Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1599 One-on-one!

Two figures were rapidly plundered, and the distance between the two men has always been very good, never approached, nor is it long.

In this way, I chased nearly half of the time.

In a vast wasteland, the tenure that has been escaping in front of him, finally stopped.

"Finally, don't you escape?"

The sword has no double shape, also in the empty, the face is a touch of smile, watching the top ten in front.

He has long seen that this is not fully escaped before the end of the god, obviously induced him, then find the opportunity to kill him.

But swords are unparalleled, isn't it to play the same idea?

"Ten is really true God, although I have never reached the peak of Eternal Shimen, it is also very close, so eternal God, you can be the true God of the barefire in the burning of the Tiando domain, the snow is really strong, and I am now There is also a small challenge. "The sword was unparalleled.

Refreshing Buddha's true God and Snowu Zhen God, although it is also eternal, but the strength is very general, it is the bottom of the eternal life, it is the first eternal true God.

And the top ten is in the middle of the forever, it is close to the hierarchy of the peak. Although the serious injury is now serious, the strength is still not affected, but the power is still far from the real God, the first level of Xuewu Tieni can Than.

If it is placed in five hundred years ago, the sword is unparalleled, and there is no courage to chase this ten.

But now it is different ...

After five hundred years, he was still in the period of five hundred years, and the strength has been unmumd. Now he, there is confidence with this tenure.

"The sword is unparalleled, the star has the first demon ... , I just killed the two stars and killed the disciple, let the Stars anger, mad, chasing me, and today, If I kill you the first enchanting, I don't know how the star will be? "Ten is a lot of gods.

At the same time, he also induces its own status.

"Now, I should have to play more than 70% of the battle."

"Although only 70%, it is enough to kill him."

"Is dead."

Ten really the gods, there is a flaming, but its body is immediately turned into a partry of the whole body, and the . . . ..

" " "

Ten really gods have a sharp plummet, leaving a distraction in the void, the speed of the speed, like a barefire, the eternal life of the first level, the first-class level, is hard to see the trajectory of him However, the sword is unparalleled but it is clear.


The sword has no double eyeline, the . .

A golden light.

Icy, dazzling!

Tear the air and produce a harsh sound explosion.

In the moment, it is clear that it is just a golden light, but it is unconventional for dozen.

Each golden light contains a thrilling power.

"it's here."

The sword is unparalleled in an instant, and the blood peak sword in the hand is slightly like a spike, like a spirit snake.

Sword is directly impacted onto the golden light, and terrible power squeezes the void, and there is a spatial crack in the foot of 100 miles.

The sword is also in the middle of the body, and these Jin Guanghua is in order to give a great golden god, this golden god wears golden armor, helmet, and the golden long sword in his hand.

At the same time, there is a flame that has a flame, which makes the surroundings for a fire sea, the sword is unparalleled is the emperor of this fire.

Golden god, bloody country is displayed at the same time, and the strength of swords and unparalleled has already achieved the top peak.

The golden ...... .. . ...

The two golden immersed beasts, although the same is exactly, but in the power, it is strong.

Then, the two golden different beasts jumped high, then it was one left and right appeared on the sword.

" "

Two glare golden lights while lit.

"Blood shadow!"

The two golden immersed beasts burst into a murder, and the two golden lights also litted the sword without double cranial tangle.

Two golden lights are like two golden cones, and the terroristic power is, even if the sword is unparalleled.

He is very clear that there is anything that bombards him in his head, it is enough to kill him.


The golden gods covering the sword without bifurcated table, the golden sword is shattered in the hands of the Golden Sword.

At the same time, a bloody magic dragon swept, and the golden alien beast bite on the other side.


The two have just collided, but found the golden alien beast that the breath, the ten is the world, the long tail of the golden beast is fierce.


This tail is directly across the sword in the body through the golden gods.

The sword is unparalleled, only a distance is passed, and his body is in the first time.

After returning to the body, the sword is also overflowed with a hint of blood.

"It's a matter of ten is really true, even if it is seriously injured, the war is so strong." The sword is unparalleled, and his heart is also secretly sigh.

The eternal spirit of the peak level, even if it is just more than a strong force, it is also a strong amazing.

"You have a contest, the body of the body is like this?" Ten is really frowning.

He is just a strong battle, it is enough to be comparable to eternal God, but he didn't expect the sword unparalleled body body.

His confined golden beast tail is full, enough to easily give a virtuality of the true God to kill, you can pumping in the sword, there is no double body, just just the sword is unparalleled.

Obviously the sword is unparalleled, the body of the body is not weak.

"Ten really true God, you also pick me a sword." The sword is unparalleled, and the long sword in his hand has been raised.

Ten really the eyes of the gods, and in the moment of the sword where the sword did not lift the sword, he found that the world seems to have oppressed him.

Rumble ~~~ A huge sword appears above the empty space, this sword is ginseng, the power is strong, and it is full of fear of the first eternal realism.

But this sword is just just the beginning.

! ! !

After the first sword appears, in the surrounding void, more swords were formed.

A Taojian Ying Ying was suspended in the void, and he looked at it.

Tightly, this ten Tianshijian shadings are completely integrated.

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