Before you have in the pub, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword will spread to others, so there is some scruples.

but now……

"Jiuyi Return!"

The sword is unblocked.

The whole world is completely dark, and the horrible swords are straight to the nine.

That's the truth of the truth is the truth that the sword is unparalleled. He is very clear that the horrible sword is rushing from all directions to him.

He is like a hundred million swords and shadows, and no one may dodge.

"This is ... Second-order, my nepheses?" Ten is really shocked.

He couldn't imagine, an boundaries, actually showed the second-order true God who was only created by eternal life.

"Give me!"

Ten of the truth is also an angry, the whole person instantly turns into a quirky beast, the body is tightened, five fingers, and the lightning is like a pawl.

This vocal feet formed a silver stream, like tear the heavens and the earth.


A loud noise, the sword is unparalleled with the tenure of the gods, and it is too much to be shocked.

"How come?" Ten really the gods raised his head.

Although the sword is unparalleled, it is only a contest. He is also treated seriously, and the result is only true with the sword.

"Ten, death!"

A blast is fiercely sounded on the top ten.

"Not good." Ten is really changed, but seeing the unity of true God has appeared above him, and the black heavy sword in his hand is straight down.

It's like a huge dark cloud.

This cloud of clouds is suddenly coming.

In addition, in the surrounding true God, the two were also caught by the cyan giant hand, and his body law could not be launched.

Ten really gods struggled, breaking the cyan giant hand, when the black cloud came to him, he also waved the pawl again.

A claws sufficient to tear the sky, but only the dark clouds have been tested, and the dark clouds are still overwritten on him.


Ten is really sprayed out of a blood, and the whole body shape is smashed down.


Ten of the tenure gods above a black tower, the black tower was smashed out of a huge cavity, but only a moment, the black tower was completely smashed, and the tenure of the Ten Dynamic gods raised again. Start up.

At this moment, his face is pale, and there is a hint of blood in his mouth, it looks an unusual wolf, and he is also desperately taught at this moment.

"Dan Ding is really god, mind, fast, come to save me!"

"The Star is coming to the door, I can't stand it."

"If I die, that thing, I can't fall into the stars!"

Ten is extremely unhappy.


A ghost figure appeared again in front of him, and at the same time, there was a footstep with a hundred swords to cover him.

"Betting!" Ten is ugly to see the pole.

He saw that the startup of the stars is ready to prepare, and the three people who are derived, and they have their own capabilities.

Among them, the true God attacked the power of power, and a sword was enough to seriously injure him, completely with the ability to kill him.

As for the other two, it is all in conjunction with the true god.

It's like a flying smoke to drive the cyan torrent, constantly binding to him, causing him to escape.

And the world of swords in front of him, seems to be bound, but the strength is also extremely extremely, the most important thing is his body, it is not as yourself.

It is important to know that his best is the body, there is such a physical law, even if there is no quantity of true gods, it is true God, he can use his own body law and entangle, you can be entangled for a long time, and even find a chance to escape.

Now he is keeping up by this world, and the world can make a hand with him again and again, then give no quantity of true God, the flying smoke, the true God creates the condition of killing him.

"These three strong people teamed up, I don't have any escape possibilities!"

"Unless Dan Ding's true God is coming over, it will be dying!"

Ten is really clear and clear.

Fortunately, Dan Ding's true God and the mind should come to save him. He also has a hope. If you encounter the sword in other places, he has never gave up against the resistance.

boom! boom!!

On the empty, the sword is unparalleled, no quantity of true gods, the three strong people of the flying smoke, the three strong people, and they will be singed.

Ten really gods were completely crushed, and there was no room for hand.

However, after all, it is a strong sense of eternal spirit, and the power life is extremely strong. After several confrontation collides, the injury on this ten is constantly aggravated, but it has not been killed.

It is at this time ...

"Well?" The sword suddenly changed.

"Not good, the virtue of Dan Ding is coming over with the mind." The sword is unparalleled.

"What?" The trueity of the true God is not changed.

"How can they be so fast? They have left this city, even if they first pick them to the rescue message, after returning, then it is necessary to have a long time." The flying smoke is really amazed. " Tao.

"There is a possibility that the Lingxiao Temple is in this city, the hidden space insect cave, the Dan Ding's true God and the obvious God are directly passed through the spatial wormhole." The sword is unparalleled.

Space wormhole transfer, naturally more faster than the legs.

The Lingxiao Temple is the overlord of this continent, and it is also possible to arrange hidden spatial worms in this city.

It is not easy to transmit the space insect hole, especially long-distance transmission, so some power is not anxious, most willing to hurry.

Now I have thought that Dan Ding, who has already arrived, and I'm suddenly appearing on the battlefield, which gives the sword unparalleled three people. This is a lot of changes.

And that is seriously injured, I have to reach the limit of the extreme, I saw that Dan Ding's true God and the mind of the heart, it was great.

"There is a true god of the stars, the flying smoke is true, and that if I have not guess, it is the reverse ignorant of the Ding Ding in the world." The cool laugh is from the void from the distance. It came to, two blurred people have also appeared in that void.

"Reversal?" Ten really God couldn't help but wonder the sword.

He has been hiding within the world of the top ten holy land, and it has been returned in recent days, and he has never heard of the sword.

But now I listen to Danding, I said, he understood.

"It is so powerful that it is so powerful, it is reversed!"


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