The sword has no double, a smile, and the heart is full of surprises.

He is very clear, what is the ability to superimpose the Method in the Master you have.

There is this method, which is too much to take a lot of effort to create a lot of effort to create a lot of effort to create a lot of effort.

Just take the trick of Ten Relations, before this trick just barely reached the threshold of the second-order higher God, now, now, now master this power superposition method, show it, this recruiting power is absolutely enough to compare the second-order peak Really gentle school.

And he can continue to move along the Ten Shung.

After all, ten waves is a tenweed, which is a sword. The sword is unparalleled, and the sense of swords, the feelings of swordsmanship and the power of the heavens are condensed, and in the future, with the swordsman, for the heavens The strength of the power is improved, it can condense the eleventh, twelve devices to more, and the power of this trick will continue to become.

Ten waves can be made entirely of twenty heavy waves, thirty heavy waves, is a hundred waves.

This is also true, the sword is unparalleled to say that the ten waves are not suitable for this trick name, and the waves are most appropriate.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is suddenly ... a thin figure appears in front of him again.

"Amount, seniors." The sword is unparalleled to see the people, and the look will become humble.

He is very clear, the reason why you can master this power, you will naturally be grateful with your heart.

"Kid, I ask you, have you had a teacher before?" The old man is in the sword. "

"Yes." The sword nodded without a double consciousness.

The old man is slightly smashed, and it is low, "" Your Master, is it dead now? "

"This ..." The sword was unparalleled, and the truth: "Of course, I am still alive."

"That if I want you to have the relationship with you, then I will worship me as a teacher. From now, you only have me a teacher, you are willing?" The old head.

"Don't want it." The sword did not shook his head without double.

In front of him, although the old man gave him a finger point, he was also grateful, but with this, he wanted him to hisself, what jokes?


The strange old man is smirk, "The boy," I will give the old man, the old man, my hard, I'm going to work hard, but I don't want to worship me as a teacher? Do you believe that I don't believe me directly Made you, or give you the master behind you? "

I heard this, the sword was unparalleled.

In front of this, this is the old man, before he specially got to come to this stone restaurant, now he has learned the law of the power, this is not happy, how hard is to grab him as a disciple?

What is this?

"Seniors, you pointed out that this is the law, it is very grateful, but Light, I want myself to be investurified, it is impossible, as for my seniors, I want to kill me, even though it is However, here is the Thunder Island, I believe that the predecessors will have a coupling, as for my master ... "

The sword is unparalleled. "My teacher has been away from me early, even I don't know where he is, my predecessor wants to kill him, it can be done directly."

"Kid, what do you mean, why can't you?" The old man stared at the sword.

"No, I just appreciate my predecessors, I will remember my heart in the future, but the seniors want me to give up my teacher, it is impossible." The sword has no double.

"Remember to be in the heart?" This is the old head of the bead, and it is strange to smile: "This way, if you really thank you, wait for you to return to the star, make a few Chinese white fruits to taste, There are not many, three is enough. "

"Three whitefrites?" The sword was unparalleled with the mouth.

A whitening fruit is extremely precious. This is three old mouth, it is really a lion.

"Seniors, the younger generations want to know what you have to do, is it really just to eat?" The sword asked without a pair of doubts.

"Of course." The old man smiled, "I have no love, my favorite is to eat, eat everything you are delicious, and the more precious, the more rare things, the more you like, that white, is very rare, I have never tasted it until now. "

"Okay." The sword is unparalleled, "the predecessor, can you get three Chinese white fruits for you, I am not sure, but if it is delicious, I have some in my hands. I don't know if I like the predecessor."

After that, the sword has no double stapped to take out many precious fruits.

These fruits are unparalleled from those who have been killed by him, there is no shortage of very rare, precious genius.

However, the old man looked at these fruits that were unparalleled, but they didn't take care of it. I also watched a purple red fruit, and immediately reached out to take the purple red fruit.

"You are in these things, but also this kind of mint is still enough." He said, this blamed older grabbed the fruit and bite a bite, but he lost the fruit with the fruit. " The taste is also general. "

The sword is unparalleled to see this scene, but the heart can't help but pick it up.

Task, this monster is around 200 million chaotic world value, if it is changed to Digital, there are two, all of them are, but this is the old man bites. I lost it.

"Kid, I am not difficult for you. You can get white in the future, you can't get it, you have to give me more rare things, like a fairy poultry like a magic, it is also possible. I will live in Thunder Island in the old man, and I will notify me in the future. "

The strange old man lost an amount to the sword, then left directly.

The sword is unparalleled to stand there, but the eyes are still quasi.

"It's really a geek."

"I told me so much, but I still have to collect me as a disciple, but I don't even know his name."

The sword is unparalleled and smiled and incorporates this inquiry.

at this time……

"The sword is unparalleled, that is the Thunder Island, how do you feel?" Yuan Dynasty is coming.

"Not bad." The sword was unparalleled.

"I listen to people say that you are in Thunder Island this time, I have been in front of the stone monument of the Claw method, what is going on?"

"I am in that refreshment, naturally there is my use." The sword is unparalleled but does not explain too much.

"Well, useful, how to cultivate on Zeture Island, you will take your own mind, but I don't want to waste the opportunity."

After that, the Yuan Dynasty was interrupted.

The sword is unparalleled, "Next, I went to the Fairy Palace."


PS: It is five more today.

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