Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1594 Help

"Sixth nest hole?"

Kings also secretly surprised, "The eight big nests, the more strong dangerous, many powerful chaos, only dare to go to the eighth nest, and the sixth nest, even if it is the strong list, the same is very dangerous, This thunder is very courageous. "

The sword has no double eyes, he heard, the Ray is very dangerous.

The many high-rise strong people in the stars must also know, this time deliberately held a banquet.

"Come, all the position, I will wait together to look forward to a cup." The main end of the Yuan Dynasty, and the sound spread.

On the banquet, many stars have naturally been placed, and the sword is unparalleled.

After the banquet, the Lei Chao left directly.

The stars will calm down again, and the sword is unparalleled back to his secret room, and continue to be.

I have passed for two hundred years.

In the secret room, the sword is unparalleled.

"Whether it is sword surgery, it is still a lot of feelings of the heavens, and it is seen that I broke through the outbreak of the three heavens and gods." The sword is unimaced, but the mouth is hanging A smile.

General practice, every breakthrough, will usher in a short outburst period.

The sword has no doubles reversal, before the second critical god card is too long, now a break, this broke out time is naturally longer, lasting for more than 500 years.

In these more than 500 years, the sword is unparalleled without a waste, and it is very hard to repair. Whether it is swordsmanship, or the heaven feelings, there is no small improvement.

His strength, nature must be more stronger than when it is in burning the sky.

"Outbreak is over, and it is useless to continue."

The sword is unparalleled to leave the room.

Sword, a big tree.

The sword is unparalleled, Ling Fei Bai, Dragon Teeth, Xuan four people sit together.

"Xuanyi, congratulations, you break through the true God, we have four inside, you are the first breakthrough." The sword didn't look at Xuanyi.

The Lingfei white and Dragon tooth are also envious, especially Dragon teeth, he stays in the world, but it is more than a long time than Xuan, but now Xuan has broken, but he has not broken.

And Xuanyi is a weird look at the sword. Dao: "I have already broken the true god, but the strength is still different from the virtuality of the true God, with you, with that of Ling Feng, there is no way."

"Just as you, I want to compare with these two monsters?" Ling Fei Bai Daixuan one eye.

Whether it is a sword and unparalleled or Duan Lingfeng, it is a rare super enchanting in the million years of chaotic world.

Like the sword is unparalleled, it is just the world, but the combat power is almost energetic.

Duan Lingfeng broke through the true God, and also defeated an eternal spirit.

And Xuanyi, although it is also a top genius, but two compared to them, it is really poor.

The sword is unparalleled to hear Xuan, and I smiled.

Although he is now a law enforcement, he doesn't have any shelves. It is happy to talk to each of these people before his eyes.

Just then ... !!

The two people were sprinkled from the distance of the Star River, and they fell on the Sword.

The four people under the tree saw that when they saw the coming, Lingfei Bai, Dragon Teeth, Xuanyi stood up.

"The sword is unparalleled, you still have something, then let's go first." Ling Fei Baidao.

"Well." The sword is not a hyperbidden point.

When Lingfei left three people, the sword was unparalleled and looked at a man in front of him.

"There is no longer old, the flying smoke is old, how do you have time to come to me today?" The sword was unparalleled, and there was a new wine and food on the stone table. "To drink a cup together. "

"There is no need to drink alcohol, I will come, there is something to find you help." There is no longer, smiling, attitude is also gentle.

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled to watch two people.

According to his knowledge, the two old ages in front of me should be very strong in many law enforcement in the stars, like a no longer elder, but the end of the forever, although the old age is different, but it is also close to the peak Eternal is really god.

Any one of these two elders is not what he can be resistant.

Have such strength, but also to find him help?

"Two, talk about it, what is going on?" The sword didn't ask.

"I will also go straight." There is no quantity of God: "This is actually the master of Yuan Dynasty, I have a task, I want to kill a true God."

"This true god, called ten is really true!"

"This 10th true God has huge hatred with my star, many years ago, two stars in the stars met him when they were swearing, they were directly killed by him."

"What?" The sword was unparalleled.

The best in the stars is the disciple of Xingchen Palace. Every one is a true top genius. There are many strong people in the high-rise of the stars, and there are many strong people who are slowly growing from those stars. Pulling disciples also attach great importance to it.

But this is the true God, even if you kill two stars, it is no wonder that the stars will go crazy to kill him.

"This ten is very embarrassing, knowing that the top ten cultivation holy land has no place to retreat, so he will flee from the top ten holy situations, and some of the distant somewhere. About 100,000 years, I didn't find him in my star, but I was in the stars, I knew that the tenure gods have returned to the top ten holy places, and they hidden in a glass holy place. one place."

"The main hall will let me go to the glazed holy place to kill it, but this ten is really a weakness, and he is extremely strong. The most important thing is that he is so fast, For the sake of the law, I have a person who wants to kill him almost impossible, so I found the old and old and you. "

"Flying long is good at tangled with people, and trapped the opponent, and the sword is unparalleled, your body is very terrible, even more than that of the tenure should be, only to join hands with you, I have Grasp the Ten Ten Dynamic God! "

"Of course, this task, rewards are also quite rich, and we can figure out more." There is no longer.

"The sword is unparalleled, how?" The flying smoke has also seen it.

"That is the top of the world, where is the mainland of the glazed, should it be in the four elephant?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Reassured, not four elephant mainland, if you don't come to you." There is no longer smile, he also knows the sword unparalleled with the four elephant mainland hegemony, the sword is unparalleled, if it goes to the fourth image That is to send it.

"In this way, that line." The sword has not promised.


PS: The new volume begins, the plot needs to consider it, today is five chapters.

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