Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1592, the threshold of true god

In the stars, the law enforcement is generally made by the eternal real God.

And just seeing that these disciples look very clear, the sword is unparalleled, but the body is only the world.

A world, is a law enforcement?

Gay it?

Just in these disciples are in a mistake and doubt, the latest list of the contest is finally circulated in them.

They also immediately know the amazing records of the sword unparalleled in the burning Tianda domain.

At the same time, they also know that the only one of the swords, knowing that the sword is unparalleled is a reversal.

Moreover, they also learned that the two star palace disciples in the first sword were fighting, and they were all disguised their realm.

The first sword is unparalleled with a heavy heaven, and the disciple of the second day of the world is fighting, and in the battle, the many talents of the stars will be swept away, only in the second heaven Dazzling Lingfei White.

Second, the sword is unparalleled in the realm of the two heavens, and he participated in the battle for the three heaven, this time, he is the first to be controversial.

It is obviously a battle challenge, and he still crushed other geniuses.

These disciples in the stars, finally knew that the sword was unparalleled, what a terrible monster.

When you learned that all the original committees, these disciples were all rumored.


That is entirely consisting of special sparse.

"The sword is unparalleled, this is the letter of law enforcement, your good life, starting today, you are no longer my star disciple, but the highest level of my star," Yuan Dynasty mainly Handed to the sword unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, put it in your hand, and there is some quirky.

And around those law enforcement, they didn't have any dissatisfaction.

The sword is unparalleled with absolute record. He has the war of eternal real God. In this case, he is of course qualified to become a law enforcement, along with them.

"There is no longevity, from today, you can be a member of us."

"There is no longer old ..."

The surroundings of the law enforcement are shouted.

"You are polite." The sword was unparalleled and smiled and responded.

"Okay, I am scattered, I have to be a double sentence." The main road of Yuan Dynasty.

Many law enforcement elders include Lei Dynasty to leave.

In the Dongfu, there is only the sword unparalleled and the main one.

The Yuan Dynasty looked over, "The sword is unparalleled, your current strength is still comparable to God, this is also a real power in the top ten cultural holy situations, but I still have to remind you, it is necessary to be careful. After all, the identity of your rebellion has been exposed. Now there are many people who want to kill you in the chaotic world. "

"The main hall, who have you want to set it out in the dead? Are the enemy of the star?" The sword is unparalleled.

"The enemy of my star, this is only part of it, and these enemies are well, it is better to deal with, I want you to be careful, some hidden in the darkness of the darkness." Yuan Temple Squint.

"Shaded forces?" The sword has no double look.

"These over-dark forces, specifically thoroughly stronger, some genius or strong, like you, is definitely in their killing list, even ranked extremely, and these glimpological assassination means, very good, It is unpredictable to prevent, they don't shoot, and I am very difficult to take care of you. "The main road of Yuan Temple.

"Is there such a force?" The sword was not double-colored.

Specialized talents in the top ten cultivation of the holy land, such a dark force, I should have become the public enemy of the Ten major cultivation of the holy land, but the results are never destroyed now, which can be seen that these dark forces, not the same general.

"In short, you are careful, of course, those dark forces are only hidden in the dark. If there is no absolute grasp, they will not be easy to shoot, so don't let them find the opportunity." .

"Know it." The sword nodded, and the heart also lifted a bit.

"Yes, you just pass the third retrieversion, the strength should there be a great improvement space?" The main hall suddenly asked.

When I heard this, the sword was unparalleled, "there is still a lot of improvement space."

"That is, then you will hurry to improve the strength, strength is the most important reward, if you are strong enough, don't make too much, just reach the hierarchy of no sadness, those dark forces, even if you want Getting to you, you have to have many scruples, with your potential, you can completely reach the hierarchy of no sadness, even higher. "The main hall said.

"Well." The sword has no double heart, "Yuan Temple, I should be able to practice the second volume of the golden body, but I need some auxiliary treasures, I hope you can prepare for me."

"No problem, I will send you a few days." The main hall of the Yuan Dynasty promised very refreshing.

Immediately, the sword was unparalleled back to the sword.

"Gong, you are back!"

The maids such as the autumn moon saw the sword and unparalleled, and the sword was not only recovered, but also became the old man's law enforcement.

"Autumn month, you should have been staying for a long time in the three days of God?" The sword is unparalleled to the autumn month.

"Well, there are already hundreds of thousands of years." Qiuyue nodded slightly.

"Tens of thousands of years, there is also a lot of resources in the stars, but have never been able to break through the true God?" The sword didn't have a double shake his head. He knew that the autumn month wanted to break through the chance of God, afraid of being very embarrassing. .

After the chaotic world, a boundaries, after crossing the three gratum, the next is the real shock.

However, true God is not that simple and easy to break through.

Wancha chaotic world boundaries have countless, where they stand in the top of the three heavens, but these contests have exceeded 90% of Nine.

It is because of the true God, the threshold is extremely high.

The sword is unparalleled before listening to the king, from the world to break through the true God, need four conditions.

First, create an emotional school.

Second, consciousness reaches the realist level.

Third, raise its strength to the most limit, no more advancement.

Fourth, breakthrough opportunities.

These four conditions are not available.

Among these four conditions, single first, second two conditions have made more than 90% of the world.

After all, most of the gods have limited gods, I want to create a true god of life at the level of the world, or to achieve the real god level, almost a luxury.

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