Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1582, big killing

These true gods of the four elephants have not been out before, and it is a scruple of the southerrious identity.

The sword is unparalleled. It is the best disciple of the star, if they will kill the swords, the stars will definitely go crazy, the four elephants don't want to completely tear the face with the star, so I know the sword is unparalleled. It was likely to kill the God of Qing Ling, and they didn't want to kill the sword without killing, just wanted to have a sword.

In addition, the sword is unparalleled, and what is just a contest. They let the four peak levels of void's true gods join hands to calm down, if all true Gods have, then there must be a joke.

But now ... I saw the strength of the sword, plus the sword unparalleled without a scruple, and the true gods of the four elephants were also angry.

I don't care what identity.

A lot of real gods, from the four sides of all directions, they have no double kill.

And the sword is unparalleled, standing there, looking at this.

He has no hatred with the four elephants, but the four elephants now have to set up Ling Feng in the dead.

Duan Lingfeng is his friend, who wants to kill the Ling Feng, who kills who, never have a one-run relationship.

"Kill one is killing, killing a group is also killing, if so, then I will open the kill today!"

The sword is unparalleled with ice, echoing in this world, a shack of killing is also a sudden outbreak from him.

The blood peak sword in his hand is also crazy, it seems to be cheered by the upcoming killing.

Next moment, the sword is not double moving!


The phantom of dense Ma Ma sudden suddenly burst.


"So many phantom?"

"This, which one is true, which is fake?"

The many of the people who have grown, they are very shocked.

I saw the void in front of them, and a phantom slapped, glanced at it, there were nearly 100 phantom!

It is important to know that the sword has just spurred the 18th phantom's body of the 18th phantom. It is enough to make them fear of these voids.

And now, nearly one hundred?

These true gods are all.

However, the sword is unparalleled, but it has already appeared on the side of a true God, and the blood peak sword in hand is cut out.

~~ The sound of the sound of the sword sounds, when he heard this swager, the consciousness of this true God is so sleel.

After passing through the third heavy rebound, the power of the sword is also greatly improved. Nowadays, it has reached the most limit of the true God, and now the soul of him, even if there is not to show the secrets, just integration The soul attack in the sword is still strong enough to have a sense of awareness of the peak level of the true God.

The general void is true, it is completely resistant.

Sword is easy to brush. This true god has no ability to struggle, and it is already killed.

Subsequently, the sword is unparalleled, and there is another side of the world. The same sword is whistling, the ending is the same.

In an instant two real gods were killed, while the sword is unparalleled, the shape continues to move.

The third, fourth, eighth ...


It is clear that nearly forty is the true God, and if you want to have a sword without a double kill, but now they have been hull from the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is close to the fantasy. They can't judge that the sword is unparalleled. I can only look at the sword. There is no double appearance in a name of the real God, and then sword, Kill the name.

Under the sword unparalleled soul attack, these true Gods are generally with their fools, no one can block the sword. There is no sword.

Every sword waves, it will kill a true god.

This nearly forty is true God, and he has become a sword unparalleled living target at this moment.

Only swords have no doubles, but they can't even touch the sword. Occasionally, there is a sense of true gods. It can be used to come. It is only just a sword unparalleled phantom, and the attack they show is instead Waves yourself around you.

This is completely a situation of living targets, so that these true gods are shocked.

"Escape, hurry!"

"Quick escape!"

In a moment, these live real gods immediately fled the rear, and they were desperately escaping, but there were still a few true gods in the process. They were unparalleled.

Half rang, these true arts finally fled to the distance.

At this moment, these immediate gods are again gathered together, watching the body of the front of the void, and then look at some of the true gods standing around you, these true spirits are silent.

Seven people!

Yes, in the crazy slaughter of the sword, I live in the crazy slaughter, and I escaped the real god, count the bald man, the child is really the god, the god of the gods, there is only seven people!

You can know that from these true gods, now they are now in the seven true God to escape to this void, just only two breathing time.

Two breathing, but a moment.

As a result, in this incomparably short time, nearly forty real gods, only seven people left by the sword!


World, a silence!

There is only the sound of the faint cold wind whistling in the air, the wind blows over the body, the air is filled with a strong bloody flavor.

In this battlefield, some strong people are hidden there.

These strong people are not from the four-way festival, but for that is a billion chaotic crystal bounty, when the four elephant is unparalleled, the position of Duan Lingfeng is located in the range of billions of the volleyball hoop, these The strong is also searching here. When it is observed that this is naturally coming.

They also saw the scene just.

A true god, in just two breathing time, nearly forty true gods, only seven people left.

These strong people have also set off a huge waves.

"Just that scene, is it recorded with a mirror picture?" A man with an ancient bronze skin looks to a red-haired girl with a redhead.

"Remember, record it." The red-haired girl nodded slightly, but his eyes were shocking.

"That's good." The bronze skin man touched himself, but the rich rays were ever.

On the battlefield, it is still a silence.

The sword is unparalleled with the sword, on the blood peak sword sword, and there is also bloody to slow down.

"The two thousand years of thousands of years, my independence is indeed an ordinary person, not only there is no power, but also induces the existence of any heaven, but also cars, in the heavens, I But naturally, there will be many masters, the turn-of-time I have received, and the time-space roads have got a huge increase! "


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