he will die, and now he is just waiting for death." The laughter is laughing.

"This is."

Middle-aged man nodded slightly, but his look suddenly moved, and the figure was still over.

"Well?" The middle-aged man turned to the body and looked at the volcano that had just passed.

This volcano looks flat, if it is only used in naked eyes, there is no surprise, but he just has passed over this volcano, so there will be a special feeling.

The middle-aged man slowly went to the volcano, came to the volcano, and tried it carefully.

Just a moment, he concluded.

"Is there a heavy ban?" Middle-aged man browed, and immediately gave the other end of the other end: "I found a hidden ban, first-go, I will talk to you again. "

"Well, you are careful, if you touch your Duan Lingfeng, don't entangle him, flee it directly, then send us." The person in the other end of the person.

"Reassured, although Ling Feng is very strong, but want to kill me, it is not so easy."

This middle-aged man smiled and soon he broke into this overwhelming system on the volcano.

He is not weak. Although there is no peak in the true god of void, it is also very close, which is very close to this heavy ban on the volcano, but it is difficult to block him, just a moment, just a moment. Heavy hinders, only the last remaining hindrance.

Have this heavy hindrance, the real scene in the volcano, he will look in the eyes.

"Haha, break it!" The middle-aged man waved his hammer, and he wanted to smash the last hindrance.

Suddenly ... a shaped invisible force touched him.

This middle-aged man has a shackle, and consciousness is immediately asleep, followed by a cold sword light, directly from this middle-aged man's neck.

Until the foundation is about to be annihilated, this middle-aged man's conscious is awakened.


Middle-aged man murmured, it is full of horror, and his consciousness is finally closed, and pass a message to go out.

"Duan Lingfeng, in ..."

Just only have to pass four words, this middle-aged man's eyes are completely bleak.

On this recovered volcano, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword in the hand is slowly recovered, and he looked up at the direction of the middle-aged man.

Because of the obstruction of ban, he can see the scene of the outside world, but that middle-aged man did not see him.

The sword has no double-sided colors.

"Some people have found it here, although I was killed by me in the first time, but it's hard to keep him in front of death, that is, I am in the location of Duan Lifeng, it is very likely to expose, Sihuangfu's strong I am afraid that I will come for how long I will come. "The sword was unparalleled, and immediately saw the cave behind him.

In this fifteen years, Duan Lifeng has been closed in the cave, and the sword is unparalleled, and he does not let him be disturbed by one.

But I really don't want to break through after all, until now Ling Feng is still in the breakthrough process.

"I hope to come, otherwise ..." The sword has no double eyes flashing, and the eyes are closed again.

At the same time, the middle-aged man was killed by swords, and it was also in the brank domain, in the other corner, a dark-haired old man's body was hung.

His hands have a striker, and the four words of the middle-aged man came.

"Duan Lingfeng, in ..."

Then there was no below, the brunette's vigorous old man immediately wanted to ask, but the result did not respond.

"Dead, Qingling is dead!"

"He must have discovered that Duan Ling Feng hiding, so he was directly killed by Duan Lingfeng."

This brunette is thinking that it is the true God of Duan Lingfeng.

When he immediately gave the many real gods of the four elephants, he told this.

In the survival of the four elephant, the four-way embassy is immediately locked in the branches in the branches.

"You have been taking me with me before, I also asked him. He just passed the landlord cave (a special place in the branches), although later communicated with my message, so During the period of time, he is definitely near the Walker Grot, and he is also falling in that. "

"As long as you can search for more than one billion in the area around the land fire, you can definitely find Duan Lingfeng!" The brunette is extremely affirmative.

Suddenly, the Sanyangfu immediately narrowed the search range.

Originally, the big burning of the magic domain, countless ban, and the four elephants found it very difficult.

But now I have only one billion yuan in the scope, and it is easy to find too much.


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