Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1617 Nine Damage

In the endless dark void, a spaceship is flustered in the amazing speed.

The sword is unparalleled in the boundary spaceship.

What he has to do is just going to the Soul of the Soul, it's okay, as for other things ... He believes that the Yuan Temple is already arranged.

After decades, he passed a territory called Tianyin Star Sea. This territory is the will of his will to go to the Soul of Soul.

In the air of the sky, there are several servants who come to the sky.

"The eyes have been locked, you can do it at any time." One of the servants.

"Don't worry first." A triangular dark old man in the crowd shook his head, "I waited for me."

Subsequently, this triangle eye is dark, and the blood and robes are waiting quietly, no one has any questions about this overnight.

Just just a kung fu, this is dark old man opens the eyes, and the eyes will show a cold, "Hurry and retreat!"

The voice is falling, this dark older and the number of sergeants next to it immediately as a bloody, and quickly disappeared from all sides, and quickly disappeared.

And these people just walked soon!

A burly man wearing a black dragon armor, the burly man with a thick knife appeared here, and his eyes were cold and cold.

"Hey, this group is small, escape is really fast!"

The burly man snorted, and then the body was shameful and disappeared.

The sword is unlicensed, I don't know where it happened here. He is just the way forward, and it has always been unimpeded in the middle of the road.

After 90 years later, he disappeared the soul domain, followed by the help of the spatial insect cave in the Soul domain, and went to the ancient gods.


Ancient sacred land, one of the four major holy land occupied by the special ethnic group.

It is also a huge terrestrial land, but there is a difference in the top ten holy places with human cultivators. There is no block in the ancient sacred land.

"Here, is the ancient gods?"

The sword is unparalleled on the ground of the ancient gods, and the eyes are around the surroundings and feel the surroundings.

He can be seen that this ancient Shengdi's cultivation environment is not bad more than ten cultivation holy land.

"At this moment, there are two people in the sense of my soul, but I can't feel the breath of the ancient gods. Is it the people of other ethnic groups?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The ancient sacred land, although it is the ancient god, but there are also many special ethnic groups, these special ethnic groups have the formation tribe, and some are born with ancient gods, the number, these special ethnic groups, nature There are many more than the ancient gods. "The voice of the King is ringing in the sword.

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

"In the ancient sacred land, many ancient gods will also survive in tribe, but more ancient gods are concentrated in the nine King City, this nine king can also be said to be the top of the old sacred land. The strongest Forces. "Yu Wang said again.

"The top strongest force? That is to say, the ancient god group is not a full unified ethnic group?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Yes." Zhu Wang said: "For a long time, it is not known for how many years. In the oldest period, there is an ancient god in the ancient gods. He has a high in the ancient goddess. The royal blood and strong strength, then the ancient gods had his command, but it was indeed a complete ethnic group, but since the ancient god disappeared, or after the fall, the ancient goddess was completely split, and it became nine Dawang City. "

"The nine kings, has always been ruling from the king of the top of the top of the ancient gods, and the owner of the owner before, he is an eight-star king ancient god, in the ancient gods. Standing in the top of the pyramid, therefore, it also occupied a big king city, and there were several seven-star ancient gods, many six-star god. "

"However, after Luo Zhen Wang fade, his Wangcheng will naturally be occupied by other royal gods."

"The Queen of King, the ancient god of the ancient gods, is already a big energy level?" The sword suddenly asked.

"Well, it is a powerful person, but only the ordinary energy, just with your human holy land, the same level, and eight-star ancient god, is the first level of your star founder." Wang Dao.

"That is to say, a big king city in the ancient sacred land, there is a total of ordinary energy, plus eight-star ancient gods like the Lord of the Agenda Hero," Swordless.

"Yes." King nodded.

"Good guy, the big king city is this, if it is the nine king city, the ancient god family is completely unified, how strong is that power?" The sword is unparalleled.

"At least a big holy place in your human being." King said directly.

"It's also true." The sword is unparalleled, "it's right, the eight star ancient god in the ancient god is the level of the Lord of Xingchen Palace, then ... Jiu Xing ancient gods? At the beginning, the ancient god of the ancient gods The emperor is not a nine star ancient god? "

"Jiuxing Ancient God ..." The king silent is a moment, and he said: "Jiuxing Ancient God is the first of your humanity, but this level is too little, according to what I know, the ancient people history only appeared two The nine star ancient gods, one of which was fallen in a war, as for one of the rest, now I am not in the ancient goddess, I don't know. "

"As for the ancient God, it is said ... he is a ten star god!"

"Ten stars?" The sword was unparalleled.

Nine-star ancient gods is the level of the human cultivator, and the emperor is the master of the Great Shengdi, the highest existence of the Holy Sales.

And ten stars, it must be above the emperor, what is it?

"Of course, the ten star is just a legend. I have to reach it. I don't know that people who know the whole of the ancient gods should now know, after all, the ancient gods, it is too long." .

The sword has shrugged.

"The sword is unparalleled, you will ask the two special ethnic people, see where we are now." Said the king.

"Well." The sword nodded, and then he took the two atmospheres directly in the power of his soul.

Above the voids, the two people are slowly flipped in front.

Both of these two people have a few talls, they have more than two meters, and the whole body is dark red, and there is a unicorn on the forehead. It is clearly from the same group.


The sword is unparalleled in front of these two.


These two dark red skin universal men are immediately vigilant.

"Two, don't be nervous, I just want to find two ways." The sword is unparalleled.


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