Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1610, Jingsai, Wan Salen!

" " "

Three streamed flows out.

It is clear that the three streams of stream are burst, and the three streams can be fused in the moment, and the newly formed streamer has suddenly skyrocket.

directly smashed the void.

The picture is here, and it is over.

The sword is unparalleled.

"how come?"

The sword has a horror, "The three streamers are not very strong, but the three-way integration, the new stream of stream formed, at the power of the power, to force the foot and ten times, and even still Not only, how is this possible? "

In the sword, there is no double thinking, the attacks of the three identical themes are superimposed together, and the latest attack formed, even if it is not empty, it can only play three times.

But in this picture, the three identical powerful stream of light is superimposed, and it has played more than ten times of powerful energy?

I will think about the ten waves you create.

Ten waves, it is to condense the swords of swords, the feelings and the amenities, and this ten swordshot is added together. In the superposed process, there is a lot of strength to come, and finally formed. The new Sword Ying, the top of the five times the five times of the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, so this time, he has been thinking about being familiar with the superposed way, reducing the energy of Yi, thus making the new Sword Ying have built a stronger power, but he never Thought, with the same sword shadow with the same 10 times, twenty times, 30 times, and even 100 times the power.

I didn't think of it at all.

This picture in front of you ...

"I understand now, why is the predecessor to come to this stone tablet." The sword is unhappy smile.

In the moment of seeing this stone monument, the sword of the sword in the sword did not have the sword, and there was a new understanding.

"It is different ways, I created ten waves, it is directly integrated with rough three swords and shadow, this rude way, even if it is perfect for strength, it will still lead to strength , But the claws in this screen ... The laminated method is significantly different, in addition, the law of the strength in the claw is also different. "

The sword is unimaced, and the next moment will continue to observe the scholar in the stone monument.

He looked at the three streams in the picture again and again, but the three stream lights fused together to form a brand new streamer.

The sword is unparalleled, carefully looked at this combination of superposed processes, carefully feel the law of the power.

"I have always thought that one plus one, definitely equal to the second, ten equivalent of the swords and shadings, the new sword, can only break out ten times, but now I know, as long as the method is applied, one Add one or equal to three, equal to four, ten equivalent powerful swords, the new swords formed, can also explode, and even hundreds of power! "

The sword is unparalleled, and his whole people have already shed it into the observation and extension.

Thunder Island, all over the ground.

Most of this chance requires luck.

Good luck, walking can come.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is obviously touched.

The chance he encountered should be the monster, then the old man introduced him, telling him the existence of this stone monument.

If there is no monster old man, he is afraid that it is not possible to go to this claw method for a lifetime, come to see the stone monument of simple claw print.

Naturally, it is impossible to have a modern agency.

The time is slow, and the sword has been staying in front of this stone monument. I have been in the past 30 years.

In these thirties, there were many real gods to come here. When I saw the sword, I couldn't help but surprised.

After all, they also know that the sword is unparalleled.

A sword trimmer, run to the area where the claw method is located, and observe the claw method.

They don't understand what the sword is unparalleled, but they didn't pay attention.

Under the stone monument, the sword is unparalleled, but at this moment, his index finger is sword, and a good sword is with a lot of heavens, and he has formed a 10-way sword light next to him. This ten fine sword light immediately fused together, and the power suddenly skyrocket.

"Haha, success!"

The sword is unhappy, with a strong surprise on his face.

"Although it is only a preliminary masterpiece, the power has dissipated a lot, and the new sword light formed can still be stronger and ten times!"

"This is just just beginning, I am not purely familiar with this power of this power, if it continues to enlighten it, the power of ten swords will definitely be stronger." The sword is unparalleled. " Hand.

"carry on!"

No hesitation, the sword is unparalleled again, and begins to refresh.

At one place in the sword without double, the strange old man with a brankic collar is overlooking him, and he also saw him just showing the scene of swordsmanship.

"This little child, in just 30 years, I have realized the law of the power of the power of the power I carefully drilled. Although it is only a preliminary master, it will have reached the threshold, and then you must completely master the proficiency, just time problems?" The old man is slightly squinted, but it can be twisted with his face.

"The death, the old man, I originally dried this power to superimpose, spent 300,000 years, after countless times, I have repeatedly pondered this, but this kid ... He didn't expect more effort, it was picked up. Have you mastered my power to superimpose? "

"If you can't do it, is this not too cheap?"

"I have a hard work ..."

The old man is complicated, and it seems that it seems to be sad, weird.

For a long time, his eyes were suddenly moved, and the bottom has made a decision, and the face also exposed a strange smile.

Under the stone monument, the sword is unparalleled.

He has gone to the law of the power overlay, and the next proficiency is simple, but the time used is longer.

Wink in the past 50 years, the sword is not finally got up.

"Refer to 80 years, this power is superimposed, finally mastering the perfect, my ten waves, and the new sword shadows formed by the flutter, and the power has also increased to 30 times!" Sword is unparalleled Hold your hands.

Thirty times, it is already the limit of this laminated method, and the sword is unparalleled.

Because his ten waves, the power is greatly improved, and the most important thing is that from now on, it is not just the world, and even the true God, he doesn't have to create an attack.

In terms of attacking school, this trick is enough.

"Ten heavy waves ... No, you should call Wanyu waves more appropriate!"

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