Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1583, Snow, Tien

"Although I don't know how to improve these two channels, I have a feeling, and any one of these two tracks should have a level of the second floor of the Taoizhi. This is just my conservative estimate!"

The sword is unparalleled.

The third thousand years of thousands of years, don't think about it, never feel.

It is reversible to the robbery, and all of him have been greatly improved, and the same is true for the feelings of heaven.

The improvement of the wheel is solenever, and his swordsmanne will skyrockery, and the power of blood is also stronger.

The increase in time and space, affects the power of time and space, so that his sword is speed, the body is skydock.

In addition, there is a diaphra illusion.

The flow of flowers, this is the need for time and space, the higher the feelings on the time-space, which is terrible.

When there is no sorrowful cave, he is just a preliminary master of time and space, and the third heavy power of the flow of flowers can be displayed, and the 18th phantom.

You can pass the rebellious robbery, the feelings of the time-space road, at least in the second floor of the Taoizhi, this time, the power of the sky, has made the sword unparalleled in the fourth realm of the flow of magicity.

One burst, foot, ninety-nine phantom.

Ninety-nine phantom, it is terrible than the 18th phantom.

Four-elephant affairs nearly forty void real Gods, even if you encounter the eternal truth, you can not be afraid.

Under the sword is unparalleled, it is only a ruthless slaughter!

In just two breathing time, there is only a seven people who have no double slaughter!

And if the seven people have not immediately escapped, the sword is unparalleled to grasp one of the sorrows of these true gods.

"One breath kills more than 30 real gods, my blood peak sword, really has to improve." The sword was suddenly bright.

He can feel the blood of the sword at this moment, and the power is also continuously improved.

Only for a moment, the power of the blood peaks came up, it has reached a new level.

Blood peak swords, is a growing sword embryo in the actual combat, which has played a great role in his hands.

Especially as the sword is unparalleled to integrate his own school into the long sword, the power of blood peaks is constantly improving.

Before, the blood peak sword has raised to the chaotic Qibao level at the top of the boundary, and even can even compare the true gods.

And now ...

"Real God!"

The sword is unparalleled.

He induced that the blood peak sword has raised to achieve the true God-class chaotic Qibao, which means that the blood peak sword will soar.

at this time……

"Well?" The sword was suddenly moving, and the eyes were also looked over in one direction.

The power of his soul is very clear, in that direction, there is a strong breath that is coming, and the speed is very amazing.

Just a moment, this body has appeared in front of everyone.

This figure is a raise old man. This gray robe is full of vicissitudes, and it is turbid, but it is stunned.

It is much stronger than anyone present than anyone in the body.

This person, is an eternal spirit!

"Snow Uner."

The seven real gods who were lucky enough to live in the sword unparalleled slaughter, but they were big.

This time, in order to kill Duan Lingfeng, the four elephants sent a lot of strong people to come here to burn the magic domain, but most of these strong people were only empty.

As for the eternal God, the four elephants only dispatch two.

After all, the Lingfeng is just a world of gods. It is not eligible to make the four-year-old chaotic real gods, and they sent two eternal people and the real gods of many voids. It is already enough to see him.

The old robe old people in front of it is one of the two eternal realizes sent by the four songs.

The Snow Urchiti is also in the Sihao Fu, and there are more than one billion in the land, although the two are not asked as the virtual gods, but they are in both places. The strong people of the four elephants were observed to the existence of Duan Lingfeng. They will immediately rush to ensure that Duan Lingfeng will kill.

This snowwood is just coming to the message, it is just because the distance is far away.

"Here, what is going on?"

When the Snow, the real god appeared, immediately saw the body in front of the ground, and the body was still survived by a strong breath. It is a real God. It is the key to there's a true god of the body.

"Snow, the big man, is the sword is unparalleled. He shot, slaughter, I've been a four-year-old feet more than 30 real gods!"

"I am the true god of these four-year-old, all of him killed!"

"Xuewu adult, you have to revenge with these true gods that fall in the four elephants, kill this sword!"

"Yes, kill him!"

"He must die!"

The live seven real gods wanted to snay, and the eyes of the sword were full of grievances, and the appearance seems to be a sword where the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is unparalleled.

"What? He killed him alone?"

Snowwus is also a little horrified, and there is no double.

He can also see that the sword is unparalleled is just a contest.

A commanding, actually slaughtering his four-year-old family more than 30 true God?

"The sword is unparalleled, you are really good!" Xuewu is also angry.

Those more than 30 voids, this is also a good power for them.

A lot of weak forces like the top ten cultivation holy land, only one or two real gods.

Although the four elephants are the overlord of the mainland, but a breath of more than 30 real gods, and they will feel bad.

"Tugged, I am in the world, today, Mo said that you are just a genius disciple in the star, even if you are the founder of the star, the founder of the star, that is also dead!" Xuewu truth sound Zhen Tian, ​​a gray robbery has been set off by the air waves, and he looks at the sword unparalleled eyes are also full of shocking.

"Yes?" The sword is unparalleled, and it is slightly whitening.

He now, there are too many power than before.

Even the extent is strong, he doesn't know.

He is also eager to fight with the real power, let him have a judgment on his strength.

I have just just those who have just those who are only a true god of void, although there are many, but it doesn't forced him to show all the strength.

Until now, this snow is the same.

"Eternal God ... hope, you can force me!"

The sword is not a double heart, full of expectation.


PS: Today, six!

In addition, reiterate the update time of this book, it is updated at 8 o'clock every night, everyone remembers ha

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