Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1595 Ling Xiaobao

Glass of the garde, Ling Xiao continent, one ordinary city.

"The intelligence that I got in my star, saying that the tenure God should now be in this city." There is no longer old overlooking the city of the city, "But this city is quite huge, cultivator The number is also very much, and if this ten is really astonishing, we are also quite troublesome. "

"Give it to me." The sword is unparalleled, "A eternal God is still very easy to find."

There is no longer, the old, the sleeper is old, and the sword is unparalleled, and I am smiling.

They all know that the sword is unparalleled is reversed, and the awareness of the reversal has long been transformed into the power of the soul.

That's about how to hide, it is impossible to avoid the soul of the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is exclusive in this city.

His soul is hidden, as long as it is not a big energy, or those who have already standing in the top, and have barely ignite the chaotic real god of the fire of a soul, I can't find it.

"found it."

The sword is unparalleled in front of a pub. As for the long old, the old, the old, and worried about the crazy snake, so they still stay in the city.

After all, the sword is unparalleled is just a contest, even if the Ten's true God see, it will not care.

If it is a 10th true spirit, it will be more than two eternal people, and it will inevitably alert.

"It's a bit strange, this city has actually had a foot and three eternal God, and these three eternal people still stay together." The sword is unparalleled with no longer, and the old old news is exchanged.

"Triple eternal God?"

"The sword is unparalleled, these three eternal lives can have ten really true?" I have long asked.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point, "as for the other two, one white hair, but it is a young look, and his eyebrow has a white flame imprint ..."

The sword is unparalleled through the soul of the soul.

"These two people, no accident, should be the Dynasty's true god of the Lingxiao Temple, the true God, the two are the eternal spirit of the peak level." There is no longer long.

"Ling Xiaobao Hall?" The sword is unparalleled.

Ling Xiaoao Temple is the overlord of this Lingxiao Continent.

And in the top ten cultivation of the holy land, Heph, the name of the name, the whole strength, even than the star, absolute top great power.

It is said that the two temples of this Lingxiao Temple, any one can be placed flatly with the founders of the stars.

"How can the power of the Lingxiao Temple, how can I stir with this tenure?" There is no longer old frown, "this is troublesome."

"The sword is unparalleled, you don't do it, just stare, look at the situation." There is no longer old message.

"Well." The sword is not a hyperbidden point.

In an elegant room in the pub, the three eternal real gods are in the inside. The surroundings around the hotel have covered this ban. This is disabled to isolate the time and space, the sword is unparalleled, although he can investigate him. Existence, but it is impossible to hear a dialogue of the three.

In the elegance, the three people are sitting together.

"Ten is really true, I have received the news and know that you have that thing, this is deliberate, I hope you don't let us go all over." The young appearance of Dan Ding, the voice, look Holding a long-haired man with a long haired man.

This is cold and cold man, it is ten really true.

"Ten, take it out to us." "Ming Xin is also said.

Ten of the truth, I didn't hesitate, and I took it out.

Seeing the things that I have taken out, Dan Ding, the true God and the heart of the heart.

And the void outside the pub, the sword is unparalleled through the strength of the soul, and it has also seen the things that the Ten Shimen took out.

"What is that?" The sword is unparalleled to reveal the color.

He saw that the Ten's true gods took out a no-specific.

"Ten really true God, you are miserable in the star, can only be hiding in a remote goddess, there is still a thing that can get this thing?" Dan Ding is interested in looked at the tenure .

"It's good luck." Ten is really fascinating, re-recovering the monk back to Qiankun.

"Ten, I will go straight." Mingxin is really a mouth, "Although this thing in your hand is precious, if you want to use this thing, let me know the grievance of you and the star, let the stars It is no longer chasing you, it is impossible, the strength of the stars, unless the existence of the emperor is in person, otherwise no one can let the Stars will give you the chasing. "

"I certainly know." Ten Shi Shi Shidao: "I don't dare to expect the star, I will give up the chasing to me, I have been to find two people today, just hope that the Lingxiao Temple behind the two can help I referred to it, let me join the St. League, and if possible, let me go to the Thunder Island to practice for a while. "

"Join the SAR?" Dan Ding Zhe God said in a glance, the former smiled: "It is easy to join the St. Alliance, and you will be more than enough. Lucky, as for Ten Thunder Island, it is not difficult, you can accept this, you can accept it. "

"That is said, as for this thing ... two rest assured, as long as things do, I will give it to the two." Ten Shimen God.

Dan Ding's true God and the mind are a laugh. "We are very relieved, you have a single throat, you will be so miserable, I believe that you have no courage to recruit me."

"That is sure." Ten is really a laugh.

"I am going to do this for you now, within ten days, things should be able to do it, this time, you will wait."

Dan Ding's true god and the mind is got up.

"It's two." Ten is really unparalleled.

I immediately walked out from the pub.

In the pub, Dan Ding's true God and the mind are really aware of the surroundings. After that, he left, left the tenure of the world, still stayed in the hotel in the hotel.

"There is no longer, the old flying smoke is old, the two eternal gods of the Lingxiao Temple have left." The sword is unparalleled.

"Well, don't worry, the two eternal real Gods just left, now I should still stay in this city, in case, let's wait, wait until they leave this city, go far, play again. "There is no longer long.

"Good." The sword is not a hyper point, the power of the soul is to completely cover the pub, and the ten is in the pub offered, all in his monitoring.

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