Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1586 takes an enemy two

Power is quite, as for the jewelry ...

The sword is unparalleled, the 18th Treasury of Xuewu Time God is the second-order first waiting for my life, and the power is not big.

However, the sword is unparalleled, but the sword is completely concentrated on a little, suddenly broke out, and the most powerful power will come out.

The 18th heavy flames of Snowwus, but divided into 18th offensive, power is scattered, and the positive is hard, how to compare with the sword unparalleled nine rounds?

Naturally only rolled by front.

The positive collision is not as good as the sword, and then, the sword is unparalleled, and it has once opened it.

A phantom is madly flashing, and it will appear on the side of Xuewu, and the sword is attacked.

"His speed is faster."

Sixchen is full of six arms, and each arm is holding a big hammer, but now he is a horror.

He before, he can easily deal with the Sword Musou's body, but now the sword is not a larger than the previous time.

He has six arms, but it is difficult to follow the speed of the sword.

And the most important thing is that the sword is unparalleled while the sword is launched, and it will also attach the inspection of the show.

That conscious attack is very strong, even if he, the resistance is also quite tasty.

This kind of combination makes him in the sword unparalleled killing, it is completely suppressed.


Festival is defeated!

Many strong people around the war have also seen this scene, and one exposes an incredible expression.

"A true god, the front is suppressed to a eternal life? How can this possible!!!

"I have seen that Xuewu is really exhausted, but it is still suppressed."

"This sword is unparalleled ... is terrible!"


People who watch the battle can only describe the sword with terrible two words.

Just in the snow, I was defeated, and when I couldn't resist it. When I couldn't resist it, the void of the distance galloped, so soon, I appeared on the battlefield.

"It's a bad fire!"

"The second eternal spirit of the four elephants in this burning magic domain!"

"Achiefs come!"

A turmoil was rang immediately around the battlefield.

The sword is unparalleled, looking at the people.

It is a red robe, he has two swordsms. At this moment, these two swordsters are slightly frightened, and the eyes are also in the direction of the sword.

"A boundaries, actually suppressed snow to the front?" If you see it, this barefoot really can't believe it.

"This kid is extremely strong, red fire, quickly with me, kill him together." The Snowy is really a trivial treasure.

The rebellious fire is slightly smoldering, but it is not too hesitant.

"Another come again." The sword is unparalleled, but it is not fear. With his own body law and the soul attack, it is actually hard-student and these two eternal real gods.

Take an enemy two.

And the result ... he is just a slight place in the wind.

"This kid, obviously only the boundaries, but his power broke out, I feel that it is weak than us!"

"His body law is too surprised, and he is too high in the sense of heaven!"

The true God of the Breakfast and the Snowu really secretly sigh.

On the power, they are not afraid of swords.

All means of swords are unparalleled, coupled with many secrets, will be able to upgrade the power to the most ordinary epistemological level.

It is important to know that their two eternal live gods also know some secret motives that improve power, show, they are still strong than swords.

The reason why the sword is unparalleled is not afraid of them. You can kill them on your front, but even hard, hard, because the feelings of swords are unparalleled to the heavens, it is too high.

"No accident, he has the second floor of the Taoizhi, and even the third floor is not far from the third floor. This kind of sentiment is in the monster level. , Can he have a contest? "The refurbishment is unbelievable.

Task, the feelings of the heavens, the more difficult it is, the more difficult it is.

The general void real God, as long as the sense of the power of the Tiandao has the first level of the Taoine Palace, it is enough to call it in the true God of Void.

The second layer of Taoizhi ... that is the standard of general eternal God, many of the eternal life of the gods stay at this level, and is just a way.

Can the sword are unparalleled? He has two heaven, which has reached this level and may be higher.

In addition, the turn of his enlightenment, time-space, it is true, the feelings of the supreme road, compared to the nine Tianzhu, can have a lot of difficult.

One flipped, although the refurbishment of the God and the Snow, Zhen God, the gods have already fully played their strength, but the sword is unparalleled in the lower wind, but it can only be limited to this, and they want to give the sword without double creation, or will The sword is unparallled, it is impossible.

at this time……


The whole void is like a shock.

In the rear of the battlefield, that seems to have been ignored by everyone, covering the ban on the volcano, but at this moment, it is crashing.

The large amount of energy is crazy, and the faint knife is raging.

The sudden change, attracts the attention of all people present.

Even the swords that are killing are unparalleled, the barefire is true God, and the snow, the god, is not seen in the source of the change.

"Is it finally good?" The sword is unparalleled.

The refurbishment of the fire and the snow, but it frowned.

At the end of his two sights, it is just that slowly displaced banned central, and a cold figure slowly stepped out.

He, a white robe, carrying the knife, the face is cold, but Junyi is incomparable.

At this moment, on this battlefield, everyone's gaze is not attracted by the self-owned white robes that slowly step down.

"That is ... Duan Lifeng!"

The many strong people present in the scene remembered that this event, the most important fire is not a sword, but Duan Lingfeng.

Just because the strength of the sword is too horrible, the killing is too crazy, everyone makes him attractive, but not much to pay attention to Duan Lingfeng.

Until now, this Lingfeng truly appeared in front of everyone.

At this time, many strong people present, they also feel the breath that Duan Lingfeng is emitted.

"That is ... true God?"

Suddenly, everyone stunned.

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