Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1607, God, God

The power of this is guided, guided the sword unparalleled to a picture.

"Twenty-seven pictures, the top six, I have already enlighten it, I have to refer to the seventh." The sword is unparalleled in an instant.

These twenty-seven pictures are actually in accordance with the nine floors of Taoine.

Every three represent a layer.

The sword is unparalleled in the wheel, and it has already had the strength of the second floor of the Taoizhi, so he has already enlifted the top six drawings.

He now needs to be enlisted, the seventh is to ninth, and the three mystery will be fully enhanced, and he can pass the third floor of the Taoine.

"let's start."

The sword is unparalleled, even if you start carefully refreshing.

He found that in this round of the Fairy Palace, he has greatly improved the affinity of the wheel, and the extension is more likely to be more likely to the outside world.

In addition, this foot-in-one 27 drawings, which makes the sword unparalleled enlightenment speed, and there are countless times.

In just a month, the seventh drawing, the sword is unparalleled.

Of course, this is also because the sword is not aware of the feelings of the wheel, it is close to the reason why this seventh drawing is completely enlier.

Next, the sword is unparalleled to continue to participate in the eighth picture.

Time passed, soon a year.

The sword in the Royal Palace was unparalleled, and his body has been sent out of the fairy.

In addition to the Fairy Palace, the sword has no two sides open his eyes, and it will come back from the state of the enlightenment.

"It's too fascinating, I feel that I have just been here for a long time, but I have passed for a year." The sword smiled, but the heart is very excited.

Task, in this short one year, he has already improved the feelings of the wheel, the seventh picture, has completely enlighten, even the eighth picture, he has also realized part.

This kind of progress, if it is put in the outside world, if he can understand it, he at least hundreds of years can be achieved.

"Just a year, I have made such a big progress, but I still have ninety-nine years." The sword is unparalleled, "" I will not be able to take the refreshment in this Fairy Palace, this Thunder Island is located. Go to visit everywhere. "

The sword is unparalleled to set up the idea, and when you leave the Fairy, you will move at this Thunder.

As for the true god, I will go to practice and refine, it is impossible to follow him.

On the island, there are many real gods. Most of these true gods also have to take the time to cultivate.

When the sword walked from them, most of the true god did not pay attention, but there were also a small part to pay attention to the sword.


These awareness of the true God of the sword is unparalleled, but it is very clear, but it also understands.

"In the world of chaotic world, it can appear in this Thunder Island with the land of the world. It should only be one, the sword of the stars is unparalleled!"

"Well, it is him, I also saw that he was together with the stars, I heard that he also went to the Fairy."

"The world can come to this Thunder Island, and even the inheritance of the Fairy Palace, honest, envious."

These true Gods are secretly embarrassed.

The sword is unparalleled, the pace is moving, but it is soon appearing under one side of stone wall.

This is an incomparably huge stone wall, the stone wall is the dragon flying dance carving with a few ten ancient words.

Every ancient text is exuded with an unique atmosphere.

And the sword is unparalleled to see these ancient words, the eyes are bright.

"Swords" and still very fierce, very fierce swords. "The sword is unparalleled.

He feels, this dozen ancient text, every act is a sword, but the power is weak.

The sword is unparalleled, and immediately sit down in this stone wall, close your eyes, and the heart will sink into these ancient text.

These ancient texts should be a good at the top of the swords, although there is no pairs of swords that are not too big, but they can also give him some touch.

Just in the sword unparalleled in this stone wall.

Thunder Island, a huge stone on a secret tattoo, a handsome man in purple tai armor sitting there.

"Temple of life."

The sound sounded, and a beautiful beauty appeared next to the boulder.

The purple battle Jia Junyi man slowly opened his eyes and saw it. "Is there something?"

"Nothing, just want to tell you, the reverse repair of the Stars has arrived in Thunder Island." The beautiful woman is human.

"The sword is unparalleled?" The purple warfare man is so true that the eyes are immediately, "Where is he now?"

"Just in front of the stone wall left by the black, it seems to be in that refinement, you can go there, you can find him." The beautiful woman is human.

"I have been working." Temple of God said, immediately figured it out immediately in the direction of the sword unparalleled.

And the beautiful woman saw this is a faint smile.

She knows that the treasure is really interested in the sword.


Under the stone wall of dozens of ancient words, the sword is unparalleled after the extensive time, slowly open his eyes.

"The swordsmannery contained in this ancient text, helping me not help, but I realized that I have made me more than some swordsmanship." The sword is unparalleled smile, it is ready to start.


A purple streamer suddenly rumored, and directly falls under this stone wall, falling in front of the sword.

"Well?" The sword was unparalleled, and people saw it.

There are still a few true gods under the stone wall, and they are also alarmed, they have seen it.

"Is it true God?"

These people immediately recognized the identity of the people, and they became a quirky followed.

"The sword is unparalleled." Junyi man wearing purple war stands with the sword.

"You are?" The sword is unparalleled to reveal the color.

"Four Embassy, ​​God!" Heavenly God opened.

"Four Embassy?" The sword is unparalleled.

He and the four elephants have a small hatred, but it is unfortunate that the four elephants can't find the opportunity, otherwise it will never hesitate to kill him.

"Is there something?" The sword is unparalleled and laughing with the true God of the world.

If you encounter the strong people in other places, he is afraid of being afraid.

But now I am from Thunder Island, don't say that the treasure of my life is obviously just a void, even a chaotic true God, the sword is unparalleled.

"I have heard of you, I am rare today. You have a gut, and I will fight with me.

"Battle with you?" The sword didn't have a bite, "Just a normal struggle?"

"Of course, since it is a fight, how can I add some paint? I know that the star of the stars should give you a fairy pass, just there is a few, and now 50 years left. Time, let's gamble these entries, how? "Tian lived true.

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