Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1584, war, God

"Kid, death!"

A flawster sounded in the world, and the old silver hammer showed an old silver hammer.

At first, this silver hive is like a mountain, and there is a huge, unparalleled.

Xuewu Zhenqi holds hammer, and there is also a layer of silver warfare. The whole person is crowded to a Gate God, and the fire in front of the fire is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is also completely completely, and it is a fierce shining.

"I have to look at it, there is a lot of eternal life!"

With endless excitement, the sword is unbaffected.

Two streams of streamers, frontal confrontation, and instantly collided together.

Hard hard!

"A sword no regrets!"


When the sword is swept in an instant, this sword is to kill, and if you want to break the whole sky.

The void is completely solidified, and it is incomparable.

"Blow a day!"

Snowwus really waves the giant hammer, and the offensive of the show is more violent than the sword.

The silver giant hammer crushed the void, and the power did not show up, but the voids in front of it have been bombarded a huge cavity.

It seems to be bombarded throughout the world.


A shocking loud noise, in the moment that has just sounded, immediately has a pound of powerful ripple swept.

The sword is unbolded, and when the silver giant hammer bombards his blood peak sword, he can feel a great force to pass, this Juli is weakening, even after the bloody wheel armor, impact On his body, he still makes him rolling, and the arm of the blood peak sword is a numb.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is directly to go out.

"Good power!" The sword was unparalleled.

The same is true God, but the second phase of the eternal God is much stronger than the true God of the first phase.

In terms of this kind of power outbreak, it is absolutely rolling.

"This snow, I'm afraid I haven't worried." The sword is unparalleled.

At this moment, it is wearing silver armor, and the sky is truly, and the body shape is a span, waving the old silver hammer, and has once again rushed again.

The pound of the sturdy is like a stormy waves.

"Hard hard, I am not his opponent."

"However, the two are killed, but it is not only powerful."

The sword is unparalleled, and the body is shaking.

It is full of ninety-nine phantom, while bursting.

This ninety-nine phantom, everything is very fast, it is like a ghost, it is easy to wear the void to the snowwus, it is true to kill, even if the snow is really different, you can't tell these phantom, which is the true God of the sword. .


Looking at the inception of the sky, the phantom of dense Ma Ma, Xuewu is also shocked.


A slight blasphe sound sounded, the sound is very thin, but the Snow War is still aware of the first time.

"After you are!" Xuewu really got well, and it turned again, just saw the sword behind his sword where his sword was spying directly.


As the Snowu is really a low, the silver hammer in his hand is immediately turned to a silver lightning.

This silver lightning bombards the void, and it is easy to explode the sword in front of him.

"Phantom?" Xuewu true god color slight change.

"Your speed, too slow."

The cold voice loudly next to the Xuewu Tieni, but the swing of the sword is quietly smoked directly on the silver armor of Snowwus.

The silver battle is a true god-level chaotic, the body of the body is extremely strong. Under the sweep of this sword, it has raised a silver ray. The snow is just a step, and it is immediately Live, he just wanted to come back, but the sword was unparalleled, but it disappeared again in front of him.

"This kid's body is too surprised." Xuewu really frowned, followed by his body, only four thick arms of arms extended from him, plus his own two A arm, this suddenly has six arms in the foot, and his six arms have a big hammer.

"Six arm?" The sword didn't have a double look.

"Kill!" Xuewu really burst, the figure was instantly killed, and six arms were swung at the same time.

The sword is unparalleled, but his body law is very weak, but the snow is the first six arms, and he can completely resist the offensive of him against the body. The counterattack, and he can also forced him quite wolf.

"Don't waste time!"

Snow, the scorpion, suddenly, in his body, there was a tall ancient impetuous, this ancient vain looks like a different beast, but it is like a giant, but it does not see the face, at this moment With the truth of Snow, this is a tall ancient imaginary shadow.


A shocking roar suddenly echoed.

This roar carries a horrible sound wave, which is shocked by the surrounding voids, and in the surrounding of the Snow, the sword is unparalleled is also from the horrible sound wave. It is not from reaching out, as for his ninety nine The fantasy, the smoke is disappeared under this sound wave.

"Kid, I found your real body."

Snow Wuli took a smile, and the cold eyes had completely locked the sword unparalleled.

At the next moment, he fierce him.

On top of his six arms, the six-handed hammer burst into hevity.

It's like a war.

"Eighteen rebuff!"

Under the powerful power of Eternal Shimen, the six-hand hammer is also fierce.

A hammer follows a hammer.

One instant is an eighteen hammer, and the average of each arm has three hammers.

Every hammer has the power of the general void real God.

And this eighteen hammer is clearly connected, but almost simultaneously coming in the sword.

"It is the 18th front!"

"The most powerful trick of the snow,"

The few real gods of the four elephants exposed the color.

The sword is unparalleled, and a unpooled sword is suddenly litter.

It's just that the long sword in his hands is also very rapid.

!!!!! ~~~

A loud noise is crazy in this day.

Every giant ring, every collision, there are those voids that are watching around the throat.

They are very clear, if they have encountered such a collision with their strength, they are afraid that there is room for any birth.

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