Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1608 is not interested

"Rehabilitation time, can this be gambled?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Of course, in Thunder Island, as long as the two are willing, what can be gamble, not only the first time of the Xianchaicong, even the time to stay in this Thunder is also gamble." Skate, "How, do you want to gamble?"

"Sorry, I am not interested." The sword did not shook his head without double.

Tenish life is frowned, "The sword is unparalleled, you are the gods, but it is reversible, it is quite true, I am just the true God of the general practitioner, I am just the true God, I am not bullied with you, what are you afraid? "

"Not interested." The sword is too lazy to pay attention to the true God, yet turned around.

"The sword is unparalleled!" Temple of God looked at the back of the sword, low and drink: "At the beginning of burning the sky, you slaughtered my four like a large god of true God? Could you only Going to bullying some weak people are not bad? Are you such a color? "

No matter what God is talking about, the sword is unparalleled, and he disappears in the sight of the true God of God.

"This little child, it is anger to stand up." Temple is always awkward, "I thought it was a genius like him, and I couldn't refuse my challenge, I can get some from him. The Xian Palace has a good result ... It is also right, after all, it has passed through the triple rebound, and the mood is definitely weak. I will have no effect on him. "

"It seems that it is impossible to force him to shoot, you can only find other ways."

Soon, the true God left.

Inner, the sword is unseen, and you will go shopping at will.

And his face is laughing at this moment. "The life is really God, I really thought that I would be so simple to say? I also said that I have a reversal of my horizontal level, and I am really bought by him. It is fair than the quantity, he didn't bully me? This, he used to lie to a child. "

The sword is unparalleled to the life, the true God is the nose.

The boundaries of the world are reversed, in the vast chaotic world, it is indeed been treated as a void, this is not wrong.

But this is only aimed at the power of the power, but the gap between the gang of the gods in the heavens, and the gods of God can be great.

Especially for the sentiment.

After all, I really have the ability to sense the heavens, but I am far from the world, I feel that the Tiandao is coming, nature is much easier than the boundaries.

There is such a condition that this is really good to say that he is a void real God and the sword is unparalleled in this Thunder Island, there is no bullion and unparalleled?

"Thunder Island, the general threshold is the power of the eternal real God. This natural life can appear on the Tunder Island with the true god of the empty, inevitably the kind of top genius, no accident, his feelings of the heavens, at least Also able to get through the third floor of the Taoist Palace, as for the sorrow, it is certainly more amazing, I am going to play with him now, 80% is crushed by him. "The sword is unparalleled.

The main chance of Yuan Dynasty, this opportunity in Zadu Island is rare, especially those who practice in the Fairy Palace, but also precious.

The sword is unparalleled without a slightest, and will it be stupid to fight these rare entries?

The sword is unhappy, soon, he appeared above a huge mountain range.

In the center of the mountain, there is a great wasteland, and the sword is unparallled. It can see a stone monument standing in the wilderness.

"This is the place where there is no longer, records countless scholars?" The sword didn't have a double heart, and the figure fell down.

The endless stone monument of the dense numbness, every stone is recorded.

The sword is unparalleled to the area of ​​swordsman, and he will look at one of the stone monuments.

When the sword is unparalleled, I saw the stone inside of the stone tablet, a strong person showed a picture of swordsmanship.

"This is a pedestrian, the at least is the third-order true God." The sword is unparalleled.

Third-order true gods, general chaos can be created, and there is nothing in the world of chaotic world.

But a chaotic really gods deliberately drills this door, and it is very difficult to see the picture of the entertainment.

In this wasteland, like this containing a stone monument, countless.

The sword is unparalleled and constant.

The unique way of others, contains the unique way of the other party, although the sword is unparalleled, but feels the evolution of the scholastic, it can also help the self-studyation.


North of Thunder Island, there is a unparalleled mountain range.

The area of ​​this mountain has occupied one tenth of the entire Thunder island, but also in the mountains of the mountain, mountains, mountains, and all kinds of palace attirators, or courtesy.

This mountain is quite special, and those who have permanent residence permanent in Thunder Island live in this mountain range.

At this moment, in this mountainous mountainside, the middle-aged man wearing a loose robes falls before the huge house of the fire.

It is a chaotic true god that is infinitely approaching in the real God of the God. It lives in Thunder Island all year round, but sometimes occasionally.

This time, he just came back and walked through the ban on the government. He came to the courtyard of the Central House. There is a large water chamber in the center of the hospital, and the pool of pool is all incomparable. The liquid is composed.

Task, the white flame spirit is placed in the Outdoor Chaos World Single drop, there is a thousand mixed chaotic crystals, and here is a slow a big water chamber, what is extravagant.

"Haha, small babies, many years have not seen it, have you grow up?" Like the fire, I came to the water pool, and the eyes overlooks the pool.

But this moment, the face of the real God is abrupt.

"Six magical hearts I have feared ... I got it?"

"how come?"

The real god of fire sweeps out, but there is no existence of any illusion in the water in the water chamber.

"Damn, who? Who stole my illusion?" Since the emperor of the fire is now.

Fantasy, is an almost extracted Xiang Poultry, if it grows up, and there is a huge help for the mood of practitioners.

It is also a chance to get a chance. I got six illusion, I have been carefully breeding on this Thunder Island, and I have already raised more than 100,000 years. It is now, and his six magical hearts are gone.

"I have been banned around the house, but this is no longer, there is no response, and there is a thing that can be resistant to the Zeture Island, and it will do this. Only one person!" Zhenzhi's teeth tremble.

"Wild dog!"

"The damn old wild dog is definitely he stolen my illusion!"


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