Like the autumn month, it is limited, although it is reluctant to meet the requirements in consciousness, you have never been created.

And the autumn month is the weapon with a long gun. In the school, the sword is unparalleled to give her too much guidance.

The third condition, its own strength improvement, no more refined, this is not difficult, and many of the world can be reached.

As for the last condition, it is the hardest, but it is also impossible to judge.

Breakthrough opportunities, you can know that this breakthrough is what can come?

Some of the world, clear other three conditions have been reached, but it is still tens of thousands of years in the world, but it is still not able to break through millions of years. It is always not found a breaking opportunity.

Some of the bounds in the belongings of the belly, just took the destruction God, his other three conditions have reached, just because the breakthrough opportunity is not found, it has not broken.

As for the type of Lingfeng, it belongs to the luck.

"I have reached the three heavens and the gods, and I should also make a breakthrough of true God to prepare, break through the true God's four conditions. I have never reached my life, I have reached it, but I can have two conditions ..." sword unparalleled Can't help but shake.

In the power to achieve the limit of this realm, this is still very far away from the sword.

After all, he has only reached the three heavens and the gods, and it has great improvements in strength. Even the strength is now in the outbreak period, and it is necessary to improve the most limit. The time required is definitely.

As for the last condition, the breaking opportunity can be ignorant, it will come, and there is no way to sword.

"No matter what to say, try to improve the strength."

In the secret room, the sword is sitting in the knee, the main hall of the Yuan Dynasty, the poor people will send the genius treasure needed for the second volume of the cultivation of the golden body.

"let's start."

The sword is unparalleled to start cultivation.

Match the golden body, is one of the four secrets of the star, and the secret of body body.

Before the sword is unparalleled, it is only the second heaven, but it can be born with mysterious gold, but the body of the body will reach the general god level, so it can be seen that the strong horizontal of this secret.

Now the sword is unparalleled to the triple of heaven, and there is also a condition for cultivating the second volume of the mysterious gold.

Time passed, a swaying past 50 years.


The sword of the eyes closed, and finally opened his eyes. His eyes also took a smile.

Previously practiced the first volume of the golden body, he failed last time, and used a total of fifteen years to practice.

The second volume of mitigation is obviously more difficult than the first volume. He used it for 50 years, it is finally made.

"My body ..."

The sword is unparalleled to feel the body of his own moment. As he is handshable, the explosive power is generated, and the direct space is distorted.

"Sure enough, I made a mysterious golden body second volume, my body has reached the level of eternal realism." The sword is unparalleled and excited.

I was just the body of the real god, and now it is the body of the neighborhood of the world ...

This body has greatly enhanced, which represents a stronger body ability of swords and unparalleled, and the loss of life is also more.

"In the secret, I have raised the secrets of my cultivation to achieve the limit that can be achieved at this stage. When you upgrade, you can only feel a sense of heaven." The sword has no double eyes flashing, and then immediately Close your eyes and start carefully.

The soul is unparalleled with swordsmanship, high amazing, before it has always been limited by realm.

Nowadays, he is completely revealed in the realm of swordsman. In the brank domain, he just caught the world, he found two first-class true gods, but the sword was unparalleled, and the second order Not his limit.

His swords are still in the outbreak period, the same as the lane, and the feelings of time-space.

Now, he is completely calm, put into the hub.

He is also very clear, now yourself, the most important thing is to have!

At least, I have to hit the outbreak of myself. After the outbreak period, he has changed slowly, and his strength will slowly slow down. When he will experience it, then go to find the opportunity, it is the most appropriate.

With the sustained, the sword is unparalleled, the feelings of time and space, including his swords have been improved.

Wink, I have passed for three hundred years.

"The sword is unparalleled."

One message is transferred, and the sword that is in a rush is unparalleled.

"Yuan Temple, what happened?" The sword did not ask.

"Today, I will have a banquet. I am at the beginning of my stars, but I will stay in this star river will participate, you come." Yuan Demen.

"Banquet? What is the banquet held, and all the law enforcement is participating?"

Although the sword is not confused, it is still the first time.

Soon the sword is coming to the banquet scene.

In the large number of banquets, the stars will be in this unfilled law enforcement, all of the law enforcements in the river, all arrived, and the sword is also there.

After coming to this banquet, the sword is not seen immediately, and the protagonist of this banquet is Lei Dynasty.

Lei Dynasty, is a lot of real gods, the only one who boarded the true God, can be said to be the first person in the star of the star, and before the sword is unparalleled to the star, the Lei Dynasty has been in one. There is no special, and the crisis is full of crisis.

In these years, Lei Dynasty returned to the star, but it was ready to start.

This banquet is deliberately held for Ray.

"This Lei Dao is a strong list of true gods. The strength is very close to the energy, and even he has to be careful to swear, and even if you have the possibility of mourning, you should be a one in the eight big nest. "The voice of the king sounded in the sword.

"Eight Buddhas?" The sword didn't have a double look.

"That is one of the most dangerous places of the ancient chaotic world, there are many things, you are now too weak, and there is no qualification." King said.

The sword is unparalleled.

Although he has eternal life, he still does not stand in the top of the chaotic world, many of the chaotic world, many of him never know, and it is not qualified to know.

The banquet is very lively.

During the period, one of the law enforcement elders who met the chaotic real gods, "Lei Dynasty, this time you plan to go to the nest,"

"Sixth nest." Lei Dynasty immediately answered.

And I heard this, a small number of informed law enforcement in the field blinded.

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