Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1585, the strongest strength of the sword

In addition, these people have wonderful.

Under such a terrible offensive, can the sword have no double?

"This is the strongest trick of the snow, even if it is the top void, the true God can't resist. This sword is unparalleled, but it is just a contest. Under such an offensive, it will definitely can't live!"

"Yes, he is dead!"

The only gods of the four elephants lived were talking about it, obviously with great confidence in the tricks of Xuewu.

It is at this time ...


A deafening roar is issued from the core of the battlefield, resounding to the sky.

This roar covered all the sounds present, and people around the battle were still quiet.

I saw that everyone saw that in the battlefield, a high-spirited golden god, suddenly litted.

Although this golden god is only a high feet, the breath is strong, and its body surface also covers a layer of golden warfare, wearing a golden helmet, and Wei Feng.

At the moment of liter, I saw the surrounding voids and burst, the strongest tricks of Xuewu real God, the 18th hammer has not completely exerted all the power, and it is already landing, strong horizontal The waves are even more earthquake, and they can't stand back to the next step.

"How?" Xuewu is really surprised, looking at everything in front of him.

I saw that in front of him, the sword was unparalleled, standing on the void, and the golden god of the throne broke out covered his whole body.

The strongest gods in the five beast control!

Different before, now the sword is unparalleled to show this trick, and the golden gods have also made a golden armor and a helmet.

This is the reflection of the sword without double the five-and-beast control. The golden gods are the strongest power, and the sword is unbed in the soul of the soul that has reached the true god limit. It is strong, Even if it is eternal, I don't dare to have a smash.

"Snow Urna Time."

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are burning. "Since the breakthrough, since the self-made breakthrough, you are the first to force me to show all the strength!"

"Today, let us fight a game!"

The sword is unparalleled with endless excitement. While talking, he immediately has a large piece of blood color fire sea swept.

This bloody flakes have been covered in the far away, and the range of thousands of miles is to a fire sea. In addition to those who are still able to stand, all trees of trees have been burnt into ashes.

And swords are unparalleled, they stand in this air-saving sea, and it is the emperor of this fire.

The five beast control is successful, thereby exerts the strongest golden peak, and the power of the soul is perfectly combined with its own power.

In addition, the secret of the state of blood is also the peak state of this secret.

The secrets have been grasped all over the peak, and the power of these two secrets has increased.

The sword at this moment is unparalleled, and finally ... all!

And in the surrounding void, the snow is ugly.

He is able to feel the sword where he is standing in front of him, and the pressure brought to him is much better than before.

As for those who are watching, they are glaring, and the cold air is smashed.

They now know that before the sword is unparalleled, they have been reserved for strength.

It is ready to be truly played at this moment.


The sword has no double, drink, and its body shape is fierce.


The sword is unparalleled step by step, and each step is easily burst into the feet.

He stepped by step towards the snow, the speed is not fast.

Just when he appeared in the Kimi's thousand miles, his hands were holding the blood peak sword at the same time.

With his movements, it is covered in him, and the golden gods wearing golden waves, the golden gods of the war is also the top of the unreal golden sword.

At this moment, the whole world is completely dark.

There is only this golden torch left.

Xuewu really gods, looked at the sword without pairing, but the sword was unparalleled in the hands of the long sword ...


Snow, the truth, his greatness, he was very clear to induce his horrible swords. From the four sides of the eight parties, it was like a hundred million swords and shadings, and he even produced one. The species cannot be unable to resist, and I can't avoid it.

As if the next moment, he will be killed in that shocking sword.

"Is this ... The sword domain?" Xuewu was murs.

Finally, the sword didn't have a high sword in his hands and waved.

A huge shocking burst.

The void is mood to cut into two halves, and then the pen appears in front of the treasure of Snowwus.

This sword, named Jiuyi Round!

This is a lot of swords with many swords before, with the rounds of our own refraction, and sustained by the volcanic cave, the strongest sword!

On Wei Neng, no regrets than before, there is no regrets, but also more!

"This is ... Second order? Second order true gods?" Xuewu really blindly.

Second-order, true god, that is, the eternal realism level.

Under normal circumstances, only Eternal Shiman can create this topic, like him, become an eternal real God, although there is constant time, but second-order is really unsatisfactory, but only one trick, it is the previous 18th Flavor.

But now, the sword is unparalleled, actually to show the second-order primary nephew?


I can't shocked, this snow is so cold, and six arms are hard.

Silver light, the strongest trick, and the 18th flanges once again bombarded, and the huge shocking positive collision with that attack.

But this time ...


Snow Wulong is a big change, and he glances at the offensive of yourself is crushed by the front, to the defeat, just just instantly.

I will continue to be smashed in his body. Even if there is a naughty body of the real god, the snow is still in the body, and the face is also pale, and the figure is more detained. Quite wolf.

"His strength, it turned" so much, "" Xuewu really shocked. "

He didn't know that the sword was unparalleled before his own power, combined with the power of the ancient gods, and the power has reached the most limit of virtual emotion.

Now, his soul is completely played.

The power of the true god limit is the best collection of their own power, so that his strength has reached a new level.

With the highest peak level, the strength has risen again, and the light is in strength, the sword is unparalleled is not weak than him.

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