Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1618 Ancient Sword

"Ask for directions?"

The two dark red skin of the unconpected man face each other, and then one of them smiled: "I want to ask the way very simple, as long as you can defeat me, no matter what you ask, my brothers know all."

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled.

Just asking a road, I have to defeat these two people?

"The sword is unparalleled, the ancient Chinese special ethnic group is very much, and these special ethnic groups are mostly very embarrassed, no matter what, they are talking about fists. These two people are also the top borders, see you at the same level with them. This wants to fight with you. "Said the king said.

"What is this?" The sword smiled without a pair of downs, said: "In this case, please ask two shots."

"We have two brothers, you will pick one first." The one as a brothers said.

"Don't be so troublesome, you are two, and you will take it together." The sword is unparalleled.

"It's so arrogant, big brother, since he said this, then our brothers join hands together, and less teach him."

"it is good."

These two dark red skin of the unconpected man reached a consensus, when the figure of the two moved simultaneously.

At the moment, the moment! boom!

The earth is shred in an instant. These two people were originally only two meters high, but at this moment, he rose to ten meters high.

It is like two hills, and the sword is directly in the sword.


The sword is unparalleled, and the figure is moving. Before a 'Hill', then it will be in a box, and the bombardment is coming.

The elderly universal man is violent. At this moment, it is also a huge fist that hits the huge fist.


Two arguments have been in contact with a full-scale fist. After issuing a low sound sound, the unicorn is like a hill-like body.

The sword has no double shape is another move, but it appears above the top of another unicorn, his index finger points out, gently press the head.



The ground below the universal man is in an instant, and his body is also completely pressed by the sword.

Just instantly kung fu, this battle is over.

"You are two, can you have to take it?" The sword watched the two people in front of him.

These two people are also researched as two meters high, and two people look at the sword with a shock.

"Your strength, actually enlarged?" The elderly unlocked man was exclaimed: "My brother is a member of the Walker, and my fire is born to be good at strength, and we with you. It is also in the same level, but the result is hard, but is completely crushed by you? "

"In this ancient sacred land, you can crush my fire in the same order, you should only have an ancient god, but it is still the kind of blood!"

"I am indeed ancient god." The sword is unparalleled and directly admitted, "Two, can I answer my question now?"

"Of course, adults, what problems, you are asking." The elderly unicorn is connected.

The ancient sacred land, many ethnic groups, with strength.

The strength of the sword is stronger than them, they naturally serve.

"I want to know, where is the territor of the ancient gods, is the nearest Wangcheng, where is it?" The sword did not ask.

After just a moment, the sword was unparalleled, and the answer they wanted was already.

The two fires have also left directly.

"The sword is unparalleled, let's go, go to the nearest Ancient King City." Said King said.


The sword nodded, when the guidelines of the two fires were in the nearby Wangcheng nearby.

Ancient Wangcheng, one of the ancient people of the nine ancient gods, and the ancient god of this king city, mostly in ancient surname.

In the ancient goddess, the last name is symbolic.

There are a lot of surnames of the ancient god, but there is a royal name of the royal family, but there is not much.

The ancient surname is the name of the royal family.

Huge Gu Wangcheng, strong, such as the cloud, there are many strong people from those special ethnic groups, but more is ancient god!

In this ancient king city, the ancient gods living alone all year round exceed 10 million, and the ancient gods of the ancient surnames, at least 50%.

The sword has come to this ancient king city.

Walking on the streets of Gu Wangcheng, the sword is unparalleled to see a lot of people, these people are normal human appearance, some are the people of the ancient gods, and people with all kinds of other ethnic people. And around the street can see a building, which is mostly very high, after all, the ancient people itself is very high.

"The sword is unparalleled, since you come to the ancient god group, it is also the name of the ancient god of the gods, or you have always used the sword. There is a monster, it will inevitably attract attention." Yu Wang reminded the road .

"Well." The sword nodded, after sinking, he had an idea. "This ancient king city is mostly ancient surname, then I will call the ancient sword, simple "

"As long as it is like the name of the ancient family, it is ok." The King did not look.

"Right, I remember that I was in the ancient god ethnic group in the sky in the green fire community, that is, the ancient surname, their leader, or an ancient god of a seven-star king, I don't know if they follow this ancient Wangcheng will not be associated. "The sword is unimaced.

"Since it is an ancient ancient god, then it is definitely related to the ancient kings."

"If this is the case, then it is interesting, I don't know if I will encounter the ancient gods in this ancient kingdom." The sword is not a few expectations.

"Don't take this first, first register for a hundred-year-old ancient gangster trial assessment." King said.

"The ancient god palace trial assessment? What is it?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The ancient godberg, that is the place specializing in cultivating ancient mystery and killing school, nine kings, every Wangcheng has an ancient god, and the five-star teaching in the ancient gods is the secret of six-star ancient god. Surgery and incense, the minimum conditions entering the ancient god hone are the five-star ancient gods of the three ancient gods, you just met the requirements. "Said the King said.

"That is to say, I want to practice the ancient mystery of the ancient mysterium that I am now, I have to join the ancient god." The sword is unparalleled.

"This is the case, except the ancient god, in the ancient sacred land, I want to get the secret of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top, almost no hope, like some ancient gods in the ancient gods, and they also have the secret of the ancient gods. However, the level is too low. "Kings said.


The sword is unparalleled, and then directly towards the ancient king of this ancient king.

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