Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1616 Ancient Sacred

"This, I haven't thought about it." The sword smiled without double.

Now, his most important thing is to break through the true God, but he is a breakthrough opportunity from breaking through the lack of God.

But the breakthrough is coming, it will come, say that it will not come, it will not be able to grasp, he doesn't know what you want to do next.

"Since you are not planning, then I will go to the ancient sacred place."

"The ancient sacred land?" The sword has no double one, "the ancient gods lived?"

"Yes." Kings nodded, "In the vast chaotic world, it is not only a few special ethnic groups, but also have a top ten cultivation of the holy place, and these special ethnic groups exist. Among these four holy places, including the ancient gods! "

"The ancient sacred land, naturally the ancient gods, you also have an ancient gods, and it is still a royal god, but you have a blood, but you have never got a complete ancient god inheritance, a lot of ancient gods. Killing means, many secrets, you don't know how to use it at all, but to the old sacred place, you can get and master these techniques, or secret motives, when you are the ancient god of you, you can truly play with it. Matching strength. "

I heard this, the sword is not a double brow.

Indeed, he is now a five-star king ancient god, but when he is fighting with people in the weekdays, it is just to drive the power of the ancient god to improve his attack, or the ancient god of the ancient god he got, In addition, the blood of the ancient god did not bring him too much help.

This is not strong enough, but he doesn't know how to use these ancient gods.

At the beginning of the green circles, he went to an ancient god tribe to stay for a while, but that a tribe is too weak, the strongest is just a Samsung, four star ancient gods, and it is just a simple killing. Methods and secrets, you can make a Samsung ancient gods, once it reaches four stars, it is difficult to use it.

The sword is unparalleled now, but the limit of the five-star ancient gods, it is necessary to break through the six-star ancient gods. The previous sings of the skills are not used at the same time.

At this time, he naturally needs to get the ancient god of the gods and the secrets, which can be played in the blood of his royal gods.

"Kings, you know where the ancient sacred land?" The sword didn't have a double.

"Of course, I know that although the top ten holy land from you is quite distant, you must have a spatial insect hole directly to the ancient sacred place, you can ask the star of the star, let him tell You. "

"Understand." The sword didn't have a little bit, and then took out the messages of the Yuan Temple.

"The sword is unparalleled, you have to go to ancient sacred place?" The main hall of Yuan Dynasty exposed a surprised color.

"Yes." The sword is unpaired. "I have the blood of the ancient god, and the level is very high, but it has not been able to completely play this blood, so I can only go."

"But you are just a world God now? The ancient sacred place is the residential place of special ethnic groups. Although it is supreme, although the chaotic world is supreme, it can't intervene the very special ethnic group. Therefore, if you are in the ancient sacred land What is dangerous to encounter, even if it is a good way, it is not a way. "The main hall said.

"I know, but my current strength has reached the limit of the world, there is no improvement room, I want to break through the God, I don't know what year, so I can go first." Sword is unparalleled Tao.

"Is this?" Yuan Dian is the main thing, "Since you have decided, then go, but the top ten holy land of my human beings is quite distant, although there is a space near the old sacred place. Cave, the connection point of the spatial worm hole, but if you start from the Thunder Island, you can get nearly a hundred years old, and this is a few dark voids in the past 100 years. "

"Oh?" The sword didn't look slightly. He has heard the meaning of the Yuan Dynasty.

He knows that he has reversed his identity, and there are a lot of people who are staring at him, but it is just the enemies of the star, but also some dark forces.

Those of the dark forces, but there will be a chance to shoot directly.

"The sword is unparalleled, so, you first stay in Zerrence Island for a period of time, no more, the top ten came, I will send you, let you leave, you will depart it directly." Yuan Temple Main road.

"Understand." The sword nodded.

Subsequently, he waited in this Thunder Island.

Of course, he will not be idle on the way, but go to Zernse Island to find some opportunity, but unfortunately, even if he finds the opportunity, his strength is still impossible.

Wink, thirteen years.

"The sword is unparalleled, now you can go to the soul domain, remember, don't take the space insect cave when you leave." The main news of the Yuan Dynasty.

"Okay." The sword was unparalleled, although doubt, but he did not ask more.

Lord, swords, but also very trust.

On the same day, the sword was unparalleled, and he left the Thunder Island, and he was not a spatial worm hole, but relied on his own foot.

The sword is unparalleled, and those who have been paying attention to him immediately got the news.

Thunder Island, in a hostel, the black robe is stunned there, and the eyes are stunned, and a token appears in his hand.

"The sword is unparalleled, and I have left Thunder ..."

A message passed out with the fastest speed.

In that black hole, the Dark Temple of the Suspended Dark Mainland.

A black robe has a flash of a flash in the main hall, and directly shouted: "The first level must kill the list of target swords. It has left the Thunder Island, and now it is going to the direction of the Soul domain."

"The Soul Domain? What is the sword unparalleled?" The hoarse voice raised in the hall, but did not know what to talk, "he went to the soul domain?"

"Yes, and he did not take a space to leave." The black robe said.

"Don't ride the spatial worm? Is it not intentionally wonders us?" The hoarse voice sinks, and it will definitely say: "Let the first blood news team immediately follow him, let the care method go together, let him let him get Clear that there is no strong surrounding party, if there is, immediately retreat! "


PS: Today is still five more.

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