Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1580 finds the door!

Many strong people in the four elephant are scattered in the range of hundreds of millions around the land of the land.

Just five days later.

The two voids of the four elephants stayed over the volcano in the sword unparalleled with Duan Lingfeng.

These two voids overlooks the volcano below.

"I didn't expect that there is still a ban on it." A black woman smiled.

"The fantasy is really God, see you." Side next to a indifferent bald man said.

"Give it to me." The black woman smiled slightly, when she started to crack this ban.

The burning of the sky is a large energy, there is countless ban, but it is because of this, so the four elephants have come to the strong of the Lingfeng, there are many array, there is a certain attainment. , This black woman's magical spirit is really one.

While the magical spirit is broken, the sword is unparalleled, but the sword is secretly covered.

"It seems that it can't continue to hide, just have to confront the front." The sword did not stand up.

He is very clear that this is a referendum that is all surrounded once, then he will be completely exposed to the four elephant.

So waiting for the four elephants to kill, the sword is unparalleled to stop, after all, the four-way strong people can completely do not pay attention to him, directly into the cave to kill Duan Lingfeng.

Therefore, he must be directly shot before this is resumed.

The blood peak sword appeared in the hands of the sword.


The shape of the sword is unless.

On the void, the black woman is still in the whole god, as for the bald man standing next to her.

At this moment, a broken voice suddenly came.

Although this broken space is extremely subtle, but the bald man is immediately pericamed.

"The magic spirit is true, be careful!" The head man drunk, and his hand immediately appeared a knife.

"What?" "The woman was shocked.


A bright sword is suddenly striped, and this sword is fast, and it does not capture traces.

"Hey!" The head man snorted, and the war knife in his hand shouted, it is like a Thunder.

The war knife directly collided with the sword light, the strong power broke out, the head man immediately broke it, as for the black women's magic spirit, the gods are also rushing.

The two retired from the distance, and he was again stood stabilized. When the stable thing, the head man immediately took out the gnone, "Find them, this is the location!"

For a time, the four-year-old strong people who have been searching for Duan Lingfeng trails in this billion.

"found it!"

"I finally found it!"

"Sure enough, there are the volcles of this place."

"Walk, hurry!"

A large number of strong people have rushed over a time.

Just a moment, I rushed to the four-way embarrassment of the void around the volcanic, and it had exceeded 40.

And the strong people arrived inside, in addition to a few contexts, other Helhi is the true God!

"The real god is really enough."

The sword is unparalleled, standing in the void, indifferent looks at this group of true gods, but the tongue is slowly licking, and the lips.

For the great forces such as the Fourth Eva, the general void real God is unable to do.

Just like the star, although the true spirit of the true core is not much, some peripherals are attached to the stars, but there are many people.

If you can adjust dozens of or even hundreds of voids, you can come to this burnt domain.

At this moment, the true gods of the four elephants will also solidify their eyes in the sword.

Although the segment Lingfeng did not come out, they were definitely within the referendum of the swords.

"The sword is unparalleled, today's things, what do you want to intervene?" The old man asked lowly.

"Still, if I don't intervene, will I come here?" The sword is unparalleled, "Duan Lingfeng is my friend, you have to kill him, you have to kill me!"

"It's good!" The bald man couldn't help but explode.

"Don't talk nonsense, if I have not guess, before Qingling really God should die in this sword, unparalleled hand." The dark hair said.

After all, Qing Ling is a true god that is close to the peak level. The result is a moment of being killed, and there is no struggle.

With the strength of Ling Feng, the strength of Lingfeng can't do this, but the sword is unparalleled, he can kill the Zi Dongwang.

"Killing the true god of the four elephants, although he is the top genius of the Star, but it is absolutely can't be considered. Let him bring him to the government, let the star of the star of the star, you personally come to compensate "The brunette said.

"Okay." The head man nodded, and immediately looked at the three voids that were more strong as herself. Hazhen, three of you shot together with me, join hands to suppress him! "

"No problem." The three void is looking back.

The three of them included the bald man are the true gods of the peak level, which is the strongest four in the real god.

Four people teamed up, even if they face the weaker eternal spirit, it is definitely a fight.


The bald man drinks low, suddenly the four strong breath simultaneously broke out, and then four shadows instantly riped out.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is very clear to induce a lot of pressure coming from the four atmospheres in front. But he doesn't see any fear and worry on his face. On the contrary, his eyes also burst into thick light.

"I stayed in the triple refurbished robbery for two thousand years!"

"These two thousand years, I have never traveled with anyone, let alone life and death."

"My body is silent for a long time, I have a feeling that I have forgotten to kill."

"And now ... I can finally have a battle!"

The sword is unparalleled with hands. The blood of his body is so boiled.


The dead staring at the four people who have rushed.

"Battle, battle!"

"Let me see, now I am, there are many!"

With endless excitement and fanaticism, the sword is unparalleled.


The 18th phantom also burst.

Under the influence of the eighteen phantom in the power of time and space, it is easy to wear the void, the speed of the speed ... The four voids of the four elephants are really a lot more than the sword, but the sword is unparalleled than them. Come up.

" " " "

Eighteen phantom simultaneously pulled the sword and waved at the same time.

It seems that it is really the 18th.

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