Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1598 chasing!

Just instantly kung fu, the Dan Ding's true God and the mind of the thoughts have appeared on the battlefield.

"Three stars, let's stop this." Dan Ding's true voice contained a strange magic, rejoiting in the void.

"There is no longer, what do we do?" The sword was unparalleled with the flying smoke.

There is really a good look, glance, "I don't want to kill!"


The three moved again.

Dan Ding Zhen God and the illness of God.

"Three, here is the Ling Xiao mainland, please ask three to give me a thin face of the Lingxiao Temple." Dan Ding really opened, but the voice was already cold.

"Hey, I have given you a face, otherwise I will not wait for you to leave again." There is no strength.

"It seems that you are really going to be with me." Dan Ding really gily on.

"Your Lingxiao Temple is going to be with my star, knowing that this ten is really a great hatred with my star, and it is also safeguarding him." There is no quantity.

"In this case, then there is nothing to say, mind, we!"

Dan Ding's true god sleeve is louder, and it is directly into the battlefield with the surrounding mind.

Dan Ding's true god and mind, can be the eternal spirit of the peak level, and he has a hand, so that the whole battle will change immediately.

"Haha, there is no real god, I have heard of you very early, just have never been handed over, I have to have a better contest with you today." Dan Ding is the first in front of the real God.

He is very clear, the sword is unparalleled, and it is the most terrible strength of this unity.

As long as he is entangled, the remaining mind is unparalleled with the sword. There will be no before the threat of Ten's true God.

"The frontal battle, you can't stop me!" There is a true God, and the whole person is turned into a huge beast.

On the other side.

"I am so fascinating, please replace the flying cigarette and sword." Ten is really low, his speed has exploded, want to escape the battlefield.

"Give it to me." The two palms of the truth of the real God are holding two spears. As the power is surging, these two spears are in front of the front.

These two spears have not been aligned with anyone, and after tingling, there is a space insect hole in front of the front, and the concordomers have joined in the spatial wormhole, and the next moment is in the same time in the sword. In front of the smoke.

"This means?" The sword was unparalleled.

He saw that this is very good to use the power of time and space. It is very good, and he is not accidentally in the sense of time and space. It has already had a level of the third floor of the Taoine.

The spear contains horrible power, the cave is swung, and the flying smoke is so colorful. If the hand is played, there is a heavy huge wave block in front of her. The spear pierced a heavy wave, but in the end, still The huge waves were against.

As for the sword, there is no double, the sword is unparalleled, and the power of time and space is also used, but it is easy to avoid the spear.

"Well?" Mingxin, I saw the sword and unparalleled words. "This sword is unparalleled, and he also refreshed the time and space, the feelings are not low, there is such a physical activity, I am only only If you pay for him, you may not stop it, and it should be paid to both ... It is impossible. "

"Ten, I can only stop the flying smoke, so that the sword is unparalleled, relying on yourself."

Ten of the Ten True God that has already rushed out of the murder, naturally, naturally saw the scene behind, and after seeing the swords behind him, the eyes were not condensed, but they were cold and cold, "this Although the sword is unparalleled, it is only a world of gods. It is limited. If you have one person, even if you catch up, you can't. "

With such an idea, the tenure of ten is directly explosive, and the city is flying outside the city.

The sword is unparalleled to follow his body.

In the city, there is a true god, the true god of the flying smoke is the true God of Ding Ding, and I am fierce.

On strength, there is no quantity of true God to be slightly better than Dan Ding, and the mind is really strong than the flying smoke, but the real god defense means extremely high.

The two are combined, both parties are just fighting a feature, and they can't share out the winning contract in a short time. Four people can also come out.

"Haha, it is worthy of true God, the strength is really enough, but your demon sword in your star is unparalleled, and how it is just a boundary, you want him to chase and kill the true God, true No problem? "Dan Ding really smiled.

The true God and the true God of the flying smoke are all sink.

He has already sent it to the sword. It will be careful if the sword is unparalleled. It is really not good, and it will give up the chasing of Ten's true God.

However, the sword is unparalleled, but it seems to be very confident.

The true god and the true god of the flying smoke are helpless.



Two streams, speed is amazing, just a moment, two people have already fled into the city.

On the vast void, the ten is still a little pale, even on the way to swallow a few Dan medicine, but the injury he has just laid, but it is not so easy to recover, and this injury will affect His war.

"This sword is unparalleled, just a person actually chased it? It's really courageous." Ten Shi Zhen god gave birth to the sword of the rapid chase, "He really thought that I would be afraid of him? "

Ten really gods flashed in cold.

The stars have been around the three people. He is most afraid of a true God, after all, is a long time, standing in the top of the eternal God, or even the chaotic true god is close, before In the murder, he will seriously hurt, and it is also giving for the true god.

In addition to the true God, he even the flying smoke close to the eternal real peak is not in the eyes, let alone the sword is unparalleled.

In his opinion, it is the most threatened to him, but the sword is unparalleled to him, but the body method can keep up with him.

"Since you have to follow me, then follow it, now just out of the city, don't worry, wait for a while, you will be far away from the unmeasive real God, I will do it again, I have a history of this star. The most beautiful genius will be killed! "

"Anyway, I have killed two stars, I have no hatred with the stars, and now I will kill one, and I don't have anything!"

Ten really the heart of the heart has been shocked.

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