Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1600 kills!

Ten swords and shadings, every sword is comparable to the full blow of the first eternal real.

At this moment, this ten swordshot is actually integrated.

This brand new sword is contained in the violent power. Even if it is Ten Chao, you can't help but frown under this sword.

"Carefully enlightenrate for five hundred years, thus creating the strongest sword!"

"This sword is integrated by ten swordsmanship, and this is called ten heavy waves!"


The sword is unparalleled smile, and the long sword is paired.

At the top of the empty, the 'swords shadow' formed by gathered the foot and the first sword.

It is oppressed the whole world.

Under this oppression, the tenure God found that he could not avoid this sword, but he had to choose the hard anti.

"One-legged day!"

Ten really the gods sent a burst, the golden , the golden light, the pounds of the throne gathered on his claws, and then his body was fierce, this only gathered the endless power The claws are directly displayed.

There is a golden crack in the sky.

Just as if it is open.

Subsequently, two horrible offensive, positive collision.


A loud sound, shocking.

The sky sword is surrounded by crazy shots, leaving a huge spatial crack in the void.

The sword has no double eyeline, and the figure can't help but leave three steps.

As for the tenure, the golden . ........ ........ . .

At this moment, the face is more pale.


"Unfortunately, my strength can only be played for 70%, otherwise it can absolutely rush to crush you!" Ten really gods low.

I heard the low drink of Ten's true God, but the sword was quite dignified.

Ten is really true, if he can burst the peak force, it is indeed possible to crush himself.

The sword is unparalleled, and the most stronger sword is just the words of the swords, it is not better than the Ten Dynasty.

"My sword, although strong, I always feel missing." The sword is unparalleled.

He has just shown the top ten waves, strong power, and the level of reluctance has reached the threshold of second-order higher school, but the sword is unparalleled, and there is a lot of deficiencies. Come over, then his sword will definitely be stronger, even a new point.

"The sword is unparalleled, this time you walk, let me go, don't let me meet, otherwise I will definitely give you this enchanting!" Ten really the gods are cold and cold, the sword is unparalleled, but the body shape is already Virtuously fly away from the distance.

"Want to go?" The sword was unparalleled, and the speed was opened immediately.

"The sword is unparalleled, I can't kill you, but you want to kill me more impossible, don't waste time." Ten really the soul of the sword behind him, angry.

"Waste time? I can't think so!" The sword was unblocked.

"That's good, there is a gutty, you have been following me, big not to go directly to the four elephants. I have to look at it, you have a top genius in this star, dare not go to the four elephants." Ten When he was cold, he also said that there was no success with the sword, and he also asked the unparalleled information about the sword, knowing that the sword was unparalleled with four elephants.

The sword is unbrick.

Ten is really awkward, this is reminded him, this Lingxiao mainland is close to the four continents, if you have been dragging, don't say that Lingxiao Temple is, it is estimated that the four-like strong people will come, when His trouble is also big.

"This ten is extremely strong, even if he is seriously injured, it does not have the peak strength, but it is not that kind of killing. If you want to speed up, you can only use that trick!" The sword is unparalleled, the next moment The power to hide the stars in the body, but it is directly played.

Star secret, direct display!

At the same time, there is still a bloody fever in the sword, and the power of his body is crazy.

Star secret, Volume I!

Dragon blood secret, second weight!

At the same time.

The speed of swords is unparalleled in an instant!


Like a wind, it is still a thousand miles away. It is instant through the moment, and the sword has come to the end of the world.

Tightly, he raised the long sword in his hand.


A low drink, the long sword is angry.


Ten really gods were blocked. He feld from this sword, he felt a deep death crisis, and immediately became large, and the paws wanted to resist this sword.

The speed is very poor, and the sword is unparalleled, the sword is not hindered directly to the body of ten.


Ten is really a shame, even if it is called, his body is already flipping into a bloody, and death can no longer die.

The sword is unparalleled is that hanging there, watching it in the quiet, and there is a shock.

"The second volume of Star Chen, let me show the power of the power to 100 times, a sword, it is estimated that it is stronger than the whole power of the general chaos, although this ten is really the God, the body of the body is also Not weak, even there is really God's armor, but the results are still unable to resist, instantly die! "

"Simple, rude, very horizontal!"

The sword has also set off a huge waves in the bottom of the sword.

Star secrets ... The strongest secrets in the four secrets of Stars, are also the most famous secret.

This secret is also one of the fundamentals of the star.

And this secret is divided into three volumes.

I saw that the sword did not break through the three heavens God, he has only been refined into the first volume, and it can make the attack on the attack ten times, continue to be ten breathing.

But after the three heavens, the second volume of this star secret surgery is made.

The second volume of the stars secret, that is, in an instant to attack the power to skyrise!

That is one hundred times!

With the strength of the sword, unparalleled swordsmanship, it is barely equivalent to the hit of higher eternal realism, and can directly improve hundreds of times on this basis, and the power is better than a lot of chaos. This ten truth is seriously injured, and how can I get to live?

So, I have this scene.

"Honestly, I really doubt that this star secret is not created by the star of Stars, because this secret is really terrible." The voice of King said in the sword.

"It's really terrible." The sword is unparalleled and nodded.

It was only cultivated in the first volume before, and the sword did not feel like this.

But now I have made a second volume, and he can see the terrible place of this secret.

"However, this secret surgery is also limited, such as this second volume, but can only continue to breathe." The sword is unmarkable.


PS: Today, six!

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